Thursday, January 31, 2019
Legality of Suicide and Assisted Suicide :: essays research papers
Suicide has become a big part of American society, course after year more people are taking their throw lives for many different reasons. A lot of philosophers ware broken atomic reactor all the reasons of suicides into two different categories, judicious suicide and irrational suicide. A rational suicide has been given five basic criteria that usually must(prenominal) be met for the souls act to be considered rational. The five criteria which a person must show for their suicide to be considered rational are, the ability to reason, realistic human beings view, adequacy of information, avoidance of harm, and accordance with funda amiable interests.(Battin 132) Another opinion of reason of suicide is, it is the exceed thing for him from the point of view of his own welfare-or whether it is the best thing for someone being advised, from the point of view of that persons welfare(Brandt 118). peck have to characterize suicides because a lot of times they dont unde rstand what that person is going through so by grouping them and placing criteria on them it allows them to intromit it in an easier manner. A lot of suicides are grouped in the rational category because they are committed so the person can be saved from the pain they may be experiencing from a terminal disease. This seems to be just about the but true rational and morally go under reason why a person should commit suicide. Yet a lot of times these patients are heavily sedated, so that it is impossible for the mental processes of decision leading to action to occur.(Brandt 123) In other words these patients have a rational reason to commit suicide, yet their mind is not capable of making that decision. So if terminally ill patients are the only ones who have a good rational reason to commit suicide, consequently where does that leave everyone else? Well just about everyone else commits suicide because of a bittie thing that enters everyones life at some time and that th ing is called depression. impression can come from several different things, such as a loss of something like a job, a loved one, a weapon such as an arm or leg, or anything else that might be held dear to that person. Other things could be rejection at home or in the work place, abuse, and sometimes even the thought of getting old and not wanting to know what tomorrow holds in store.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Andrew Marvells To His Coy Mistress and John Donnes A Valedictorian:
Andrew Marvells To His Coy Mistress and John Donnes A Valedictorian threatening Mourning One may define poetry as creative and creative writing which uses elements like rhyme, meter, and imagery to express personal thoughts, feelings, or ideas. Certain subjects recur frequently in poetry such as carpe diem, nature, death, and family. Andrew Marvells To His Coy Mistress and John Donnes A Vale phrasing Forbiddmg Mourning, focus on the prevalent topic of love. Although both poems emphasize the importance and meaning of love, the intent of each poem reveals differences with regard to the conception and magnitude of the love the diction shows contrasting ways in which each poet incorporates love into the overall antecedent while distinct figurative language devices further convey the themes. whole of these differences add to the understanding and effectiveness of the poems. In To His Coy Mistress, the loudspeaker does non conceive of true, ardent love to him, love does not go b eyond the realm of physical beauty or, perhaps, the realm of his mistresss bedroom. The woodland of the prime(prenominal) stanza illustrates the inconstancy and exaggeration of the speaker with comments like, An hundred years should go to praise / Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze / Two hundred to adore each breast... (13-15). Here, the speaker appears to be flirting and fawning upon his young mistress. The second stanza differs greatly from the first in that instead of using flattery to seek love or sexual favors from his mistress, the speaker resorts to blatant honesty. One may describe the tone as altogether realistic, gloomy, and eerie. In this stanza, the speaker clearly explains that his love get out diminish when his mistresss beauty fades as he say... ...d easily manipulated therefore, their love a lot like the gold can withstand change. Again, in the .final three stanzas, Donne metaphorically compares the two lovers to a compass. As long as his lady carcass firm (3 5) or fixed (27) like the fixed foot in the center of the circle, then the she can anticipate her loves return as he completes his journey, his path around the circle.Poems may share certain characteristics, but they a great deal possess unique attributes.Andrew Marvells To His Coy Mistress and John Donnes A valediction ForbiddingMourning, similarly concentrate on the subject of love. However, each poet contrasts in his conception of love and the way he chooses to disclose this conception with tone, diction, and other figurative language devices. By recognizing the differences, one comes to value and appreciate each poems significance.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Algerian War
just about of the Afri laughingstock countries drive at matchlessness time of separate been engaged into contendf ar, either as a come in by for expelling from the colonialism or as a response from the bad g everywherenance which has characterized most move of this virtuous. I opine that most of these defends ar justified since they led to liberation of the spate. For example the hold to draw a representation the colonialist was a noble park trend since it brought independency in this region. The colonial powers were only up to satisfy their prehensile appetite for resources from Africa leaving the continent b be with depleted resources.They were refractory to take out Africa dry and perhaps this explains why they clung to the colonies for so long such that they had to be thrown away either finished armed assays or through inter commonwealthal pressure. Some of the colonies were determined to experience African countries their overseas territories so that the y can continue oppressing the Africans. One such get was the french administration which cute to extend their unwelcome stay in Algeria culminating into a struggle which had bulky rigs slightly of which argon still mat up today.One of the countries in Africa where the struggle for independence was quite remarkable and tout ensembleow for ever be in the fib books is Algeria. In this paper I will approach to explore the pillowcases of this war that brought hope to the Algerian volume and changed the course of their history forever. I will explain the course of the war analyzing the events which took place, and fin al acey confront at the effects of this struggle both in Algeria and France. (Windrow, M and Chappell 1997 5) This hoidenish was colonized by the French who occupied it for since early 1830s. They ruled this democracy for close to wizard hundred and fifty years.By 1954 the Algerians had become tire, weary and cater up by this occupation. They father h ad enough and they were lay to liberate themselves. In 1954 they waged a war which went down to the history as one of the fiercest in the history of independence struggle. This was the climax of their aggression and humiliation they had undergone for the last one hundred years. They were so determined such that nonhing would have dour them back. The mights were ready, they enjoyed massive subscribe to form the international bodies to a greater extent(prenominal) than so from their Arab live who overly wanted to see one of their neighbor redeemed from the durance of colonization.This conflict erupted exactly fifty years ago, despite being an independence struggle a war is a war, nearlything which leads to loss of life and close of priggishty. It was an ugly war that dominated the human race press to near the corresponding extent as an other(prenominal) wars that have been fought in the world in the recent past. (Windrow, M and Chappell, M 1997 p3) The war ended with a elevate for the French side save the stead in Algeria had changed, despite the fol slump they had to grant the large number of Algeria the granting immunity they had been yearning.A question crops up, what could have happened if the Algerians won the war? Would they have tried to extend their territory beyond the curved borders? These are pertinent expels whose answers can non be drive. For one it would have been almost impossible for the Algerian independence fighters to win given the train of the armies for the 2 sides. The French ha d a well coordinated force while Algerians only depended on militias who were non properly coordinated. Again the issue of weapons comes up the French had access to modern and sophisticated weapons which Algerians could only have breathing ined of.This war had many unique features it was a three- and finally four-edged struggle between the French judicature, the European colonists and the Algerian nationalists and finally Charles de Gaulle. All these parties to the strife were pursuing different interests. The war left Algeria deeply bruised as a nation. It had slightly serious implication that no one could have imagined, its effect were not only matte up in this newton African outlandish but overly way back in France. (Shields,J 2007 27) Causes of the state of warTo understand the actual causes of this conflict it is important that we try to get a real bit of Algeria at that moment and in the past. This information will shed some light on why the Algerian bulk wanted to be free. Windrow and Chappell argue that the conflict was purely economical and social some cardinal five percent of the Moslems population were illiterate and they suffered chronic unemploymentp3. Therefore for these plurality to be liberated from the serious problems they were facing they had to get rid of the forces which they felt that were undermining their endeavors to lead a better life.By the time the war was erupting Alge ria had been under French occupation for close to a century where the territory was being reoffered to as a French overseas province. Windrow and Cappell observed that only a scurvy percentage of the Muslims population in this hoidenish enjoyed the French citizenry rights where one was privileged to own property. By this time the Muslims population had rose to eighter millions. This population could not have survived under the conditions that prevailed in Algeria where the economy was not performing well and then their condition was not all that formered.This level of poverty which has been take outd as abject greatly contributed to this conflict. I believe that when a society is subjected to conditions which are inhuman they will emission up and necessitate what is right adequate(a)y theirs. This is exactly what happened in Algeria. The people were generally tired of being subjected to suffering by conflictingers, they wanted to live a respectable life, though they wante d to solve things in a passive way of life conflict could not have been avoided since the French organisation was adamant and they wanted to continue with the occupation of this resource rich country.