
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Personal Fictional Writing Essay

Imagine you are Ralph on the island; write a series of at least three diary entries, which record important episodes during your stay there. Include in the entries your changing thoughts and feelings about what occurs and about yourself and the other boys with you. Diary Entry 1: Chapter 5: Beast from water I just do not understand. It is not meant to be like this. I mean, everything requires improvisation. I call a meeting and all of them, Jack’s group of boys, think that they are there to make jokes. There is no time for fun, but business. I tell them about the huts and how they are unstable, but they remain pessimistic as if they have something better to do. What can that something be? Hunting. Well, Jack seems to think so. He said that he would hunt down the beast. Really, we do not even know if the beastie truly exists. Jack is so aggressive, marching on an army of anarchy among the boys to hunt down an imaginary beast. Mass hysteria erupted when one of the diffident littluns, Percival was his name, said that the beast came from the sea, like a giant squid. I really do not know what has gone into their poor, innocent souls, torturing them like that. The fear of the boys is mounting, day after day. Well, perhaps there could be a beastie. I know that even I am not immune to fear. Nevertheless, Piggy says there is no beast, so there isn’t. Piggy knows. I mean, he is intelligent unlike me. He can think and make decisions without being unsuccessful with his natural, intellectual ability. He would be so much better at being chief than I am. It is just inequitable that Jack bullies him. But what can I do? Do I really want Jack on my back too? It’s enough I cannot stand having him within a one-metre radius of me. Moreover, Jack’s focus on hunting will prevent all of us on this island from leaving it and seal our fate as no more than animals. I just cannot help realising this. However, Jack and his hunters do not. It is simple to them: fear ferments and spreads in the group, so they result to violence and hunting as a solution to the obstacle. They do not care about where they use the lavatory, about keeping the fire going, or most importantly, getting rescued. Even the rules they do not care about. I am very frustrated. I just cannot stand this any more. Without my rules, there will be disastrous consequences to everything Jack and his hunters do. My rules keep the boys tethered to some semblance of society, but they seem oblivious to it and are willing to drop the rules like a hot pan. Life on this island just seems to get harder by every passing day. With Simon wandering off at night, no wonder the littluns are frightened. However, I should not let that bother me. On this island, there are by far more important things to do, like being rescued. How much boys on this island do believe in ghosts? What are the children on this island? Humans, animals, or savages? Piggy was head-on right by yelling at them. Surely, there are not any ghosts or beastie’s on this island, because Piggy told me so. He tells me everything, and everything he says is true. It has to be true. I feel as if I should step down as chief, for once and for all, but Piggy’s already warned me that if I do, Jack will become leader and the only thing he will lead us to do is hunt. But being rescued is better than hunting and I, for that matter, want to be rescued and back to my old life: with my mother and father. It is dreadful here. I try to shut my eyes of the surroundings that envelope me, and force the image of my life before this tragedy. Nothing. There is nothing to see. This life is like a virus, invading and sweeping the happy memories of my life before until there is nothing. I thought life here would be different, better somehow, but it seems that I got the contrary. Now, everything on this island makes me feel depressed. Even my own physical appearance, especially my hair; it has grown shabby and uncomfortably long. I have all grown shabby with neglect. With all the oppressive responsibility weighing down on my shoulders, I wish that the ground now would open up and swallow me down into its depth, to close me off the problems on this island, which I face. Diary Entry 2: Chapter 7: Shadows and Tall Trees This is it. A change from this place will do us all a whole lot of good. I have become so dirty and unclean over the past few months, that the conditions that I take myself for now is normal. The rest of the boys seem to take these conditions as normal too. The longing that I have for a deep, hot bath to purify my body and wrap me up in its enclosing warmth is unbearable. Every thing seemed to have been going well, but every step I take on this island to please Jack, just defines the how hard it will be, when you try to break the boys away from Jack’s spell-binding habit: Hunting. Not that I am complaining. I followed the hunters today and the view that is to be seen on the opposite side of the island is utterly different to the view that is observed from the side of which we have settled in. However, although there are spectacular sceneries that can be viewed from this island, there is no place like home. The ocean is like a thick wall, an impermeable barrier, preventing my and the other boys escape. Simon seems to think that we will leave the island eventually. But I doubt that will ever happen. Simon is so batty. Now, with Jack thinking himself chief, everything is impossible. But I have to say, I did enjoy myself at the hunt. It was breathtaking. Originally, we were meant to be hunting down the beast, but Jack suggested that we could also hunt a pig in addition to continuing our search for the beast. It was smashing! I was excited so much that I was caught up in the adventure; I threw my spear at the boar, and hit it. But I suppose it was not much of a hit; it only nicked his snout. That was the first time I took aim and I cannot believe my luck. It has to be good marksmanship. I felt so exhilarated during the hunt, as the primal appeal of killing pigs dawned upon me. At least I have something to be proud of, other than some cut by a boar’s tusks. Jack thought that it was necessary to point the wound on his left arm out to the crowd of boys. I cannot understand Jack. He has such an eccentric personality; predictable though, he would not actually change much from his self-centred self. I hit the boar but he still pays the same attention as if I were thin air. The boys are impervious too, when they are around Jack that is. It is like he has the glamour that allows the other boys to be absorbed in him. No matter how much attention you persist or demand to acquire, the power that is bound inside Jack will not give in. I tried to show the boys that I was a good aimer, even though it was my first time hunting, but it was useless, like I said. Jack and the boys were truculent when they closed on towards Robert. They started chanting, â€Å"Kill the Pig† and I guess they were caught up in their momentum of chanting, that they actually started jabbing Robert with their spears, at first in jest, then with a more dangerous intent. He was yelping so much that I though my ears would give out. Instantly, all the excitement that I had in me from the hunt vanished. I was so glad that Robert escaped their grasp. I did join them with this too. I didn’t know what was happening to me. The urge to kill was too overpowering. For all I know, we would have killed him. Jack was so self-absorbed, taking himself seriously, that he said that they could use a littlun next time to dress up as a pig, so that they can actually kill it. That was such a sick idea. They are taking a life away. The matter of life is not a game. However, the boys enamoured by Jack’s statement began to laugh. This was not funny. They had to be reminded that this is only a game. I am starting to get concerned about the increasingly violent and impulsive behaviour of the hunters. Killing the littluns is trivial compared to what these hunters are capable of. We started climbing the mountain, as evening fell, and I realized that we would not be able to get back to the beach until morning. I did not want to leave Piggy with the littluns all night. I thought it was too much responsibility for one to handle, but I suppose Piggy would not mind; he will work things out easily. But Jack did not address this concern for Piggy kindly; he mocked me about it. What good chief would he make if he does not treat the boys with respect? But luckily Simon offered to go and inform Piggy of our whereabouts. Jack was still on his frenzy of hunting a pig, in the dark. Surely he could see that it was not a suitable time to hunt, but he is so impulsive that even he will not be blinded by the darkness that encloses the island. I thought that if we hunt in the morning it would be more apposite. He does not even think twice when I speak to him. I am chief, he should listen to me as any other boy on the island does. Giving the new understanding that Piggy provided me with, and sensing the hostility from Jack, I knew that he loathed me. I asked him why but he had no answer. What would he answer if he had one anyway? I never showed him any hatred but if he wants me to play his game, I will play. He was so pressing to climb up the mountain, even though most of the hunters were ‘tired’ and, of course, afraid. It was unveiled in their eyes. At that moment I thought of going back myself too, but what Jack said obliged me to remain. He said that I was afraid. I am not afraid more than he is and he knows that, but he just doesn’t want to admit it. I was surprised that my voice actually balanced itself proportionally, so that none of my reluctance or weakness showed. I was almost motivated by it. Just moments before this, Jack was accusing me of being afraid and now he was. He claimed that he saw something bulge on the mountain. Of course, due to my newfound bravery, I agreed to search for it immediately. But while I had a mask of bravery composed on my outside, inside I was not sure of what to do. Not sure about whether I should take a step forward or backward. What to do if the beast attacks me. It was so frustrating that it felt like the anxiety was scratching my brain away bit by bit. It