(Shields, J 2007 28) The Algerians were dissatisfied with the discussion by the French presidential term as second class citizens. They felt that this being country and they had every right to live in it and more(prenominal) than so manage any other person. In my research I have gathered that this is a problem that existed in all the African colonies where African faced serious discrimination. They were treated badly and subjected to unimaginable sufferings. Most of these people did not enjoy the privileges which the other races were entitled to.They were regarded as low class who should be civilized though the move of assimilation. When people are treated in such a horrible manner as happened in Algeria, eventually they will be fed with the situation and demand what is rightfu lly their. This is what the Algerians did they were tired of such an environment where they could not enjoy full rights like anybody else. They had to look for a way to solve their problem, they did not forebode a situation where for the French colonial government would grant them independence through a silver platter.They were determined to go all the way and discover their freedom. Algerians were determined to pursue their independence it is in this struggle that patriotism and its elements are shown. The Algerian War was started mainly revolting Algerian militarisation which sought freedom on the premises of bad polices which segregated the people especially those cultures which did not speak in French. (Nehma, A and Zeleza, P 2008 56) During the plump for World War, Algerians were actively involved both local and those of the European descent, they fought for France.In furnish they were supposed to be handsomely rewarded for their efforts. This is a promise that the French g overnment never unplowed. These world war soldiers were disoriented since when the colonial government did not keep its promise. They felt betrayed they had to find alternatives so that they can survive the knotty time that ensued. They were easy target for the recruits because of their hostility to the government that never kept its promise. These soldiers were actively involved in the freedom struggle for Algeria, perhaps to avenge the French colonial government for neglecting them.This something that happened all over the continent, Africans were enrolled to fight for foreign countries and in the return they were to get some favors from the colonial governments. In Kenya the freedom fighters who were popularly known as the Mau Mau were mostly soldiers who had been recruited to fight for British overseas. On return they were supposed to be given land. Just like the French counterparts in Algeria the British colonial government did not honor its promise. The soldiers form the co mpany to fight for the freedom in that country and also to get wind the colonial government a lesson (Windrow, M and Chappell 1997 5)My argument is that nationalism compete a big role in the struggle for independence in this country. The Algerians were motivated by their desire to maintain cultural freedom and also reversion of the state to the rightful owners, who were the Algerian people. When the French people habilitate their foot in this land they were determined to get this country. they employ all manner of tactics to subject the indigenous people to their rule. Rapes,killings and many other barbaric acts were committed to the Algerians in the name of conquered the country. The French soldiers burnt harvests emptied granaries and many other unfortunate things.This ca apply great bitterness between the dickens throngs, this hate grew reaching climax during the freedom struggle. Algerian resistance was industrious though it was only for a short time they were not li vely to fight foreign forces who wanted to take what is rightfully theirs. When it came to the freedom struggle they had learnt their lessons and were more determined than ever to ensure they were left free to rule their country as they wished. From the resistance which was mounted during the colonization period an insurgence which will later come to liberate the country was born.There arose some cultural tension between the Muslims and the French people a face of resentment that lasted until this period and later came to yield to the type of aggression witnessed during the independence war. (Nehma, A and Zeleza, P 2008 58) Course of the war In the wee hours of 1st November 1954 the group nameed National Liberation Front was ready to start the liberation struggle, they launched massive polishs in different areas of Algeria They targeted the military and police posts, public areas among other of the essence(p) areas runled by the colonial government.The group called on all the M uslims in Algeria to fountain up against a regime that was heavy and puzzle out back saneness own their country where all people especially the indigenous Africans could be treated with respect. What would have happened if the people of Algeria did not rally behind this call to liberate themselves? I believe that the colonial government was very a great look at determined to retain this country. Once it is rich in oil resources among other minerals. Therefore by granting independence or ceasing power would transfer control of these resources to the Africans.Settlers would not have liked the idea since they had grown to, like the country and what they were getting from here. (Williams, N et al 2007 78) The government responded with massive force against this insurgency from the people who were tagged as terrorists. Would people who were fighting to liberate the masses be labeled as terrorist? In my opinion the FLA fighters were not terrorists sort of they were group of peopl e who were responding to an oppressive regime. Many leading have been labeled as terrorists but times have proved them right.One such leaders was the former freedom fighter from South Africa who later became the President and one of the most popular and respected men in the world. Nelson Mandela was a terrorist agree to the apartheid rulers of South Africa but to his people he was a hero. The self corresponding(prenominal) nerve applies the freedom fighter in Algeria the French government declared these people as terror agents but to the Algerians they were heroes who can be relied on to make their mother country free once more. (Williams, N et al 2007 79)As the FLN spread their activities across the country, many European farmers in the country side were forced to wander their farms and belonging and shifted to the capital where they sought refuge. Here they pressured the government to take a stern action against the militias. The colons started organizing their own form of retaliation where they grouped some militias whom would attack the FLN members allover the country especially in Algiers. The Europeans called on the government to declare a state of emergency so that it can deal with the situation properly.(Williams, N et al 2007 78) The war took an ugly twist when the FLN fighters started to attack the noncombatants. This happened way back in August 1955,a great massacre of the civilian was reported near Phillippeville,the attack was carried out by the freedom fighters. Intially the group had an operation tactic where it was only targeting the military and government properties. Now with the direct target of the people they were supposed to be fighting for compound the matter. mayhap this happens in every war. The civilians who in most cases are innocent get bruised.This killing was largely condemned and it prompted the French government to step up its effort on the war. Innocent lives had been lost including those who were not involved inn the war, the children and women. In response to this attack the government claimed to have killed more than one gm guerillas. FLN gave some conflicting reports by claiming that more than twelve thousand Muslims died on retaliatory attacks coming from the French colonial government and the colon vigilante groups. (Alexandar, M and Keiger, J 2002 78)By 1956 it is estimated that the French government had already commission more than 400,000 wads to help crush the resistance that was mounting in this colony. They established that it would not be an easy t take on to fight the groups that were coming up more so when they were using guerilla tactic and applying terrorism methods to fight the French government and its supporters. In the freedom fight there were Algerians who accompaniment the government . There were close to one hundred and eighty Muslim Algerians who were in the French forces and most of them were fighting as volunteers.In my opinion I believe that these people were sup porting the government because they wanted the status quo to remain. They were already benefiting from the system and changes where freedom will be granted their normal lives will be affected. Most of these volunteers have been assimilated into the French system and have been accorded full French citizenship. To them they were fighting for their country but to the rest of the Algerians they were traitors, who had betrayed the noble cause to liberate the country. In 1956 and 1957 the violence escalated, it took a complete new prop where the civilians were not spared by two warring sides.The military arm of the FLN used the tactics of hit and run where they recorded huge success. They avoided direct attacks or confrontation with the French troops. I believe that the group did this to avoid a situation where they would be overwhelmed by the French might. It is a known feature that the French troops had superior weapons than the militia groups. The war was proving to be complicated af fairs for the French troops since the adoption of the hit and run tactics. It was graceful hard for the forces to get them since they were mixing with the civilians once they have launched an attack.This tactic has been used by many fighters who believe that the enemy has the power and the might to strike them. To their advantage they rely on the expertise of their fighters readying them on the tactics which can be described as terrorist like where they attack the enemy in the areas where attacks are least expected. Kidnapping was also used, those commonly targeted were the collaborators especially the officials and those civilian who refused to support the revolutionary movement were not spared either, they were murdered. (Alexandar, M and Keiger, J 2002 79)The fact that the revolutionary group was forcing people to support them clearly shows that not all the Algerians supported the war as a means to get what they wanted. They are those who believed that there are other avenues which could have been employed and the ugly situation that prevailed at the moment could have been avoided. To some extent I tend to agree with this group which preferred peaceful means to the struggle against freedom, may be the destruction that was being witnessed at this moment would have been avoided. So many lives had been lost and yet freedom had not come by this year.Would it have been possible for the French government to fancy into the talks with the so called militias? Perhaps this seemed like a mirage but eventually this happened later. The use of coercive methods on the fellow countrymen shows that the group had not inspired the whole Muslim population to rally behind them in the course. The group continued to gain ground by having control over region which were previously government controlled. In these regions they instituted some temporary authorities where they were able to collect taxes and also recruit fighters. The groups had to do this so that it can get some r evenue to support itself .This was very vital for their survival. (Alistair, H 2006 18) French troops were forced to go back to the drawing tabular array and come up with the new methods of fighting. In 1957 French General instituted a system where the country was divided into the sectors. Each sector was allocated a troop which had a role of suppressing the rebels activities. This method proved to be effective since the revolutionaries activities were greatly reduced in some of the areas. Barriers were also placed in the borders so that the fighters who were coming from the neighboring countries could not gain access.Morocco and Tunisia being close neighbors to this North African country were hosting some of the fighters and even helping the revolutionary groups finacially. This type of help has been common in every part of Africa. There are wars which are financed by the neighboring countries when they have some vested interest. For these two countries they were compel to help si nce a friendly Muslim community needed liberation. (Alistair, H 2006 18) The French military started to ruthlessly attack those areas that they melodic theme had been supporting the rebels.They utilize the principle of collective responsibility where all the villages cooperating with guerillas in any way whether sheltering or paying taxes to them were bombed. Those villages which were unreachable remote areas were raided through the air. A supervisory system where these villages were rate on all time surveillance was instituted. This was to oppose the villagers from helping the rebels inn whatever way. There were areas especially in the mountainous region of Algeria where close to two million people were removed and transferred to the plains.This shows the finale these forces had to completely finish the revolutionary movement. If the French government was so determined to see to it that resistance has been crashed would they have used less time and resources negotiating with the so called rebel group? I believe this is an option that they were not ready to explore since they wanted to continue calling the shots in this country and again they would have been seen as a weak country entering into negotiation with a weak group-so they thought. In my observation France was afraid of repeating the equivalent mistake as was in the Indochina war.They did not want to be seen as a though they were losing their grip and hence their position in the world political arena. They had to fight this war till the end and losing to them was not an option. (Yasher,F 1989 98) impale home in France there was a feeling that the situation has to be brought in to contol. Many were calling for the return of Charles de Guella return to power so that he can sort out the situation to the favor of his motherland and avoid a humiliation that will bruise the image of this right nation. (Hurd,E 2007 55).Charles was seen as the only figure that would rally the nation and give it the p roper direction. Indeed his return was greeted by many as a good sign where the hostilities would be ended. His return was perhaps greeted with almost the same exultation Americas president elect Barrack Obama got when he was elected the forty frontward occupant of the white house. The Muslims in Algeria were now tired of this warfare which had done for(p) most of what they had. They wanted a break from this ugly situation. And the man occupying the blanket seat in France was the solution to their problem.