seemed at the top of the mountain that I was paralysed. But I realised, eventually, what I was doing this for. To show Jack that I am not scared like he claims. So I fused my hatred for him, with my will and took two steps forward. That is when I saw it. My legs gave out under me, like an involuntary reflex reaction, but a button inside triggered me to get upon my feet as quick as I can and escape. It seemed like hours had passed in those few seconds for me to get over the shock of what I had just observed. It was like a huge rock thing and it bowed, and when the wind blew, it lifted its head to reveal a ruined face. It was unapproachable. Terrifying. I realised that the horror witnessed by the littluns in words, is inconsequential, in comparison to when you view the beast yourself. I am glad it is over for now, but I have a deep feeling that this thing, beastie, will not take long to return its visit. We must get prepared. Diary Entry 3: Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness No one believes me. Even piggy. He was sceptical of the whole idea of me witnessing a beast on the top of the mountain. What angered me more is Jack’s assurance to the group of boys that the hunters can defeat the beast. But are his hunters any good when faced with a beast that even the bravery of me, Roger and Jack could not defeat? His hunters are merely boys with sticks. I was right to point this out to him; he cannot be so ignorant of the beastie. Piggy said that I should not have called his boys that, but honestly, what choice did I have! And he never left it there either. Oh no. He called me a coward and accused me of calling the rest of his hunters cowards too. What right does he have to call me that? He even said that I am not a proper chief. As if he would be better than me as chief. All he cares about is hunting, hunting, hunting, and nothing else. If this is how he wants to live his life, then I doubt he will ever have a life, since he will be spending the rest of it on this doomed island. Adding more to this, the punch from the whole of this meeting came when he put my position of being chief in a vote, between him, and me to the boys. It is so hurtful when I think about it; I cannot believe that he holds such a grudge against me, that much to challenge my position of being chief. I have not did anything wrong to him. But, I guess I should not be so surprised. It’s so Jack. Whenever he comes across something that he cannot stand, he feels compelled to sweep it out of his way. In this case, it is me. Oddly, I do feel sad and uneasy due to him leaving. I, certainly, was not expecting him to leave so quickly. Especially crying. The thought of him crying has never crossed my mind at all, even though I have been living with him for several months. It is not like him. He was always that kind of person like a rock, with his weaker feelings and emotions imperceptible, no one would have thought that he would be exposed so easily like that. Relieved that he left, Piggy and Simon seemed untouched, as if a burden has been lifted away from their shoulders. I guess they are calm now, since all Jack would do is pick on them, as they are the weaker vessels of the boys. Piggy tried to make me realise that there are potential benefits from Jack leaving, but I have this strong feeling inside me, telling me that something ominous is about to happen, resulting from this predicament. I just cannot put my finger on what is going to happen. He said that now we can start focusing on the fire more. Now that the fire has been built on the beach it may be difficult to see from far away, but at least somebody will keep it going. At least there is a trace of hope of being rescued. However, I really doubt that most of us will actually be rescued, as just after the building of the fire was done on the beach, I noticed several of the biguns missing. I did not know what to do. I felt as though Jack had taken part of me as an equipment to equip himself for evil and savagery on this island. The more I come to think about it, the clearer it becomes to me that Jack is the disruptive element and the root of destruction on this island. My authority is slipping away faster than I could imagine. Just a few months ago, I had it all, but now there is nothing left. I cannot understand the appeal of hunting if you do not attempt to be rescued at the same time. There is a battlefield of emotions warring in me. I tried to show the boys’ that I am a good chief, that I will get them rescued, but they were all oblivious to me and so left for Jack. It hurt so much that even speaking was like climbing a cliff for me. I suppose now everything is too late; everything is set in motion, I cannot do anything to change it. Maybe it would be better. We could be happier. Piggy says so. Piggy is so confident that everything will turn out to be okay, it almost scares me. We still have Samneric to help us keep the fire going, some littluns and I suppose Simon. Although Piggy and I never knew where he was, we thought that he might be climbing up the mountain. He would still stay unfazed by anything. He has cracked. With Simon, he is that kind of person that his feelings are buried deep inside him and you would have to dig a lot before reaching them. I am surprised that I never thought of Simon, in a way like this, before. You just have to listen to him to get to know him, but of course, Jack never listens to anybody or anything, so what would he know? At this point, I really don’t care who I have got in my group as long as they are with me; I need all the support I can get. I was startled by the sudden uproar in the forest. Jack, wearing just dazzle paint and a belt, was even more startling. He told us that he and his group were living across the beach, by a flat rock, where they have fun. It was kind of him to invite us to join his tribe, but I know that if I were to join his tribe, there would be no going back and certainly no hope of rescue. I thought he was about to take the conch at first, when I saw him. I mean the conch to me is still a symbol of ritual and order, and without order on this island, there would be nothing. I still do not know why that thought passed through my head at that moment. But I saw that some of his hunters did take some branches of fire. Perhaps they took it to keep warm, or even cook their latest hunting victim on. But even by how much I would like to go to eat the meat and have fun, keeping the fire going was and is still the most important task at hand. It is going to be hard to keep the fire going, and the amount of wood that we need is even harder to get. I suppose Samneric could take two shifts. But Bill appeared sceptical to the whole idea that we will be capable of keeping the fire going. He suggested that we go to Jack and his hunters feast and tell them that the fire is hard among us. Moreover, the fact that there was meat there, hot and satisfying, was enough to make us sprint to cross our enemy’s border. Even Piggy could not resist. He was ravenous. I saw it in his eyes. Every face that my gaze landed upon was burning with the overwhelming hunger for meat. No one would ever let a chance like this pass by and we weren’t going to either. The thought of food and meat was too appealing, so we gave in to our desire.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Pre History Era

In history, we have an era called Pre-history, which is history before humanity left written records. During this period, archeologist named these early periods of human culture from the materials used at the time. They called this the Old Stone (Paleolithic) age. This was around 3000 B.C. were people used chipped stone tools. Also the development of farming and the use of stone implements marked the beginning of the New Stone age (Neolithic). About 3000 B.C., the invention of bronze led to the Bronze Age. Here, new forms of human life and society were found. All this information was retained thanks to historians. Historians rely on written sources to put history in order. Recent development in science called Carbon-14 helps straighten out chronology. This technique, whereby radioactive carbon is used, helps to date ancient objects within a couple of centuries. In the Old Stone Age, Paleolithic people left remains scattered in Europe and Asia. They took refuge in Africa from the glaciers that moved south over to northern continents. These people hunted to eat, and fought and killed their enemies. They cooked their food, specialize tools, and sheltered in caves from the cold. They also created art. At Lascaux France, Paleolithic artists left remarkable paintings in limestone caves, using vibrant colors depicting deer, bison and horses. A variety of finds concerning the development of the calendar showed markings whose sequence and intervals may have recorded lunar periods. The advance from the Old Stone Age to the New Stone Age was marked by certain major changes found in the Near East. The domestication of animals for food was discovered. Parallel with this was the domestication of plants for food-a kind of wheat and barley. Temporary shelter was replaced by houses. The baking of clay vessels were also discovered. In Catal Huyuk in Southern Turkey, people grew their own grain, kept sheep and wove the wool into textiles. Variety of pottery and sculptures were found. In ancient Mesopotamia, farmers were using plows to scratch soil and they were also keeping business accounts of their temple in picture writings. Writing, metallurgy, and urban life are among the early marks of civilization. Recent discoveries have led some scholars to believe that the inventors of writing were the Subarians who might have been conquered by the Sumarians. They apparently turned the Subarians into slaves. Sumarians began to use capital. Archeologists found clay tablets that were inscribed. The language on them was Akkadian. Others were unknown. But, because they made references to the king of Summer and Akkad, a scholar suggested that the language be called Sumerian. The Summerians developed a phonetic alphabet between 3000-2000 B.C. They impressed little wedge-shaped marks into a wet clay tablet with a reed pen. This was a script called cuneiform-from the latin â€Å"cuneus†, meaning â€Å"wedge†. Most of these tablets contained economic