(Yasher, F 1989 98) By the 1958 the rebels had been pushed to the wall, the French army was gaining grounds. They had won the military control in almost all the regions in the country. In the preceding years pressure was mounting on France to grant Algeria its independence. Charles was determined towards this course but he was getting some opposition from the settlers who felt that he had betrayed them. They even attempted unsuccessfully to whirl him. Talks with rebels were ins tituted paving way for a free nation. The importAlgerias people dream to be an independent nation was finally granted. But I would ask was it worth this much? Many people had died in the course of this war. both(prenominal) sides suffered heavy casualties. This is a situation that could have been avoided if men and women had let reason to prevail but man being a selfish animate being who is determined to destroy had to do all that he can to ensure he is not humiliated. France was fighting for her position in the global politics,on the same hand Algeria was fighting for recogniton in the world map as a sovereign nation.Their course was the same only that one was being denied by the other a chance to fulfill its course. (Hurd,E 2007 55) One conflict gave rise to another,it is funny how we solve one problem and in the process antoher crops. No wonder one philosopher said man lives to solve problems without them life has no meaning. The problem in Algeria was deepened by the crisis which engulfed the movement that was very blunt in the freedom struggle. Ahmed Bella was becoming very popular and in the process he wa challenging the leadership of the prime minsiter Ben Khedda.He later came to be elected the premier in an electionwhich was described as one sided. He announced that Algeria was not going to support any side as far as the world politics were concerned. He made familiarity with Kennedy,Castro and many other leaders. This was in the an aim of consolidating his power and at the same time make Algeria a daring to those countries who could have provided aid. In an African style he did not last long he was desposed and put in a house arrest. This dispostiton was masterminded by the elements who were not happy with the Algerias progress.They are the vestigial elements that were left by the colonialist. Most of the problems being see in this nation can be traced way back to the Algerian war and colonisation. The determination of the FLN government to hol d on power and the oppositon mounting fromm the muslim fundamentalst groups have made this nation to be at war. (Hurd,E 2007 55) William ,N et al(2007) describe the Algerian war as nastier than the vietnam independence war(p44). Algeria as a french department had a lot instake. It was home to milions of settlers from europe who wanted to nourish their intersts at all the cost.They felt betrayed by the man many thought would bring a solution to the algerian problem. They were not ready to enter in to the negotiation or yield to any demands made by the Algerians. French government which has beeen described in many occasssions as one-half hearted reform did not convinvce the people of Algeria otherwise. The analysis of the situation indicate that algerians were more determined than ever,the repression directed to them by the french forces only gave them more heartiness to continue with the struggle. The situation in Algeria threatened to break France as anation .A friction match was planned where a regime that was seen as incapable of handling the situation was to be replaced. The situation was saved by Charles de Guella who was called upon to rescue the nation. French positon in the global positon was in an all time low. (William ,N et al 2007She has been humiliated again,she was losing her colonies in a very horrible way. Her ego had been seriously bruised. This greatly affectred the nation pride,even Charles government was not soared either despite his popularity. He was facing more problem than one could have imagined.He was losing colonies,immigration and unemployment was rising. Voilent strikes broke out in paris,this was a common thing from know on. These events can be traced back to the aftermath of the Algerian war which left the nation image seruios injured. Perhaps this was more serios than the defeat frace suffered during the Pro-Russian wars. (Hurd,E 2007 55) Conclusion The Algerian war represents the African struggle from the oppressive colonial regime but a question crops up when I look at the situation in most of the African countries.Some of them are in a bad shape than they were during the colonial time. What happened in this countries is that colonialist were subsituted by dictatorship. A good example is Zimbabwe,the county is on its knees due to the years of misrule,many other nations are in the near blink not because of the foreign supremacy but from the mismanagement which has characterized these nations for along time. It is high time that africa as a continent wake up to reality,rise up and embrace the true democracy. the one which will end the civil war in algeria and many other parts of Africa.The solutions lie within,pressure from the outside world can only bring temporary solution but the bigger picture lies within the continent to come up with solution that will bring conflicts to an end. The solidarity exprewssed by the people of algeria and the determination to gain independence should serve as an example to all those nations experiencing chaos.Work citedWindrow,M and Chappell,M. Algerian War 1954-62,Osprey Publishing co. (1997).Shields, J. The extreme Right in France,Routledge(2007).Nehma,A and Zeleza,P. The root of African Conflicts,The cause and Costs,Ohio University Press(2008).Williams,N,Berry,O ,Fallon,S and Catherine,N. Algerian War,Lonely Planet(2007).Alexander,M and Keiger,J. France and Algerian War,Taylor and Francis (2002).Alistair,H. A savage War of PeaceAlgeria 1954-1962,New York Books(2006).Yashir,F. The MediterrenenProspects of a New Intergration,New York,United Nations University Press(1989).Hurd,E. The Politics of Secularism in international Relations,Princetown,Princetown University Press.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
My Favorite Healthy Meal
I do, and its a delicious misfire poor boy. Its my favorite meal because its healthy, it fills me up, and best of all, its scrumptious, all at the same condemnation This meal is healthy because it has bonnie about all the food groups you privation in a healthy meal. It has meat, vegetables, dairy, and chaff. The reason the meat in my sub is misfire cold cut, is because turkey doesnt carry much modify in it. You get your vitamins and nutrients from the vegetables and you get grains from the wheat borecole.One of the advantages of dairy, is that dairy strengthens your bones. The ingredients needed are sliced, turkey cold meat, shredded lettuce, sliced cucumbers, sliced American cheese, low fat ranch, and a six-inch wheat bread that are used for subs. Before you start, swear out your hands with warm water and soap. To start off, you have to get six-inches of wheat bread cut the sub from left to right. After you cut the bread open, take one slice of the turkey at a time, and s tart from one end of the sub, line them up crosswise the entire sub. Next, do the same thing with theAmerican cheese. After that, take the shredded lettuce and spread it across the sub on top of the meat and cheese. Next, get the sliced cucumbers and Just do the same as you do with the meat and cheese. In the adjacent step, grab the low fat ranch and put one on-key line of ranch on top of the vegetables, meat, and cheese. Lastly, close It up and sleep together your sub In conclusion, I think this sub Is a bully sub that I love to make and eat It Is a groovy and healthy meal I hope you get to make It and correct more Importantly, Like It Again, this Is a healthy, yet delicious meal
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Observing a Preschool Classroom Bicultural
July 1, 2012 M L HD 351/551 assignment5 Book reflection solvent conflicts at work indication some of The cardinal strategies for everyone on the job, one that I give very important was, Why flock engage in arduous style, is because, some cartridge clips we judge citizenry by their unvoiced behavior, and we do not take the time to ask Why they behave that way. For us could seems (senseless) or irrational to us, we ought to find out why they behave that way.Every time we ask an honest, emphatic headland Why, we ask may speck to a more accurate description of the reasons they chose to engage in thorny behaviors. Every accurate description of those behaviors can help us to sprout a strategy for stopping or discouraging them. One account statement in the chooseing is about a group of employees learned this lesson when they asked the oppugn Why one person balkd to go a considerable with the consensus and adamantly refuse to accept the design favored by the rest of the grou p.Her trying behavior created considerable conflict and criticism, moreover she held firm, seeming to enjoy the conflict and felicitous as she stood her ground. By asking Why and other open-ended questions, they detect that her real issue had nothing to do with her design of the coordinating committee, but concerned her work team where she had been unsuccessful in raising or solving the problem. Another important point that I call for was, that sometimes family or co-workers engage in difficult behavior because they have family problems at home.One example, I recall when I was supervising this person with a difficult behavior, I found out she was having personal problems, I never asked the question why. Perhaps if I would have the knowledge of this book Resolving conflicts at work, it could be easier for me to work with this person. What the author want us to believe is to understand better, why people behave that way, never to point them for their difficult personally. Moreov er, not regarding their negative behavior, but honestly calling management to the difficulties it creates for us.One of the patterns I have discovered in the reading was that we would find people with this kind of difficult behavior in our job, co-workers and our own families I read that difficult behaviors start in the family. Some of these difficult behaviors probably began long before we entered in their lives. Another important point in The ten strategies duologue about some difficult behaviors people have since childhood, they comply a pattern because no one re figure out their conflicts before. Resolving conflicts at work strategy 7 we also learned how to understand people with difficult behaviors, bust also talks about methods for changing difficult behaviors. By focusing on the behaviors of the others, offering empathetic feedback, ceasing to reward their behaviors, and curious for collaborative solutions, it is possible for us to shift from feeling hopeless in our conf licts to being strategic about them. The follow methods can help us to become more strategic in our response to difficult behaviors.They develop these methods to support the lag of a large U. S. government agency in changing their focus defining their problems as difficult people and personalities to identifying the chronic behavioral problems within the organization and developing the skills, they indispensablenessed to address them. These be only a few of the methods. * Surfacing the conflict They began by interviewing the staff about their experiences with conflicts in the work place.Summarized the main issues and distributed their comments to everyone without censoring or irrigate them down. They make a list of all the problems that needed to be solved and placed them on the table for discussion, negotiation, and problem solving. * Conflict coaching It talks about coaching the leadership team in the organization on how best to respond to conflicts and the difficult behavio rs that created them, how to model openness to criticism, how to be strategic by not rewarding them, and how to reward honest, empathetic communications instead. Teamwork By having a group conflict resolution session, they assigned everyone to random teams and asked them to read the comments from the interviews. I believed in todays competitive workplace, your ability to propound is the most important business skill. After reading this book, Resolving conflicts at work, I am planning to use these strategies when I need to disperse a conflict at work. One of my questions is How can we resolve our conflicts with our own brothers and sisters.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Case Study About Procter and Gamble Company Essay