or administration records. The Summerians were a major group of people in history. The earliest of the kind governed themselves through a council of elders. This group derived their authority from a general assembly of adult free males. This assembly who sometimes granted a supreme authority to one leader at a time, decided on matters of war and peace. This arrangement did not last long! It was replaced by a one-man rule in each city. The human ruler acted as a representative of the god of the city. Torrential floods swept down the river valleys. The lives, religion and literature of the people of Mesopotamia were pervaded by terror of these floods. The Summerians devised a system of canals to control these forceful floods. Around 2300, Sargon, king of Akkad, conquered the Sumerian ruler of Urok. Sagon then called himself king of Summer and Akkad. This indicates the fusion of the Summerians and the Akkadians. By 2100, when the Bronze Age ended, Sargon lost his power. Gudea, ruler of the city of Lagash, united the Summerians. Ur replaced Lagash as the capital city after Gudea died. Its rulers again called themselves king of Summer and Akkad. Much of what is known about the Summerians come from Ur. Ur was prosperous. It had far-flung trade by sea in textiles and metals. Ur had recorded a systematic tax system and a revival of learning. Within time, a decline set in because Ur took over too many responsibilities. Sumer was a hydrolic society. This meant that it was based on a centralized control of irrigation and flood management by government. Within time, these city-states fragmented. Elamites from the east destroyed it. This destructed Ur and Summerian power ended. Life became very diversified with blacksmiths, carpenters, and merchants who appeared alongside the hunters, farmers and shepherds of the older days. The women held high- position during these days. The Summerians looked up to their city gods. They also worshiped numerous other gods such as god of heaven, god of earth, and god between heaven and earth. Others included god of moon and goddess of the morning star. Enki was god of earth and of wisdom who apparently poured water into the 2 fertilizing rivers, Tigris and Euphrates, He supposedly filled the land with cattle, built houses and canals, and set sub gods over the enterprise. Along with these beliefs, Summerians used various arts to fortell the future and interpreted dreams. Summerian art and literature and architecture were largely religious in style. Their epic poetry included Gilgamesh, a mighty hero two-thirds divine and one-third human. The Summerians built their temples of baked brick. The typical Mesopotmia temple was the ziggurat. The successors of the Summerians as rulers of Mesopotamia were the Babylonians and their successors, the Assyrians. They both originally descended from the nomands of the Arabian desert. Power passed to them with Sargon the Great in 2300B.C. and retuned to them later after the Amorites (people from the west) invaded them in 2000B.C. The Amorite Prince named Hammurabi, made his Babyonian kingdom supreme in Mesopotamia by warfare and diplomacy. Hammurabi had a code of law that applied to the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. These were inscribed on a pillar eight feet tall beneath a sculpture of the king in front of the sun god. The code was a leagal statement about stern justice. In its vocabulary,the code refects the continuing Sumerian impact on the Akkadian-speaking Babylonians.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example According to Needham (p. 222), hierarchy refers to the structure of organization management where there is direct communication links between superior and subordinates. In this kind if structure each member has a clear understanding of the chain of command and to whom he or she is responsible to. It is from the top of the company, the managing director down to the workforce below. An organization ought to operate within a structure that is appropriate with its purposes for it to fulfill its mission effectively. Large organizations are normally divided into functional areas. In the case of syngenta, its functions includes: research and development, global supply which also include manufacturing, human resources, sales and marketing, finance and information systems. The company’s structure is identical to most companies, it has likelihood of having several layers of authority. The number of levels is determined by structure that the organization has. It can be a flat or hierarch ical structure. A hierarchical structure is composed of several levels of management, each having span of control which is narrow. In this kind of structure, instructions are directed from level of management on the top to the workforce below. Feedback comes vice versa from the workers below to the supervisors on the top. In the hierarchical structure there is chain of control, this is the reporting system from those on the top of the hierarchy to those below. In this kind of structure, there is strict supervision. In addition, this kind of structure has clear promotion opportunities. This clarity reduces the levels of stress among the managers and employees. In this kind structure, everyone knows their roles to play. However, hierarchical organisations face communication challenges, hence, lack of effective management delays the passing of information in the chain of command. Another setback here is that employees may lack full empowerment. This does not allow them to b e innovativ e.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Compression Tests on Surrogate Bone Materials Essay

Compression Tests on Surrogate Bone Materials - Essay Example The core objectives of undertaking this experiment is to compare both high and low densities of bone water when subjected to strain rate of 5, 10, 50, and 100 percent. Through the use of wet or dry bone materials, this experiment will attempt to determine the quantitative differences between elastic modulus of both the wet and dry forms at the different rates of strain. The experiment will also compare experimental and statistical analyses. Finally, the experiment will aim at creating a spring dashpot model for the simulation of the experiment. The test will show that higher elastic modulus will result provided that higher density bone wet foam and dry foams are used. Additionally the experiment will show that strain rate increase results correspondingly increase stiffness while at the same time the material shows viscoelastic tendencies. During the test preparation stage of the experiment in which the creation of mathematical model, formulate the compressed block-equilibrium with the application of FBD. The dimensions of each block were measured, rate of strain calculated, soaking samples in water for the wet form, and calculation of displacement measures. The testing protocol applied in the collection of data included the placement of each sample on the MTS. Time-based intervals were taken into account in applying various rates of strain to each sample. Finally, each sample was subjected to varying rates of strain per second. Among the applied rates included 5, 10, 50, and 100 percent. According to the output table of the experiment, dimensions were taken into consideration that differed from one material to another. However, despite the almost identical dimensions for height, width, and length, it is shown that the dimensional differences are reflected on the results. For the strain rates applied, the results in displacement show that under 100% rate, the displacement was equal to the block height in all cases.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

English experience through language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English experience through language - Essay Example The major techniques used throughout the film include camera angles, shot types, framing, camera movement, style of music and costuming and sequencing. Truman is surrounded by an illusion that is perfect and artificial and he responds to them in a similar fashion. In the initial part of the movie, he is seen leaving his house for work in the morning. Every morning is the same routine and he goes through them in the same detached manner. As he leaves the house he sees his neighbors, to whom he says the same corny lines with a cheesy fake smile. This is the first impression that the audience receives that the scene in scripted and played out by actors. The artificiality of the scene does not end there and the camera tips an angle that shows us the images of perfectly mowed lawns, white picket fences, pastel-colored houses and proves that this world on screen is a little too perfect. The director of the show, Christof, is portrayed as playing God in this movie. He has created the life around Truman and continues to manipulate everything that goes on in Truman's life. This is symbolized by the string of images used throughout the movie. During an interview of Christof for a television program, there is a small picture of Truman at the top right corner, taking up only a fraction of the screen. This symbolizes the power that Christof holds over Truman's life. The sets of Christof's headquarters in the movie also symbolize his god-like image. In the final part of the movie, when Truman is trying to escape from Seahaven, Christof again plays god and tries to end Truman's life rather than let him escape. As the movie progresses, Truman is disturbed by the clues he gets about the artificiality of his life and the characters in it. He notices his wife advertising the cereal over breakfast and is disturbed by her cheerfulness and fake responses to his questions. He is thrown into the light by the appearance of Sylvia who attempts to tell him the truth. Subtle images are also revealed when a huge equipment falls from the sky on Truman's car, the radio incident when Truman tunes into a different frequency and so on. Truman's character is popular and loved by many. The director proves his point by showing clips of people around the world enjoying the show. Truman is cheered on by the millions watching the show when he finally bows out and leaves the set for good. The camera then moves on to show two security guards who dismiss the show now that its over and are ready to move on to the next. This symbolizes the emotional detachment that the crowd felt towards the show as soon as it was over. While moving images have been discussed for the Truman Show, the front cover of Bend it like Beckham carries a story within its still image. The movie is about an Indian family settled in London and desperately trying to hold on to their roots. They have two girls, the elder, Pinky, who is preparing herself to be an Indian bride and the younger, Jess, who dreams of playing football and chasing her dreams to be like her idol, Beckham. The front cover immediately gives the impression of a witty and simple movie with cultural disparities and a focus on sports. And that is quite an accurate impression of what lies within. The image shows Jess and Jules in a friendly embrace, smiling and happy, and quite indifferent to their families struggling to understand them. Jess's mother is horrified of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Assignment 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Assignment 3 - Essay Example Furthermore an understanding and integration of filtering, meaning watching, and meaning constriction also will be discussed. It is the hope of this author that through such an analysis the means by which individuals are marketed to as well is the means by which individuals relate to and understand marketing will be understood to a further degree. The first of the magazines which will be analyzed within this brief discussion is that of â€Å"Woman’s Day†. Exhibition of the niche market and segmentation that â€Å"Woman’s Day† represents is instantly noted by its cover. Whereas the covers of nearly every surrounding magazine have pictured upon them stylize, airbrushed, and otherwise unreasonable representations of beauty, the current edition of â€Å"Woman’s Day† features upon its cover representations of several culinary treats. As a function of the representation of food, and the overtly obvious title that the magazine exhibits, the individu al understands that this particular magazine is geared specifically towards a female audience most likely between the ages of 30 to 65. Accordingly the lifestyle that is exhibited by such market segmentation is likely that of a homemaker; or at least an individual that is highly interested in cooking and homemaking. Naturally the values and attitudes that such a magazine seeks to express are somewhat more muted and conservative than many of the other offerings that might be seen within a local magazine rack. Conversely, with respect to the magazine â€Å"Seventeen†, the subject matter is almost entirely different. As one can see both from the title and the highly sexualized imagery available on the front cover, the magazine seeks to integrate with a young consumer that is highly conscious of their clothing, busy, and overall sex of fuel. As a function of this nearly every single article that is advertised on the cover speaks to some if not all of these three subcategories of interest. Although it cannot be definitively stated by this author the upper bounds of the age group that â€Å"Seventeen† magazines might appeal, it is safe to assume that the magazine is most certainly geared towards an audience between the ages of 15 to 27 years of age. Although broad statements cannot be made with regards to the values attitudes and lifestyle of the consumer that might integrate with such a magazine, it is also safe to assume that these will necessarily be more liberal, relaxed, and open-minded than those the VALS that were exhibited within the market segmentation and representation of â€Å"â€Å"Woman’s Day†Ã¢â‚¬ . Finally, with regards to â€Å"Maxim† magazine the demographic and segmentation that is targeted and marketed to is almost exclusively male. â€Å"Maxim† represents a unique case due to the fact that many of the market strategies that are employed to sell the magazines are not entirely unlike the same marketing s trategies and segmentations that the pornography industry utilizes to sell their magazines. Accordingly, from a cursory review of cover as well as the stories, the main thrust of the magazine is concentric upon male sex drive. As such females are represented, both on the cover and inside magazine, and highly erotic (albeit clothed) poses whereas the stories that the company these representations are almost always concentric upon what might be understood as typical male behavior. As with â€Å"

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Homework - Assignment Example 4. What are some reasons you will use to prove your thesis? How will they be proven? will you compare contrast, look at cause/effect, evaluate the worth, define something in a new way, etc? (you can create an informal list here) 1) Web 2.0 promotes interaction and this process leads to student content creation and sharing. Sharing of quality ideas can lead to greater learning. This can be proven through studies that provide evidence for this relationship. 3) Web 2.0 supports critical and reflective participation as long as structured guidelines are provided and instructors place high value on critical thinking and use of scholarly references to support claims and ideas. This can be proven through studies that provide evidence for this relationship. In the first essay, we only worked with Lanier and Keen, but in your second essay youll be required to utilize the sources youve found for your annotated bibliography. Now that you have multiple viewpoints on your topic, its important to cover the issues of fairness and objectivity when working with outside sources.   *Fairness: I expect all of you to represent each authors point of view accurately and fairly--this means not changing the context in which ones words were said or changing the meaning. There should be no unfair distortions. *Objectivity: When you argue for your thesis, youre out to prove your point. However, this doesnt mean that you need to attack every viewpoint you disagree with. Each body paragraph that contains a source, whether or not you disagree with the source, should be represented objectively. This means introduce all sources in the same manner, then when you engage with the source in your analysis, you can obviously not only express your opinion but also prove it.   If we want to convince others to believe in our claims, we should respond to the strongest arguments of our opponents. In addition, objectivity is important because we

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Economic Race and Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economic Race and Gender - Essay Example In the chapter five of the book, the writer laments on certain differences that exist in certain quarters of the working fold. In some sectors of the economy, males are actually paid much more than females for the same piece of work done – something the writers lament about. But they are however skeptical and hopes very little for a change pointing to the fact that contracts between employers and employees are mostly kept secret and between the two parties and so evidence for litigation, justice and fairness in issues of difference in occupations and earning are mostly not encouraged. The human capital model is further considered in chapter six of the book. Reviewing beyond the book, Polachek (2004) explains that â€Å"human capital model predicts a smaller gender wage gap as male-female lifetime work expectations become more similar. According to the writers, human capital is the most essential resource for the running of all organizations, institutions and offices – thus the labor market. This means that there is no way the labor market can be sustained or grown without the inputs it gets from the labor market.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Fluid Mechanics 230 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Fluid Mechanics 230 - Essay Example TYPES OF DRAG Form drag This could be described as the frictional force resulting from the shape of a moving object. This drag remains highly dependent on size and shape of objects; hence, the name form drag (Batchelor 2000). Bodies with larger cross-sectional designs experience higher levels of form drag than those presented with sleek design. The shape and size of a body affects the surface area of the object which comes into contact with the fluid. The experienced frictional forces results from contact between the moving object and fluid through which movement occurs. The occurrence of this drag depends on the object shape, large cross-sectional designs offers higher percentage of object contact with fluid, frictional forces inducing higher levels of form drag. Skin friction Skins friction refers to a type of drag resulting from frictional forces existing between the skin of objects and the fluid through which movement occurs. This drag arises from interaction between fluids and o bject surface, and remains dependent on wetted surface area when addressing occurrence within marine vehicles. This frictional force remains directly proportional to the surface area of the object’s skin contacting the fluid. The frictional force also follows the drag equation making it a coefficient of prevailing square of marine vehicle speed. Fluid viscosity, resulting from friction between neighbouring parcels of fluid moving in a different direction, contributes to the occurrence of viscous drag. Viscous drag, consequently, contributes to the development of skin friction within marine vehicles. Interference drag This could be defined as drag caused by flow interference experienced at structural junctions of objects moving within fluids. The experienced interference ultimately contributes to increased pressure upon other parts of the surface contacting fluids, consequently increasing the overall drag effect. While all objects experience certain levels of drag, when moving within fluids, the presence of junctions upon the structure increases the overall drag experienced by objects. Interference drag remains characteristic of objects having transonic flow. Objects moving at high speeds nearing 700 miles per hour commonly experience interference drag related to the travelling speeds nearing those of sound. The surrounding fluid speeds normally affect the occurrence of interference drag. When fluids move in the opposite direction, the resulting speed experienced at the contact increases significantly, and could contribute to the occurrence of interference drag in objects moving at slower speeds. Lift-induced drag This could become defined as drag resulting from the redirection of airflow by moving objects towards a different direction. In moving marine vessels this drag normally results from flowing air inducing a lifting characteristic upon the marine vehicles. Lift-induced drag within marine vehicles occurs on vessels moving on water. Vessels moving u nderwater, like submarines, cannot experience this drag force because it becomes induced through air. Underwater vessels only remain in contact with water. These marine vehicles never come into contact with air as they travel submerged underwater. When vessels travel at increased speeds on water, the influence of air affects the motion through inducing a lifting motion upon marine vessels. The lift normally occurs following substantial changes in speed and direction of flowing wind. While vessels might remain travelling