Procter and hazard order Case AnalysisThis type involve analysis focused on Procter and Gamble Companys trade plans and strategic options on its light-duty liquid brands (beta-lipoprotein). Procter & group A Gamble is the worlds largest producer of residehold and hygiene harvest-feasts. By 1981 P& adenosine monophosphateG operated in 26 countries and sales intacted $11.4 cardinal with 90 consumer and industrial products manufactured in the United States. The case study provided some very detailed data analysis and reports in name of the company history and background, organizational structure, key factors to its success in the martplace, the family among advertising, sales, product development (PDD), manufacturing, and finance surgical incisions, and its light-duty liquid brands ( low-density lipoprotein). Highlight of Company History, Organization, and Key Success Factors * In 1890, Procter & Gamble Company was embodied with a cap stock value of $4,500,000. The neat allowed the company to skeletal system plans, buy youthful equipment, and develop naked as a jaybird products. * Sales mountain duplicate every 10 yrs.* Success factors are 1) dedicated and talented adult male resources, 2) a reputation for h angiotensin-converting enzymesty and trust, 3) prudent and conservative management philosophy, 4) pattern in superior quality of products at competitive prices, and 5) substantial selling expertise. * The company organized its products in terms of 8 categories 1) package lash and detergent, 2) bar soup and household cleaning, 3) toilet strongs, 4) paper products, 5) food products, 6) coffee, 7) nutrient Service and lodging products, and 8) special products. * Brand group planned, developed, and directed the total market effort for its brand through development of the annual marketing plan.* Brand group worked closely with other four lines. Sales department provided important perspective on consumer and trade promotion acceptance, stock want to support competitive set. * Product development department ensured continued emolument on brands quality through extensive consumer and science lab tests. * Brand group worked with manufacturing department on detailed brand passel estimates. Their interaction was crucial to new-sprung(prenominal) product development process. * Based on the volume and marketing expenditure forecasts provided by the brand groups, financial/ apostrophize analyst developed and fed back brand profit and pricing analyses as well as profit and rate of impart forecasts on new products and promotion.Using the information, Mr. Chris Wright, associate advertising manager of the Packaged muck and Detergent Division (PS&D) of the Procter & Gamble Co., was trying to agree how the division could attach volume of its light-duty liquid detergents (LDLs), capture to a greater extent allocates from the market, and increase long or short-term profit. The three options that Wright cons idered are new brand foundation, product improvement on an breathing brand, and an increase in marketing expenditures on existing brands. Each option is analyzed as follows New Brand IntroductionPros* P&Gs current LDL played a leading role in the market place. The success of its Dawn brand clearly indicated a likelihood of another new brand with a distinctive receipts could increase further P&Gs LDL Volume. * Wright precept new product potential in all three market segments (performance, mildness, and price brands) * For performance brand, market research indicated that 80% of U.S. households scour and chaparral their dishes at least once a week. H-80 invented by new engineering science as a high-performance product which can fulfill a clear consumer need based on research. The 4-week blind in house use test of H-80 and established competitive LDL, was a strong index of its potential success. * For mildness segment, a new brand which differentiates its mildness advance can help the declining segment recapture the consumers. * Although P&Gss price segment had been in decline, it was expected to modify at its current share level due to the change magnitude consumer aesthesia to price resulting from the discourage state of economy. * Wright considered the potential of producing a brand with check bit performance benefits to existing price brand competition at a appeal that allowed PS&D to maintain a good profit. Cons* The new brand would require $20 cardinal in capital coronation to cover additional production capacity and bottle molds. * The new LDL brand also needs at least $60 million for first-year introductory marketing expenditures. * The introduction of new product would take about two years plus one year if test market was needed. So three years indicated that the profit return would be a long-term pointment. Product Improvement on an existent BrandPros* Unlike new opportunity, product improvement such as introduction of H-80 formula to one of the current LDL brands would require slight investment. It would cost $20 million for the improvement and $10 million as incremental marking expenditures, which was $50 million less than a new brand. * On top of it, joyfulness brand could cut its cost of goods by $3 million per year if this new formula was introduced. The brand relaunch would cost $10 million in marketing expense with no capital investment. Cons* Although thither is a data back up how H-80 formula would capture the market, there was lack of data of the introduction of H-80 formula to the existing current LDL brands. * If consumers have already established a certain image of Joy brand group, can the change of formula attract new consumers and preserve the existing consumers? * The introduction of new product would take about one year plus two year if test market was needed. So three years indicated that the profit return would be a long-term investment. Increase Marketing Expenditures on Ex isting BrandsPros* Since the market has been static with the LDL category, Wright might avoid increasing the capital investment and reduce investment risk. * Wright could expand the overall profits by capturing larger market shares apply extra advertising and promotion techniques. Cons* There was lack of data supporting the increase in marketing expenditures on existing brands could produce the in demand(p) market share increase. * For some segments such as price brands, increasing advertising and promotion would not increase sales and market share if the price didnt decrement accordingly. This was especially true in the depressed state of economy. RecommendationsThe recommendation was to go with the combined feature of having both long-term and short-term investment. Introduction of a new product such as H-80 appeared to be a too costly investment. In such a depressed state of economy, it was not a smart decision to invest $80 million for the new product. Out of $80 million, $60 million was only used to cover the cost of the first year, not to credit rating incremental cost for the next few years. The product would require 3 years in order to be introduced to the market. Using the cost/benefit analysis, I think the first option of new brand introduction was too risky. We could combine option 2 (product improvement) as a long-term investment with the option 3 (increase marketing expenditure on existing brands) as the short-term investment. Combining these two options could increase the sales volume with very minimum capital investment. In return, it meant less risk for Procter & Gamble. The timeframe with one long-term investment and one short-term investment allowed Procter & Gamble the time, resources, and capital to focus on two endeavors strategizing more in effect(p) plans to tackle the charging and competitive market. Especially the case also indicated that increased marketing expenditures could be approved almost immediately if the plan wa s financially attractive.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Lord of the Flies Roger Character Study
Roger is one of the antagonists in the novel, Lord of the Flies, and the decisions that he makes have major impact on the unfolding of the story. He is introduced as a slightly built boy who is shy, closemouthed and keeps to himself. Rather than let Jack automatically become the leader, Roger suggests that they have a vote. This demonstrates how at the start he was a civilized person who knew what was square-toed and just to do, rather than simply allowing the loudest voice to get their way. Roger is shown to be a bully as he constantly picks on the littluns by destroying their horse sensecastles, throwing sand in their eyes and throwing rocks at them.By Rogers own nature he really wanted to hit the boys with the stones but was held affirm by guilds conditioning of his behavior and as a result befuddled every time. In the hunt his true sadistic nature is promote evidenced by his excessive personnel towards the pig. This all demonstrates that he had do a conscious decision to follow Jack rather than Ralph as this allowed him to foster his dark intentions even though he knew that this was morally wrong. He chose to be involved in the frenzy that lead to the brutal strike of Simon and afterwards showed no remorse for his actions.Therefore civilization was being outback(a) as an inhibiting factor and Roger became increasingly much primitive and savage in his behaviour. When Roger hears of Jacks intentions to beat Wilfred he hurries back to the tribe so that he can torture him himself, showing the further lost of any control society once had on him. When he was looking protrude at Piggy from his vantage point at Castle Rock, his save thoughts about Piggy were that he was a bag of fat, bring out Rogerss now clearly evident accomplish lack of empathy for others.By this stage Roger is well and truly a savage with no more restraints of civilization and because of this he gave into his sadistic urges and pushed the boulder off the cliff, cleanup Piggy. In dealing with newly captive Sam and Eric, Roger asserts authority through violence and forces them to join the tribe and tell him of Ralphs whereabouts, expressing his disregard for conventional authority. The close day Roger sets out with Jack on the hunt for Ralph with the intention of killing him and impaling him so that he can offer him to the Beast.At this point Roger exemplifies the complete division of the boys behaviour from a civilized Christian background to a Pagan tribe. However he is stopped utterly in his tracks when the maritime officer appears and he is dragged back to reality. In a flash the green goddess of a representative of civilisation from a screaming savage and has brought back all the memories of humanity. Rogerss decisions reflect how his character gradually disintegrated under the breakdown of order. To me Roger is a despicable and reprehensible character who illustrates the worst aspects of humanity.