News Article on Helicopter Deaths in Afghanistan War Essay

News Article on Helicopter Deaths in Afghanistan War - Essay Example The exact number of US soldiers who died is not known, as the US military has not confirmed it, but the news sources reported the number at either thirty or thirty-one. There is some confusion as to exactly how the helicopter really crashed. The helicopter was involved somehow in an attack on a Taliban compound in Wardak Province of the country, but it is not clear how active a role this played in its crashing. According to the New York Times, the helicopter was â€Å"shot down †¦ after a night raid† (Rivera, Rubin, & Shanker). The BBC also says that the helicopter was returning from an attack of some sort, but does not specify the cause, simply stating that it â€Å"went down† and noting that NATO was still investigating the reasons (BBC). Al Jazeera reports a source as saying that â€Å"the helicopter was apparently taking off from a roof of a building during this operation when it then crashed,† although they note that the Taliban was quick to claim they had shot it (Al Jazeera). The three news articles cover this event very differently, both in terms of what related material they discuss and in terms of the language they use to talk about the event. Of the three, the BBC article seemed to be the most neutral both in tone and in its coverage. The headline of this article was â€Å"US special forces Afghan helicopter 'downed' by Taliban† (BBC). ... So, for example, instead of just saying the helicopter was shot down by Taliban, it notes that â€Å"Reports say the Chinook helicopter was shot down by the Taliban† (BBC). By always making a note of its sources and that some statements may not necessarily be correct, the article sounds neutral and does not really take sides or try to make you assume something about the events it reports on. What is also interesting about the BBC article is the range of people it talks to for its information. It does not just get all of its information from American sources, or all of its information from ones in Afghanistan. Instead, there is a more or less even mix of the two, with quotes not only from US Officials and Afghan government officials, but even from the Taliban and just ordinary residents of the area. The version of events that comes out of all this is one in which nobody is really sure exactly what happened yet, and it is implied that we should take what everybody is saying with a grain of salt. The language in the article is also very passive, such as â€Å"An increase in US troop numbers last year has had some success combating the Taliban in the south of Afghanistan, but attacks in the north, which was previously relatively quiet, have picked up in recent months,† (BBC) which leaves off who increased the troops or attacked and does not take sides. In contrast to this, the New York Times article comes down very strongly on the side of the Americans. This is not surprising as it is an American paper. Unlike the BBC article, which starts of by simply stating what has supposedly happened, this article begings with the phrase, â€Å"In the deadliest day for American forces

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Edward II Essay Example for Free

Edward II Essay Throughout Edward II, Marlowe uses a variety of stimulating techniques to present the drama as a history play. Marlowe manages to use the tradition of the chronicle or history play and develop it further producing an extremely compelling, unique piece of work. It is a play which on one hand shows structural affinities with the chronicle plays, in that it has a stirring plot with a rapid flow of incident and plenty of variety while on the other hand it has points of contact with tragedy in its attempts to show on stage heart-rending scenes filled with passionate utterances, deep pathos and high tragic dignity. This can be seen in Act four, scene two where the pace quickens as Marlowe deviates between countries. We see Edward receiving the news that Isabella, Mortimer, Kent and the young prince Edward are collecting an army in Hainault to attack on King Edward: Ah villains, hath that Mortimer escaped? With him is Edmund gone associate? And will sir John of Hainault lead the round? Marlowe therefore states historical moments, which did actually occur, but real, human, affectionate feelings are also shown from Edward, which makes the drama so much more intriguing. Also, in this scene the importance of Prince Edward continues to grow in a carefully controlled way. In the midst of Edwards anger and warlike preparations, Marlowe now has him spare a moment to think kindly of his son, whom he describes as a little boy: Ah, nothing grieves me but my little boy If thus misled to countenance their ills. Here, Marlowe shows the sentimental, humane feelings of Edward, human emotions we usually do not experience in history plays. In Edward II it is therefore made clear that the characters not only sustain its plot but also carry the emotional burden of the play. He has struck a balance between a plot whose events are directed by its hero and one, which develops independently of him and reacts upon him. The historical evidence is presented in a form that is dramatic and vivid in our minds therefore producing a thought-provoking, emotional drama.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

VitraHaus Construction Analysis

VitraHaus Construction Analysis The home of Vitra Home Collection, VitraHaus (2006-2010), is located on Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein, Germany.1 It was designed by Basel-based architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron and opened in 2010.2 The purpose of the VitraHaus was to provide a space to present Vitra Home Collection furniture arrangements in different style genres and also provide inspirational ideas for visitors home and their own taste in design.3 In Charles Ray Eames Showroom, this was overcome by use of precedents which includes minimalism and the architects previous projects in Munich, Basel, and Paris.4 A) Historical Introduction: The VitraHaus(fig.1) was initiated as the home of the Vitra Home Collection that launched in January 2004.5 The company Vitra is a manufacturer and retailer of many leading furniture designers works.6 Vitra is also known for the Vitra Campus(fig.2) that make up its premises in Wil am Rhein.7 It is where company s widely acclaimed architecture of museum, atelier, showrooms, warehouse and manufacturing buildings are situated which make up its premises.8 These buildings are known for its internationally recognized architects such as like Frank Gehry, Tadao Ando, Zaha Hadid, Nicholas Grimshaw, Alvaro Siza and Antonio Citterio as well as structures by Jean Prouv? and Richard Buckminster Fuller.9 Since its foundation in 1950, the company focused mainly on office furnishings and has targeted business clients until they launched its Home Collection in January 2004 with a new target group in mind: individual customers with an interest in design.10 It features collection of unique home product s including design classics, re-editions, as well as works by contemporary designers.11 The Vitra Home Collection was displayed in a former factory building on the main Vitra production site until the company decided to have a space solely serve for the Home Collection.12 To construct an additional space on the Vitra Campus, the company commissioned two Basel based architects Herzog and de Meuron in 2006 to design the home of Vitra Home Collection the VitraHause.13 The design development took place from 2006 to 2007 and the construction continued from 2007 to 2009 where the VitraHaus opened in Feburary 22nd 2010.14 The construction of VitraHaus was also a starting of a new chapter in the history of Vitra Campus since it was the newest addition in sixteen years since the last building the Vitra Design Museum by Frank Gehry in1994.15 B) Spatial Organization and Planning: The VitraHaus is a five storey structure with twelve houses within the building.16 (fig.3) The Charles and Ray Eames showroom (fig.4) is located in the third floor of VitraHaus with dimension of approximately 90sq.meter.17 The visitors discovery on the path through the VitraHaus starts from fourth floor of the building towards the lower floors.18 As one starts their tour in fourth floor loft, they are introduced to a spectacular view of the Tullinger Hill and the history of Vitra and the VitraHaus.19 After one has been introduced to a brief knowledge of the Vitra and its history of furniture, The Vitra Classic awaits in the third floor (fig.5) where Charles and Ray Eames showroom is located.20 The Vitra Classic floor can be reached by three different paths throughout the building.21 First is to take the main stair which connects all the floors in the building.22 This main stair will introduce you directly to Charles and Ray Eames showroom which is located in the North East side of the floor.23 The second method is to take a lift which also connects all the floors in the building.24 However, the lift will lead you to the other collection of Vitra Classics which is located in the South West side of the floor.25 But one can easily walk to the other side of the floor.26 The third is a spiral stair which is accessible from the second floor.27 On the arrival of this spiral stair, one can choose to walk straight forward to the South West part of the floor or turn around to visit the Charles and Ray Eames collection.28 As you enter the showroom (fig.6), the front facade with glazed gable ends opens up the room to the view of landscape and the Vitra Campus.29 The daylight from the window also makes the room feel more spacious. On the East of the room is the display wall with wall mounted shelving and colour coded signage to categorize Charles and Ray Eames designs.30 To the West side of the space, chairs are displayed on the floor along the wall with different flooring that separates between the display area and circulation floor.31 The West side of the space also has the spiral stairs which opened up upper part of the wall which gives view of second floor which presents the Living, Eating, and Working at Home collections.32 C) Materials and Construction Method(s): The VitraHaus is a five storey structure of stacked volumes of the archetypal house which comprised of twelve houses.33 Five houses are set at the ground floor with seven more houses are stacked up, intersected and in support of one another.34 Stacked into a total of five storeys and breathtakingly cantilevered up to fifteen metres in some places, the twelve houses, whose floor slabs intersect the underlying gables, create a three-dimensional assemblage ? a pile of houses that, at first glance, has an almost chaotic appearance.35 The VitraHaus rises above the other buildings on the Vitra Campus with maximum dimensions of 57 metres in length, 54 metres in width and 21.3 metres in height.36(fig.7) The deliberate intention was to grant an overview of the surrounding landscape, the campus as well as an overview of the Home Collection by constructing a vertically oriented structure with a small footprint.37 The charcoal coloured stucco on the exterior of the building unifies the structure, and connects it to the surrounding landscape.38 (fig.8) A wooden plank floors made from the local larch wood defines an open central area, where five ground floor buildings are grouped.39 (fig.9) It performs as a conference area, Vitra Design Museum Shop, business lounge and a Vitrine exhibition space, the lobby with a reception area and a caf? with an outdoor terrace for summer use.40 As interior and exterior spaces interpenetrate, so do two types of forms: the orthogonal-polygonal, as perceived from the exterior, and the organic, which produces a series of spatial surprises in the interior. 41(fig.10) It is a secret world that is intended by Herzog de Meuron with a suggestive, almost labyrinthine character. 42 On the path through the five storeys, the complexity of the interior space arises not only from the angular intersection of the individual houses but also from the integration of a second geo metrical concept.43 All of the staircases are integrated into expansive, winding organic volumes that figuratively eat their way through the various levels of the building like a worm, sometimes revealing fascinating visual relationships between the various houses, at other times blocking the view.44 The individual houses, which have the general characteristics of a display space, are conceived as abstract elements.45 With just a few exceptions, only the gable ends are glazed, and the structural volumes seem to have been shaped with an extrusion press.46 An important feature of the VitraHaus is the glassed end gables(fig.11); a feature which gives the house two personalities.47 By day the surrounding countryside appears to be drawn into the interior and to become almost a part of the decoration; in contrast, however, when darkness falls, the illuminated interior of the building glows from within, while its physical structure seems to dissipate.48 The rooms open up; the glazed gable ends turn into display cases that shine across the Vitra Campus and into the surrounding countryside.49 D) Furnishings and Ornamentation: The philosophy of Vitra Home Collection is to provide inspirational ideas for individuals home and their own taste in design rather than an interior design system or a homogeneous product line.50 Vitra Home Collection wishes to inspire customers to furnish their home as a process of collage of products and objects according to one s individual preferences and circumstances.51 To allow one to be inspired, and encourage to explore and heighten their sense of design, the interior of the overall space is very simple and furnishings are used as minimal as possible.52 The interior walls are finished in white which gives priority to the furniture displays and allow the characteristics of furniture presents its fullest .53 Since the space is used to showcase the retail furniture, series of wall shelving and signage are used to display.54 The white shelves are mounted in different levels with colourful signage to categorize the types of Charles and Ray Eames chairs into plastic, wire, aluminu m, and ply wood groups.55 The rugs or different variety of floor furnishings are used to give the boundary to the additional furniture displayed on the floor.56 The spot lightings are mounted in the ceiling as ambient light as well as to emphasize the products.57 Since there are minimal use of ornamentations, the abstract structural volumes interacting through the space and the glazed gable ends adds rhythm to the space.58 The high ceiling, white finishes, light wood floors, and large windows give spacious feeling to the space.59 Each house has a touch screen catalogue(fig.12) where each visitor can insert their VitraHause keycard and browse through Vitra s catalogue, purchase a product on a spot or learn about particular design or designer.60 The Vitra Classic Collection also features the Photo me La Chaise Armchair which is set of a La Caise Armchair by Charles and Ray Eames with a camera that allows visitors to have memorable photo time upon their visit to the VitraHaus.61 The photo can be stored in a personal VitraHause keycard and can be emailed later.62 E) Functions and Signification: Since the company Vitra is a manufacturer and retailer company that acquired licenses for the designs of Charles and Ray Eames in 1951, it is not a surprise to see that one of the showrooms in VitraHaus was dedicated to the designs of Eames.63 The Charles and Ray Eames showroom functions as a space that showcases the works of Charles and Ray Eames in different range of groups.64 The groups are categorized by the materials used in the making of the chairs which includes but not limited to; plastic, wire, aluminum, and ply wood.65 As mentioned earlier, the deliberate intention of the building was to grant an overview of the surrounding landscape, the campus as well as an overview of the Home Collection by constructing a vertically oriented structure with a small footprint.66 This has been illustrated in the Charles and Ray Eames showroom with large window that has an overview of the campus and the opening for the spiral stair case allows an overview of the Home Collection on lower floors.67 The philosophy of the Vitra Home Collection also has been demonstrated successfully in the space.68 The Vitra Home Collection s intention was to provide inspirational ideas for individuals own taste in design so one can furnish their home as a process of collage of products and objects according to one s individual preferences and circumstances.69 This philosophy is successfully delivered through minimal interior design of the space.70 It allowed the unique characteristics of each chairs to be presented in its fullest with the contrast of the white wall.71 This contrast and display almost creates an imagery of pallets of colourfull paints on a white canvas which inspires visitors to explore and imagine their own design of space.72 The special photograph set and digital catalogue also adds excitement and convenience to the visit.73 The space that is solely dedicated in respect of the design classic, with the company s philosophy of provide a space that can inspire one to build and develop their own design world.74 This suggests that the space not only functions as a showroom, but it also functions as a space for an education, preservation of stories, personal knowledge and to be one s muse.75 F) Designer s Sources/Inspirations/Influences/Precedents: The concept of the VitraHaus contains two direct quotations of the themes that appear repeatedly in the oeuvre of Herzog de Meuron: the theme of the archetypal house and the theme of stacked volumes.76 Herzog de Meuron has aimed not for virtuosity but innovation, looking always to the broader culture and art for inspiration.77 Referring to Andy Warhol, Jacques Herzog has said, He used common Pop images to say something new. That is exactly what we are interested in: to use well known forms and materials in a new way so that they become alive again. 78 Their influences of the archetypal house and theme of stacked volumes can be seen in many of their work from precedents to future projects that are in progress.79 The Goetz Collection, in Munich 1989-1992 (fig.13), St. Jakob Turm in Basel 2005-2008 (fig.14), and Rue des Suisses in Paris 1996-2000 (fig.15) are one of the precedents that has been designed by Herzog and de Meuron.80 Another form of their precedents study can be found at the Herzog and de Meuron Exhibition at the Walker Art Centre in November 2000 to February 2001.81 The exhibition included from material studies to technical drawings and from initial models to full-scale prototypes(fig.16).82 Here, many prototypes of stack up of geometrical shapes can be found.83 In VitraHaus, it was especially appropriate since the primary purpose of the five-storey building is to present furnishings and objects for the home.84 Due to the proportions and dimensions of the interior spaces ? the architects use the term domestic scale ? the showrooms are reminiscent of familiar residential settings.85 Architect Jacques Herzog, naturally, sees the situation somewhat differently.86 For Herzog, the project was a chance to get away from development driven architecture and a rare opportunity to complete an author driven project.87 Through the stacking and interlacing you not only create a multitude of new forms and architectural spaces but achieve a wonderful paradox: a simple, familiar house design which appears complex on account of the numerous intersections.88 This perceived complexity is further enhanced by the combination of the external orthogonal-polygonal form and the more organic internal form which results, principally, from the spiral staircases and occa sional open spaces and small side windows.89 Principally the black exterior allows the effect of floating houses by allowing the structure to merge with the darkness.90 In addition the anthracite of the VitraHaus contrasts with the brilliant white of Frank Gehrys neighbouring Vitra Design Museum.91