Commercial Internet Sites Essay
Go to at least 15 commercial Internet targets such as Yahoo, MSN, and Document randomness on the types of attempts (such as pop-up windows and advertisements) that influence the viewer, including counting the number of references toward social shaping. The nett settles you have-to doe with should be listed in a reference list at the f and so on up of the impertinentlysletter. Take the learning you have gathered and write an article for your smart set intelligence operationletter summarizing your findings and drawing conclusions. The article should be at least d words in length and should demonstrate depth of thought as well as originality.The first commercial Internet weave spot that I am analyzing is the online social networking meshing situation Orkut. It permits master(prenominal)taining relationships through pictures, messages, medicament and videos. What seem interesting with Orkut are that is permits to establish new connections with people belong to some(prenominal) part of the world, help to come in contact with darkened friends and family in any part of the world. Any individual interested in making friends stooge open an account on the wind vane identify and develop their own profile. What adds uniqueness to Orkut is the fact that any friend or family member commode insert their own testimonials of that person. In the profile, personal, social and pro information can be demonstrated. Another unique feature of Orkut is that any person can search for some other by simply typewriting in the name in the search box.MSN is a community web target mainly concerned with email, messaging and social contacting. This web web state of affairs is brought out my Microsoft. The practisers interested can open an account with the MSN web site and are given an individual username and password. The user would be getting alter information from the MSN network. These include new s, sports, weather, local news, etc. Each user can make changes to the layout, color, themes, etc to the individual web page.Yahoo is a social network web site that mainly provides email, news, searches, messenger, jobs, weather, Horoscope, Health and other information. The mesh site concerns a wide range of areas. Yahoo has its sources in almost e very(prenominal) nation of the world and these provide localized information. Each user can log into the web site with his or her usernames and password.Google, whizz of the strongest search engines in the world has extended its services to other areas such as admit searches, computation, social network groups, news, maps, etc. People are mainly attracted towards Google as it search strategy is very strong and would permit the user to use their own initiative whilst search for sundry(a) aspects in the is social networking that permits users from various parts of the world to get in contact with old friends and new friends. It was launched in the year 2004. The graphic interface of the web site is very appealing and has several(prenominal) innovations such as slides, videos and the music presentation. It has several reputed news sources such as Wall Street Journal, Business Week Online, Ad week, etc.Travellers identify is a social network that provides personalized information regarding touring destinations and experiences, photo galleries, blogs, forums, maps, etc. Users can create their own usernames and passwords on the web site and get upload and download photos and videos of famous travel destinations throughout the world. The Web site works in association with another organization known as Travel helpers, which provides expert guidance to is a social networking web site that provides various features to the users, user such as galleries, blogs, music, videos, polls, groups, quizzes, events, classifieds, etc. The users can alike use several other features on the web site such as chats, interfaces, scrapbook, etc. The users would have to show on the web site with a user name and a password.Linkedln is a professional social network web site that permits the users to trade professional information with other experts and specialists throughout the world. More than 16 jillion users have registered from about 150 countries. Users who have registered include clients, partners and colleagues. Users can also search for jobs and get in contact with the job seekers.One of the main religious social networking web site in the world is My This web site was launched in 2006 offering services to Catholics in the blogs, forums, messenger services, counseling, schedule events, sermons live telecasts, paying of thanksgivings, etc. The founders of this web site have have Internet and technology in a very innovative modality to obtain one of the most advanced Ca tholic networking web sites in the world. More than 7000 Churches are associated with the web site.One of the major social networking web site in the world concerned with sharing music, videos, photos, etc, is Multiply. The web site also extends its services to other media other than the Internet including MMS and mobile services. The web site not only caters to the personal needs of the user, but also to the professional and the academic needs. Only individuals who are closely related to one another can share media information.Another social networking web site is Friendster that caters to the needs of small circle of friends. It is utilized more widely in Asia than in any other part of the world. It has been in competition with several other social networking web sites such as Yahoo 360 and Facebook. In the year 2006, the web site came out with an innovative discovery, which entitled it a patent. It demonstrated a method and an online tool to cal culate and develop relationships among people.Facebook was a social networking web site launched in the year 2004, meant for the students of Harvard University. However, as the web site was a strong success, several other universities were added including capital of Massachusetts University, MIT, etc. Slowly any student belonging to any university in the world was allowed to register on the web site. More than 58 trillion users have been registered on the web site. The site offers the users several features including sending and receiving messages, gifts, placing ads, blogs, etc.ReferencesFacebook (2007). Facebook kin Page. Retrieved on declination 26, 2007, from Web site.Friendster (2007). Friendster Home Page. Retrieved on December 26, 2007, from Web site.Google (2007). Google Help Center. Retrieved on December 26, 2007, from Google Web site http// (2007). Hikut. Retrieved on December 26, 2007, from Web site.LinkedIn (2007). Linkedin. Retrieved on December 26, 2007, from www.linkedin,com Web site.MSN (2007). MSN-Home Page. Retrieved on December 26, 2007, from MSN Web site http// (2007). Multiply Home Page. Retrieved on December 26, 2007, from Web site.My Church (2007). My Church Home Page. Retrieved on December 26, 2007, from Web site.Orkut (2007). About Orkut. Retrieved on December 26, 2007, from Orkut Web site http// (2007). Tagged Home Page. Retrieved on December 26, 2007, from Web site www.tagged.comTravellers Point (2007). Travellers Point. Retrieved on December 26, 2007, from Web site.Yahoo (2007). Yahoo Company Information. Retrieved on December 26, 2007, from Yahoo Web site http//
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Presentation of Love in the Relationships Between Edgar and Catherine and Catherine and Heathcliff
The deuce most probative descents in Catherines life atomic number 18 with Edgar and Heathcliff however, they could non be more different. Her relationship with Heathcliff is star of raw, natural passion not social stamina, whereas her marriage to Edgar is one base on convention. Her ii crawl inrs come to represent the two tell asundered parts of her identity and it is the subjective struggle betwixt these conflicting impulses that mountain be said to lead to her death. As the novel opens, Mr Lockwood says that Heathcliff is a twilit gypsy in aspect in dress and discretion a gentleman He as well as observes that Heathcliff entrust love and hate equally. His explanation of casual violence lack of manners or con officeration for early(a) people which characterizes Heathcliff is only a hint of the atmo arena of the whole novel, in which that violence is contrasted with more genteel and civilized ways of living represent by the Lintons.When Nelly dean begins to nar rate the story of Heathcliffs past, she describes him with discrimination. When Heathcliff is first introduced, Mr Earnshaw says ut you must(prenominal) een take it as a gift of God, though its as blue-blooded almost as if it came from the devil. Bronti?? implies early on that Heathcliff has gifts from both God and the discommode (good and bad characteristics). Nelly Dean describes him as a dirty, ragged, black- sensory haired child large-mouthed enough to walk and talk she also constantly refers to Heathcliff as it- Mrs Earnshaw was build to fling it out of doors. Hes a Gypsy brat, Heathcliff is constantly referred to as if he werent human.Nelly duologue of how he repeated over and over again some gibber that nodead body could under defend this describes him as a wild animal/beast. Catherine and Hindley dont automatically get on with Heathcliff. Catherine showed her humour by grinning and spitting at the stupid little thing However later on Mrs Dean describes the fri ends to be precise thick. Heathcliffs origins are obscure he was found and Not a soul knew to whom he be hankered. Nelly says they had christened him Heathcliff.. nd it has served him ever since, both for Christian and surname this emphasizes the idea of how depression Heathcliffs class is because in the 18th century, the absence of a mortals surname undefended a lack of background. Hindley hates Heathcliff from the beginning and the writer comments on how he sees Heathcliff as a usurper of his parents affections This conveys how Heathcliff was favoured above the children. Bronti?? describes Heathcliff to be as uncomplaining as a lamb which persuades the reader to think he is innocent.It is also a biblical phrase as in the bible lambs were used to portray the innocence and purity of life. Hindley fiercely calls Heathcliff an imp of Satan in contrast to the received idea that he was innocent and corresponds to the idea that Heathcliff has gifts from both God and from the devi l. In the next chapter, Catherine and Heathcliff become highly close. She was much too fond of Heathcliff. The sterling(prenominal) punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from him says Nelly showing that the two were inseparable.When Catherines fuck off dies, Nelly Dean comments on how they both set up a nervus breaking cry this shows that Heathcliff is the only person Catherine can now shape to and that they only pass each other to get through with(predicate) with(predicate) the sorrow. In Chapter VI when Heathcliff describes Thrushcross Grange, he says it was beautiful, a splendid place carpeted with redden and crimson-covered chairs and tables and a pure white ceiling b riged by atomic number 79 This interpretation creates a heavenly image of splendour especially to Heathcliff who has never seen anything alike(p) it before.Bronti?? uses the drawing room window to stand for the saltation amidst the two classes since it divides the two sets of children. The window is the barrier motif shown throughout the novel. When Catherine is recognised into the preindication and Heathcliff is rejected, this is the end of their childhood innocence and the beginning of their awareness of the deviance of class and I would acquire been there too, but they had not the manners to ask me to tarry Earlier on in the novel, Mr Lockwoods describes Wuthering Heights the house and its furniture are described as plain and nothing wicked he floor was of smooth, white stone the chairs high-backed This contrast with the description of the Grange and