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Look At Causal Comparative Research Psychology Essay

Look At Causal Comparative Research Psychology Essay Causal-comparative research design can be defined as a research that permits researchers to study naturally occurring, cause and effect relationship through comparison of data from participant groups who exhibit the variables of interest. Causal-comparative research can also be referred to as ex post facto, Latin for after the fact (Sowell, 2001). In other words, causal-comparative research can be studied in retrospect since it attempts to determine reasons or causes for the existing condition between or among groups of individuals. This research design is often found in the fields of education, medicine and social sciences. According to Sullivan (2001), The belief that there is order in the universe, that there are reasons why everything happens, and that scientists, using the procedures of science, can discover what those reasons are explains that researchers usually go on to examine the reasons why the observed pattern exist and what they suggest. For this reason, the basic element of causal-comparative approach involves starting with an effect and seeking for possible causes or vice versa. The basic approach, which involves starting with effects and investigating causes, is sometimes referred to as retrospective causal-comparative research. Retrospective causal-comparative studies are much more common in educational research. Meanwhile, the variation which starts with causes and investigates effects is called prospective causal-comparative research. The cause and effect relationships may influence how a problem is formulated and a research design developed. It can be said that the major purpose of causal-comparative research is to investigate potential cause-and-effect relationships that occur naturally without manipulation of variables. In this particular research design, researchers try to find the reasons why certain forms of behaviour occur. To formulate this research design it requires at least two variables namely independent and dependent variable to support the objective of the research. In this approach, it can be said that some independent variable (IV) is the factor, or one of several factors, that produces variation in a dependent variable (DV) (Sullivan, 2001). Consider, for instance a researcher formed 3 groups of preschoolers consist of those who never watched Sesame Street, those who watched it sometimes, and those who watched it frequently. The 3 groups were then tested by making comparison on a reading readines s test. Based on the mentioned case study, it shows that the independent variable affect the dependent variable. In this case, Sesame Street is the independent variable (IV) while the preschoolers reading performance is the dependent variable (DV). The Characteristics of Causal-comparative Research According to Babbie (2013), there are three main characteristics for causal-comparative. Firstly, to infer the existence of a cause and effect relationship, the causal-comparative research must demonstrate an association between the independent and dependent variable. Therefore, it involves two or more groups and one independent variable. In addition, it determines the cause or consequences of differences that already exists between or among groups of individuals. The groups are assigned to the treatments and the study is carried out. The individuals are not randomly assigned to treatment groups because they were already selected into groups before the research began. In this research, it can be said that cause and effect depends on each other, whereby the cause may precedes the effect or vice versa. It is important to note that the independent variables in causal-comparative cannot be manipulated, should not be manipulated, or simply not manipulated but could be manipulated because the independent variable has already occurred. Thus, it is not possible to manipulate the independent variable. Causal-comparative research requires the study to be non-spurious. In this context, non-spurious refers to a causal relationship between two variables. According to Babbie (2013), spurious relationship is a coincidental statistical correlation between two variables, shown to be caused by some third variable. However, in causal-comparative research, only two variables are required and not caused by the action of some third variable, therefore it is shown that causal-comparative research is non-spurious. There are two types of causes that contribute to this research design, namely necessary and sufficient causes. Generally, the term cause is assumed to mean something that produce an effect, result, or consequence. A necessary cause represents a condition that must be present for the effect to follow. For example, it is necessary for you to attend driving classes in order to get a driving license. However, by only attending driving classes is not a sufficient cause of getting a license. This is because it is required to pass the driving test to get the driving license. On the other hand, a sufficient cause represents a condition that, if it is present, guarantees the effect in question (Babbie, 2013). This is not to say that a sufficient cause is the only possible cause of a particular effect. Take the case of the driving test mentioned earlier; not attending the test would be a sufficient cause for failing it, though students could fail it in other ways as well. Thus, a cause can be sufficient, but not necessary. Design and Procedure The selection of the comparison groups is very important in causal-comparative procedure. Although the independent variable is not manipulated, there are control procedures that can be exercised to improve the interpretation of results. The researcher selects two groups of participants, the experimental and control groups, but more accurately referred to as comparison groups. These two groups may differ in two ways; whether one group possesses a characteristic that the other does not or each group has the characteristic, but they differ in terms of degrees and amounts. The independent variable differentiating the groups must be clearly and operationally defined, since each group represents a different population. In designing this research, the random sample is selected from two already existing populations, and not from a single population. A causal-comparative design is chosen, for example, when researchers want to study the possible influences of Montessori school enrolment on childrens mathematical ability. Researchers locate a population in which several levels of mathematical ability are known to exist and then select a sample of participants. The researchers collect data from all participants on measures of mathematical ability and school enrolment. Once they have collected their data, researchers decide how many levels of mathematical ability they wish to study. In this case, suppose the researchers want two groups. They could classify the participants scores accordingly from highest to lowest, and then locate the middle score of the list. All those participants whose measures are above the middle score are designated as high mathematical ability and those below it, low mathematical ability. Next, the researchers compare task performance scores in each group to see whether Montessori school enrolment appears to influence task performance. There are three possibilities that could emerge from the study. Montessori school children have higher scores than non-Montessori school children. Montessori school children have lower scores than non-Montessori school children. No discernible pattern shows in the scores of Montessori and non-Montessori school children. This shows that each statement suggests a possible relationship between the two variables which are Montessori school enrolment and the childrens mathematical ability. Measurement of second variable Group B Group A Measurement of first variable determines group placements of participants Participant selection Generalized example Montessori school children Participant selection Measurement of mathematical ability Measurement of Montessori school enrolment Non-Montessori school children Example of school enrolment and mathematical ability FIGURE 1: Procedures in causal-comparative designs. 