perhaps Bronti?? uses this as a metaphor to describe the social scope of the inhabitants of both houses. The meeting of the two families begins the tug of war for Catherine between Edgar and Heathcliff. Heathcliff describes Catherine to be attracted to the Lintons and serious of stupid admiration for them suggesting that Catherines love for Edgar was built on admiration and for what he represent s quite a than his innate qualities.At the moment when Heathcliff and Catherines intimacy is on the verge of skin rash into love, social class intrudes into the novel and their affection. As Heathcliff says- I resumed my station as a spy because, if Catherine had wished to return, I intended shattering their great furnish panes to a million fragments, unless they let her out.. This conveys that his love for Catherine is protective and possessive. If the window through which Catherine and Heathcliff first view the Lintons is a metaphor for class division, then Heathcliff vows to knockout both the literal and metaphorical boundary between him and Catherine.When Catherine comes back, it is evident that her stay at the Lintons house was the beginning of the wilting of their relationship because although she is equable extremely fond of him, she has realized how very black and cross and how funny and grim he appeared, and she has also realized that he is so dirty Heathcliff did not stand to be laughed at and ran away. Catherine has begun to think like the Lintons, and thus begins a thaw in their love. Heathcliff was hard to discover at first- if he were careless and uncared for before Catherines absence, he had been ten times more so, since says Nelly, emphasizing the fact that Catherine had defended and protected Heathcliff in their home.Heathcliff was only cared for if she was there. When Catherine returns home her behaviour is acquired her attitude and appearance as a very dignified person show that she has moved into a different sphere that of the genteel Lintons. Heathcliff cannot follow her. He tries to follow her, Nelly make me decent and he wants to have the effect Edgar has on Catherine I wish I had light hair and fair skin, and was dressed and behaved as well, and had a chance of being as rich as he go forth beAlthough Cathy still cares for the things she did with him during their childhood, she is still under a lot of pressure to become a b ird and she is vain enough to en wallow the admiration and approval she receives from Edgar, Hindley and his wife. Just as the window separated the Wuthering heights children from the Lintons in the last chapter, a actual object separates Catherine from Heathcliff. The fine dress she wears is a very real boundary between the old friends it must be sacrificed (smudged and crumpled) if she is to embrace Heathcliff.The dress is also a metaphor for the fact that id Catherine is to associate with Heathcliff, the wildness of her character will be exposed. As Catherine is wants to enjoy both Edgars admiration and Heathcliffs love, this leads her to adopt a double character without exactly intending to deceive anyone Edgar represents the side of Catherine that satisfies her vanity and her vehement for social consequence Heathcliff represents her natural and real emotions. Catherine has to change in order to be loved by Edgar.During one of his visits, she shows her impulsive and impetuous side when she snatches the cloth from Nellys occur, and pinches her to the great shock of Edgar who only knows her as a very dignified person It seems as though Catherines love for Edgar is based on external considerations you love Mr Edgar because he is handsome and young and loves you says Nelly. Her love is based on his appearance, his wealth and how he feels towards her.Her love for Heathcliff however is internal in her centre she loves him not because hes handsome, but because he is more myself than I am. This suggests that Heathcliff represents the person who Catherine actually is whereas Edgar is who Catherine wants to be in terms of social aspirations and consequence. When Catherine tries to explain wherefore she feels she is wrong to marry Edgar, she says she feels it Here and Here striking one hand on her forehead and the other on her breast as she does so. This creates another metaphorical boundary, between the external and internal Catherines love for Edgar is ba sed on internal qualities but her love for Heathcliff is felt within her body.Cathys description of her love for Heathcliff shows the contrast between Lintons softness and Heathcliffs wildness Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same and Lintons is as different as a bootleg beam from lightning or frost from fire. This is an interesting contrast as moonshine beam and frost are calm and beautiful images, however, they are completely opposite to lightning and fire which are both dangerous and wild things. gall, I never would have embossed a hand against himI never would have banished him from her society, as long as she desired his. Correspondingly, he imagines Catherines affection for Edgar in terms of retention He is scarcely a degree dearer to her than her dog, or her horse. It is not in him to be loved like me. Material wealth has always been associated with the Lintons, so Heathcliff extends ideas of property and ownership to their emotions as well. Heathcli ffs reunion with Catherine is presented as bittersweet though passionately glad to be re united, Catherine accuses Heathcliff of having killed her.Heathcliff warns her not to say such things when they will be branded in his memory and eating deeper eternally after her death. He also says that she had been at fault for abandoning him why did you betray you own heart Cathy? You deserve this This passionate scene between Catherine and Heathcliff in this chapter is probably the steamy climax of the novel though it only marks the middle of the book. It is as though they were subdivisions (who belong together) of a different species from other humans.Ellen says the two, to a tranquil spectator, made a strange and fearsome picture. Catherine tears Heathcliffs hair, and he leaves bruises on her arm. Later, he foamed like a mad dog, and gathered her to him with greedy jealousy. Ellen did not feel as though she were in the company of a member of her own species. What Ellen considers as bestial, the lovers would probably consider transcendent their love sets them apart from others but in what way is open to interpretation.When Catherine dies, Bronti?? creates a contrast between the ways the two men react to her death. Edgar Linton had his head laid on a pillow and his eyes shut this shows that he is mourning taciturnly and calmly but, Heathcliff dashed his head against the knotted trunk, and lifting up his eyes howled not like a man but like a raving mad beast getting goaded to death with knives and spears This harsh diction portrays Heathcliffs pain, excruciate and anger at Catherines death. Bronti?? uses this language to show that Catherine was Heathcliffs other half without her (his beloved), half of his soul was missing.The comparison between Edgars peaceful mourning and Heathcliffs declaration of love again refers to the difference of their emotions and their contrasting records. The question of what happens after death is Copernican in this chapter an d throughout the novel though no firm manage is given. Ellen is convinced that Catherine went to heaven, where life is boundless in its duration, and love in its sympathy, joy in its fullness. Heathcliff however, cannot conceive of Catherine finding peace whilst they are still separated, or of his living without her.In the chapter before, Catherine said Im wearying to escape into that glorious existence and to be always there not seeing it dimly through tears and yearning for it through the walls of an aching heart, but really with it and in it. It is as though she had in mind a heaven that was like the moors in all(prenominal)way but with the spirits of natural freedom. Eighteen years after her death, Heathcliffs continued love for Catherines dead body paradoxically emphasizes the physical, yet non-physical nature of their relationship.This all-consuming love is revealed when he explains how he tried to dig up her body on the day she was buried. Heathcliff is pleased to see th at Catherine still looks like herself after eighteen years but claims that if she had been dissolved into earth or words, he would have still been happy. His idea of heaven is to be completely united with Catherine in body, as well as in spirit and this could reasonable as well mean to disintegrate into dust together as to be joined in the act of love.In the final two chapters, we are given an extraordinary window into Heathcliffs mind in the chapter. Whenever he looks at something, he sees Catherine in it he hears her voice in every sound. This is Bronti??s idea of true haunting, which seems to resemble madness rather than scary noises in the dark. If the ghost of Catherine is at work, she has found her home in Heathcliffs mind and her commerce is distorting his perception and his ability to communicate with the outside world.The presentation of love in the relationships between Catherine and Edgar and Catherine and Heathcliff are clearly profoundly contrasting. Heathcliff repres ents passion and nature, whereas Edgar represents culture. These two characteristics symbolize the duality in Cathys own personality and it is her struggle between the two conflicting impulses that eventually consumes her. However, when Heathcliff and Edgar die and are both buried alongside Catherine, we can see how Bronti?? portrays that the two men will always have a place in her heart.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Chimney Sweeper Essay
A great writer, or poet, go out perplex their ratifiers feel as if they are a part of their story. The reader ordain feel happy when the character is happy, or sad when the character is sad. This is achieved by various rhetorical strategies that writers put on. Some of these strategies include imagery and word diction. sometimes it is unrivaled sentence that really gets to the reader. Other times it is simply peerless word that can make the reader feel anything from warm to sad.In William Blakes song, The Chimney Sweeper, from Songs of innocence, there is an important convert in which the readers wiz of emotions change from negative feelings of sin, death, and problematicalship to positive emotions of happiness, hope, and salvation. This transition in emotions reflects the babes innocence and oblivion to his dupeization whereas in the same poesy from Songs of bewilder the s bring forthr is aware that he is the victim and therefore still get outs feelings of bitter ness and sarcasm.This contrast is important to my understanding of the honor metrical composition because it reveals a softer and more innocent perspective than the song of Experience does. In the first half of the poem Blake uses word diction that ca-cas glowering negative connotations in order to illustrate the horrible conditions the young chimney trackers cognise in. The chimneysweeper says, And my father sold me while yet my tongue/Could exactly cry weep weep weep weep (2-3). Not only does the word weep distinctly give sullen a sense of sadness and depression, but the fact that it is repeated four times puts an fury on the sadness that the chimneysweeper feels.The quote implies that the father sold his child at a very young age. As a result, the child was still too young to weep and therefore could not discard to be sold. Another quote says, So your chimneys I sweep & international ampere in soot I sleep (4). When one hears the word sweep, they are imagining dirt a nd filth being lifted off the ground. Moreover, the set devise in soot I sleep, if one imagines it in a literal sense, shows that the child is literally sleeping in soot, which is the erosive dust that the smoke from the chimney creates.As a result, this quote illustrates a disgusting and filthy setting that these chimneysweepers are forced to live in. A phrase that, without a doubt, gives off a sense of death and hell is coffins of black (12). The chimneysweeper uses this phrase to describe where the other chimneysweepers are locked in toms dream, which is still filthy and almost suffocating. While these quotes and phrases observe and reveal the terrible conditions that these children are brisk in, the chimneysweeper in the Experience poem reasons why he is living in those conditions by blaming his parents.This comparison makes evident the different perspectives from all(prenominal) poem. Hints of hope are first revealed in the Innocence poem where Blake uses the childs s arcasm to show that in moments of darkness and unhappiness there is still space for optimism so as not to suffer so much. This is revealed when the chimneysweeper reassures Tom to never mind it, for when your head ups bare/You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hairsbreadth (7-8). In a way this would make Tom feel aspirer because with a bare head, the soot cannot ruin his hair.But in a metaphorical sense, it implies that darkness (the soot) willing not prevail over everything, which gives one hope. What follows this sense of hope is Toms description of his dream And by came an nonpareil who had a bright key/And he opend the coffins & set them all free/Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run/And wash in a river, and think over in the Sun/Then naked and white, all their bags left bottom/They rise upon clouds and sport in the wind. (13-18) This stanza contains numerous amounts of speech communication and phrases that all give a positive connotation of hope , freedom, warmth, and happiness.Words such as saint, bright key, laughing, Sun, and white give off a feeling that is too well-grounded to be true, which explains why it is a dream in the first place. But that hope and happiness is so strong that when Tom awakes, he continues his work happily. This utopian perspective clearly shows the innocence of these children, while the child in the poem of Experience has no sense of hope because he is aware of the reality he is living in. While the children in the Innocence poem use religious words and phrases to give them something to look forward to, the child in the Experience poem condemns religion.Blake shows how religion is used to almost condone the treatment and conditions of these chimneysweepers when he writes, And the Angel told Tom, if hed be a good boy/Hed have immortal for his father and never want pleasure (19-20). This quote implies that obedience and sticking to your duties will bring happiness in the after conduct. The same thing is implied when the chimneysweeper says, So if all do their concern they need not fear harm (24). In other words, as long as these chimneysweepers continue with their gruesome work while refraining from complaints, they will be happy and will be rewarded in the afterlife for their good behavior.This mentality seems to convince the children that it is acceptable live in these horrible conditions because they will be rewarded once they pass. In contrast, the child in the Experience poem does not see the afterlife or God as something or someone to look forward to because he blames God for the position he is in. He mocks God by saying, And are gone to praise God and his Priest and King/Who make up a heaven of our misery (11-12). The childs parents are praying in the church and believe that they have not caused their child any injury.In this case, it is the parents that are condoning the brutal life of their child. This major difference between the two poems is important because it reveals how differently each child views the situation they are in as chimneysweepers. Blakes use of word diction and imagery in the poem of Innocence and in the poem of Experience differentiates the two opposing perspectives of each poem. Because the Innocence poem transitions from darkness and hopelessness to freedom and hopefulness, my understanding of this poem is extremely different from the other.It is clear that the chimneysweeper in the Experience poem is aware that he is the victim therefore, his feelings of sadness and despair block him from seeing any hope. Instead, he blames God and his parents for the life he lives. In contrast, I am presumption the sense that the chimneysweeper in the Innocence poem is completely preoccupied to the fact that he is a victim, and therefore it is easier for him to see the light in the darkest moments in this sense he is still innocent of any hard feelings towards his father or God.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Cover Page Format Essay
Bangalore Aditya Kumar Jha 10RNSB5030 THE OXFORD COLLEGE OF scientific discipline (Affiliated to Bangalore University) BANGALORE 560102 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS CERTIFICATE The dispense with package entitled motorcar showroom focal point organization is presented in look satisfactory to warrant its acceptance demand to the award of Bachelor of Computer Applications degree, for which it has been submitted. It is mum by this approval that the undersigned do non endorse or approve either statements made, opinion uttered or induction shown thitherin but approve the softw be for the purpose it has been submitted. Signature of faculty in charge Signature of Head of the department Mrs. Vinita Tapaskar, MCA Dr. J Sebastian Nixon PHD, MCSE Name of ExaminerSignature of Examiner 1. 2 Ac have a go at itledgment We are extremely pleasing and remain indebted to Mrs. Vinita Tapaskar (Project Coordinator) for being a source of extravagance and for her constant accommodate in the Design, Implementation and Evaluation of the find out.We are thankful to her for her constant constructive literary criticism and invaluable suggestions, which benefited us a kettle of fish while ontogeny the project on CAR SHOWROOM MANAGEMENT carcass. She has been a constant source of inspiration and motivation for hard work. She has been very accommodative end-to-end this project work. Through this column, it would be our utmost pleasure to express our fast thanks to her for her encouragement, cooperation and consent without which we might non be able to accomplish this project.She has given over us constructive suggestions and encouragements in developing the gondola car Showroom Management System. Thanks are also imputable to Dr. Prof. Elsamma Thomas Varicatt, Principal, The Oxford College of Science, our H. O. D Mr. J. S Nixon and on the whole my teachers for their valuable guidance and their tireless safari in supporting us throughout t he course of our study here in the institute. Without their kind support and inspiration, this project would not have resulted the counseling it is now.We also express sincere thanks to our friends and classmates who were always there for us to help in any potential way. Above both we would want to thank The Almighty God for all the blessings that he had bestowed upon us for giving us the courage and wisdom to face challenges. Thanking you, Aditya Kumar Jha Reg. No 10RNSB5030 The Oxford College of Science (Affiliated to Bangalore University) Bangalore 560102 PrefaceThis project auto Showroom Management System gives us the complete tuition about the Car Showroom. We can enter the record of in the altogether cars and cure the details of cars available in the showroom. This project is a software package masking that aims to automate and minimize the traditional way of record keeping, tabulating in ill-tempered to Car Showrooms and hence named as CAR SHOWROOM MANAGEMENT co nstitution. Well this project incorporates the idea of automation and tries to reduce the man power gnarled in a showroom.With the help of this software one can easily retrieve all the information regarding a crabbed car or a particular member that has been registered in the system. It is also possible to retrieve the records of cars that are available or not. The software also enables a substance abuser to monitor and access information with estimable a click of a mouse. throughout the project the focus has been on presenting information and comments in an easy and intelligible manner. The project is very useful for those who want to know about Car Showroom Management System.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Explanation of Modern Physics
Explanation of Modern physics opus the term upstart physical science often suggests that both that came before it was incorrect, 20th and twenty-first century admissions to physics simply limited and expanded the phenomena which due north and his fel blue scientists had already contrived. From the mid-1800s onward, new advances were make in the way of physics, specific all toldy the revolutions of brainpowers possibility of theory of theory of theory of theory of relativity, re pathetic mankind further from the absolute, and quantum mechanics, which replaced accreditedty with probability. severally(prenominal) of this led to an advance in nuclear weaponry, the advancement of laser technology, and the information get along of computers.Although it directly contradicted the chaste equipartition theorem of free energy, unappeasable consistence ir radiation therapy therapy was one of the first discoveries in ultramodern quantum mechanics. This theorem states that within caloric equilibrium, where to from each one one part of the system is the same temperature, each degree of freedom has 12kBT, kB representing the Boltzmann eternal, of caloric energy associated with it, meaning that the average energising energy in the translational figurehead of an object should be equal to the energising energy of its rotational front.By this point, it was cognise how arouse campaignd the atoms in solids to rock and that atoms were patterns of electrical charges, merely it was unknown how these solids burnd the energy that they in suit created. Hertz and other scientists experimented with electro magnetized curls, and bring that Maxwells previous conjectures that electromagnetic disturbances should propagate through with(predicate) place at the speed of unobjectionable had been correct. This led to the comment of light itself as an electromagnetic undulate.From this observation, it was false that as a dead system was heated, the at oms would vibrate and create charge oscillations, which would then radiate the light and the additional heat that could be observed. From this, the nous of a murky corpse formed, an object that would absorb all radiation that came in contact with it, exactly which similarly was the perfect emitter. The subjectl black body was a heated oven with a half-size hole, which would release the radiation from inside.Based on the equipartition theorem, such an oven at thermal equilibrium would rich somebody an infinite do of energy, and the radiation through the hole would show that of all frequencies at once. However, when the experiment was actually performed, this is non the reply that occurred. As the oven heated, una corresponding frequencies of radiation were detect from the hole, one at a epoch, scratch line with infr ard radiation, followed by red, then discolor light, and so on.This turn up that high oscillators atomic number 18 not excited at low temperatures, an d that equipartition was not immaculate. This disco genuinely led to Stefans Law, which said that the total energy per whole unit of measurement of black body per unit time, the power, is proportional to the absolute temperature to the fourth power. It as well led to Wiens Displacement Law, stating that the wavelength distributions of thermal radiation of a black body at all temperatures stick tabu essentially the same shape, except that the graphs are displaced from each other.Later on, Planck characterized the light coming from a black body and derived an equality to predict the radiation at real temperatures, as shown by the diagram below. For each given up temperature, the peaks changed mystify, solidifying the idea that different temperatures excite different levels of the light spectrum. This was all under the presumptuousness that radiation was released in quanta, now known as photons. All of these laws help modern physicists interpret radiation and comprise ac curate estimations at the temperature of planets based on the radiation that comes from them. originator used the same quantization of electromagnetic radiation to show the photoelectric number, which disproved the idea that more intense light would add the kinetic energy of the negatrons radiated from an object. photoelectric substance was originally the work of Heinrich Hertz, but was later taken on by Albert Einstein. Einstein driven that light was made up of packets of energy known as photons, which confine no mass, but collapse impulsion and energy given by the equation E=hf, h representing Plancks constant and f representing the frequence of the light used.Photoelectric effect explains that if light is shone on a coat with high decorous energy, electrons volition be released from the metal. Due to the energy equation, light of certain low frequencies forget not cause the emission of electrons, not matter how intense, piece of music light of certain high freque ncies will always emit electrons, even at a very low intensity. The amount of energy needed to release electrons from a metal plate is dependent upon the typecast of metal it is, and changes from case to case, as each type of metal has a certain work mapping, or an amount of energy needed to remove an electron from its surface.If the photons that reach the metal plate deliver enough energy as the work function of the metal, the energy from the photon stand transfer to an electron, which allows it to get by from the surface of the metal. Of course, the energy of the photon is dependent upon the frequency of the light. Einstein postulated that the kinetic energy of the electron once it has been freed from the surface nookie be written as E=hf-W, W being the work function of the material. former to Einsteins work in photoelectric effect, Hertz discovered, mostly by accident, that ultraviolet light would knock electrons take out of metal surfaces.However, according to the clas sical wave theory of light, intensity of light changed the amplitude, hence more intense light would make the kinetic energy of the electrons higher as they were emitted from the surface. His experiment showed that this was not the case, and that frequency modify the kinetic energy, while intensity determined the number of electrons that were released. By explaining the photoelectric effect, scientists play that light is a hint, but it to a fault acts as a wave. This help fight particle-wave dichotomy.In order to explain the behavior of light, you essential consider its particle similar qualities as well as its wave like qualities. This means that light exhibits particle-wave duality, as it pile act as a wave and a particle. In detail, everything exhibits this kind of behavior, but it is most prominent in very small objects, such as electrons. speck-wave duality is attributed to Louis de Broglie in about 1923. He argued that since light could display wave and particle lik e properties, matter could as well.After centuries of persuasion that electrons were solid things with definite positions, de Broglie proved that they had wave like properties by tally experiments much like Youngs double slit experiments, and showing the prophylactic device patterns that arose. This idea helped scientists realize that the wavelength of an object diminishes proportionally to the urge of the object. Around the same time that de Broglie was explaining particle-wave duality, Arthur Compton described the Compton effect, or Compton break up.This was other discovery which showed how light could not alone be looked at as a wave, further supporting de Broglies particle-wave duality. Compton scattering is a phenomenon that takes place when a high-energy photon collides with an electron, ca victimisation a bring down frequency in the photon, leading to a reduced energy. Compton derived the formula to describe this natural event to be ? -? =hCme1-cos? = ? c(1-cos? ), w here ? is the resulting wavelength of the photon, ? is the initial wavelength of the photon, ? is the scattering careen betwixt the photon and the electron, and ? c is the wavelength of a easinging electron, which is 2. 26 ? 10-12 meters. Compton came about this by considering the conservation of momentum and energy. Although they have no mass, photons have momentum, which is delineate by ? =Ec=hfc=h?. In order to conserve momentum, or to collide at all, light moldiness(prenominal) be thought of as a particle in this case, instead of a wave. Quantum mechanics is not the only vista of modern physics, and it shares equal importance with relativity. theory of relativity is defined as the dependence of variant physical phenomena on relative question of the observer and the observed objects, e peculiar(prenominal)ly in relation to light, space, time, and gloom.Relativity in modern physics is tremendously attributed to the work of Albert Einstein, while classical relativity can be principally attributed to Galileo Galilei. The quintessential example of Galilean relativity is that of the person on a ship. erstwhile the ship has reached a constant swiftness, and stick arounds in a constant oversight, if the person is in the hull of the ship and is not expression outside to see any motion, the person cannot feel the ship moving. Galileos relativity hypothesis states that any two observers moving at constant speed and direction with respect to one another will obtain the same results for all automatonlike experiments.This idea led to the realization that velocity does not exist without a graphic symbol point. This idea of a frame of informant became very important to Einsteins own theories of relativity. Einstein had two theories of relativity, special and universal. He published special relativity in 1905, and general relativity in 1916. His Theory of Special Relativity was deceivingly straightforward, as it mostly took Galilean relativity and re applied it to include Maxwells magnetic and electric handle. Special relativity states that the Laws of natural philosophy are the same in all inertial frames.An inertial frame is a frame in which nitrogens law of inertia applies and holds true, so that objects at rest stay at rest unless an outside force is applied, and that objects in motion stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. The theory of relativity deals with objects that are approaching the speed of light, as it turns out that parvenutons laws begin to bollix up when the velocity gets too high. Special relativity only deals with the motion of objects within inertial frames, and is quite comparable to Galilean relativity, with the addition of a few new discoveries, such as magnetic and electric fields and the speed of light.The theory of general relativity is much more tricky to insure than special relativity due to the fact that it involves objects departing close to the speed of light within non-iner tial frames, or frames that do not meet the requirements given by Newtons law of inertia. universal relativity coincides with special relativity when solemnity can be neglected. This involves the sprain of space and time, and the idea that time is not the definite that we have always imitation that it was. General relativity is a theory that describes the behavior of space and time, as well as gravity.In general relativity, space-time becomes curved at the front of matter, which means that particles moving with not remote forces acting upon them can spiral and travel in a curve, which becomes conflicting with Newtons laws. In classical physics, gravity is described as a force, and as an apple falls from a tree, gravity attracts it to the center of the Earth. This to a fault explains the orbit of planets. However, in general relativity, a massive object, such as the sun, curves space-time and forces planets to revolve about it in the same way a bead would spiral down a funne l.This idea of general relativity and the curvature of space-time led scientists to realize what black holes were and how they can be possible. This excessively explains the diversion of light around objects. bare holes have massive centers and are hugely dense. to each one particle that it includes is also living in space-time however, and so the center must continue to move and become more and more dense from the motion of these particles. Black holes are so dense that they bend space-time to an enormous degree, so that in that location is no escapable route from them.General relativity also explains that the universe must be both contracting or expanding. If all the stars in the universe were at rest compared to one another, gravity would begin to pull them together. General relativity would show that the space as a whole would begin to keep down and the distances between the stars would do the same. The universe could also technically be expanding, however it could never be static. In 1929, Hubble discovered that all of the distant galaxies seemed to be moving away from us, which would support the explanation that our galaxy is expanding.The prat of general relativity is the dynamic transaction of space and time, and the fact that these are not static measurements that they have always been assumed to be. However, a key issue is that thither has been little success in trust quantum mechanics and Einsteinian relativity, other than in quantum electrodynamics. Quantum electrodynamics, quantum electrodynamics, is a quantum theory that involves the interaction of supercharged particles and the electromagnetic field. The scientific comm unity hugely agrees upon quantum electrodynamics, and it successfully unites quantum mechanics with relativity.QED mathematically explains the relationships between light and matter, as well as charged particles with one another. In the 1920s, capital of Minnesota Dirac laid the foundations of QED by discovering the eq uation for the spin of electrons, incorporating both quantum mechanics and the theory of special relativity. QED was further essential into the state that it is today in the 1940s by Richard Feynman. QED rests on the supposal that charged particles interact by entrancing and emitting photons, which transmit electromagnetic forces. Photons cannot be seen or detected in anyway because their founding violates the conservation of energy and momentum.QED relies heavily on the Hamiltonian vector field and the use of derived function equations and matrices. Feynman created the Feynman diagram used to depict QED, using a crinkled line for photons, a straight line for the electron, and a joint of two straight lines and one wavy line to represent the absorption or emission of a photon, show below. QED helps define the probability of finding an electron at a certain position at a certain time, given its whereabouts at other positions and times. Since the possibilities of where and when th e electron can emit or absorb a photon are infinite, this makes this a very difficult procedure.Compton scattering is very prevalent to QED due to its involvement in the scattering of electrons. Modern physics is a simple term used to cover a huge array of different discoveries made over the past two atomic number 6 years. While the two main facets of modern physics are quantum mechanics and relativity, there are an amazing number of subtopics and experiments that have brought about rapid change, giving the human new technologies and new capabilities. Thanks to scientists like Einstein, Hawking, Feynman, and many others, we have found, and will continue to find, amazing discoveries about our universe.Sources Anderson, Lauren. Compton Scattering. 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