3.1 Control Procedures In other study design, random assignment of participants to groups is probably the best way to try to ensure equality of groups, but random assignment is not possible in causal comparative studies because the groups are naturally formed before the start of the study. There is a possibility to have extraneous variable in a causal comparative research that may affect the overall purpose of the study. Thus, control techniques are used to compare the sample groups equally. There are three common control techniques that can be used, namely matching, comparing homogenous groups or subgroups and analysis of covariance. Matching can be defined as a technique for equating groups on one or more variables. If researchers identify a variable likely to influence performance on the dependent variable, they may control for that variable by pair-wise matching of participants. In other words, for each participant in one group, the researcher finds a participant in the other group with the same or very similar score on the control variable. If a participant in other group does not have a suitable match, the participant is eliminated from the study. Thus, the resulting match groups are identical or very similar with respect to the identified extraneous variable. Another way to control extraneous variable is to compare groups that are homogenous with respect to the extraneous variable. The more similar the two groups are on such variables, the more homogenous they are on everything but the variable of interest. This homogeneity makes a stronger study and reduces the number of possible alternative, explanations of the research findings. Not surprisingly, then, a number of control procedures correct for identified in equalities on such variables. This approach also permits the researcher to determine whether the target grouping variable affects the dependent variable differently at different levels of control variable. That is, the researcher can examine whether the effect on the dependent variable is different for each subgroup. Analysis of covariance is a statistical technique used to adjust initial group differences on variables used in causal comparative and experimental studies. In essence, analysis of covariance adjusts scores on a dependent variable for initial differences on some other variable related to performance on the dependent variable. Analysis of covariance statistically adjusts the scores of the group to remove the initial advantage so that at the end of the study, the results can be fairly compared, as if the two groups started equally. 4. Data Analysis and Interpretation Analysis of data in causal-comparative research involves a variety of descriptive and inferential statistics. The most commonly used descriptive statistics are mean and standard deviation. Mean indicates the average performance of a group on some measure of a variable. Standard deviation is a measure of the dispersion of a set of data from its mean. The more spread apart the data, the higher the deviation. Standard deviation is calculated as the square root of variance. The most commonly used inferential statistics are t tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and chi square. T tests are used to determine whether the means of two groups are statistically different from one another. ANOVA is used to determine if there is significant difference among the means of three or more groups. Babbie (2013) defined chi square as a frequently used test of significance in social science. In other words chi square tests are used to determine whether there is an association between two or more categories. Chi square test explains that observed frequencies of the items or events in categories are compared with expected frequencies. Similarities and Differences between Related Research Designs Causal-comparative versus Correlational Research It is better to know that the major purpose of correlational research is to determine the magnitude and direction of associations or relationships among variables. Even with different purpose, correlational research is sometimes confused with causal-comparative since both lack manipulation of variables and requires caution in interpreting results. In addition, both researches seek to explore relationships among variables, and when relationships are identified, both research designs are often studied at a later time by means of experimental research. However, causal-comparative and correlational research still can be differentiated. Compared to correlational research, causal-comparative compare two or more groups of subjects, whereas correlational research only focus on one group. In addition, correlational research has no attempts to understand cause and effect whereas; causal-comparative studies purpose is to identify the cause and effect relationships between the variables. Apart from that, correlational research involves two or more variables and one group while causal-comparative involves two or more groups and one independent variable. Causal-comparative versus Experimental Design Causal-comparative can also be confused with experimental research both attempt to establish cause-effect relationships between variables and both involve group comparisons. In addition, both causal-comparative and experimental research can test hypotheses concerning the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable. The difference between the two researches is that in causal-comparative, the individuals are already in groups before study begins, whereas in experimental design, individuals are randomly assigned to treatment or control groups. Moreover, the random sample studies for causal-comparative is selected from two already-existing populations, while in experimental research, the random sample is selected from only one population. The researcher in experimental research manipulates the independent variable; that is, the researcher determines who is going to get what treatment. In contrast, in causal-comparative research, individuals are not randomly assigned to treatment groups because they are in established groups before the research begins. The example for the established group can be male or female, college graduates or non-graduates. In causal-comparative research the groups are already formed and already differ in terms of the key variable in question. In other words, the independent variable in experimental research can be manipulated by the researcher to determine the researchs effect, whereas the independent variable in causal-comparative cannot be manipulated since the independent variable has already occurred. Advantages of Causal-Comparative Research Like other research designs, causal-comparative research has its strength and weaknesses. One of the strengths is that the causes are being studied after they presumably have applied their effect on another variable. The researchers might administer a questionnaire to study the causes or they can also do interviews and observation to find the cause or effect related to their research. For example, a researcher may hypothesize that participant in preschool education is the major factor contributing to differences in the social adjustment of first graders. To examine this hypothesis, the researcher would select a sample of first graders who had participated in pre-school education and a sample of first graders who had not and would then compare the social adjustment of the two groups. If the children who participated in pre-school education exhibited the higher level of social adjustment, the researchers hypothesis would be supported. Thus, the basic causal-comparative approach involve starting with an effect (i.e., social adjustment) and seeking possible causes (i.e., did pre-school affect it). Another advantage of causal-comparative research method is that it allows us to study cause-and-effect relationships under conditions where experimental manipulation is difficult or impossible. Unlike experimental research, the variable in causal comparative research is not manipulated because it has already occurred. For example, a researcher might be interested in determining the effect of poor parenting on the issue of juvenile delinquency. Clearly it would not be ethical to approach the parents and ask about how they raise their children because it is too personal to discuss family issues to an outsider. Thus, causal comparative research permits investigation on a number of variables that cannot be studied experimentally. In addition, causal-comparative studies help to identify variables worthy of experimental investigation. In fact, causal comparative studies are conducted solely to identify the probable outcome of an experimental study. In other words, many relationships can be studied in a single research study. Suppose for example, a researcher were considering implementing computer assisted language learning in the school system. Before implementing the mentioned program, the researcher might consider trying it out on an experimental basis for a year in a number of schools or classrooms. However, even such limited adoption would require costly new equipment and teacher training. Thus, as a preliminary measure, to inform the decision, the researcher could conduct a causal comparative study to compare the English language achievement of students in school who are currently using the instruction with the English language achievement who are not using it. If the results indicated that the students le arning through computer assisted language learning instruction were achieving higher scores, the researcher would probably decide to go ahead with an experimental tryout of computer assisted language learning instruction. If no differences were found, the researcher would probably not go ahead with the experimental tryout to save time, cost and effort. Disadvantages of Causal-Comparative Research Despite its many advantages, causal comparative research has some serious limitations to be caution of. In causal comparative research, the researcher has limited control over the study and extreme caution must be applied in interpreting results. This is because the groups are already formed at the beginning of the study. An apparent cause-effect relation may not be as it appears. The alleged cause of an observed effect may in fact be the effect itself, or, a third variable may have caused both the apparent cause and the effect. In other words, an observed relationship between variable A and B can mean that A causes B, B causes B, or a third variable C causes both A and B. A causes C causes B A B causes B B causes Figure 2: Relationships of variables For example, suppose a researcher hypothesized that enrolment to preschool is a determinant of reading achievement. The researcher would compare the achievement of two groups, one comprising individuals with children who went to preschool and children who did not go to preschool. If those who went to preschool performed better on reading measures, the researcher could be tempted to conclude that going to preschool influences reading achievement. However, this conclusion would be groundless. Because the participants arrived at the beginning of the study with an established group of children who went to preschool and children who did not, and an established level of reading achievement, it is not possible to determine which came first and which influence the other. Moreover, it is very plausible that some third variable, such as parental attitude, is the main influence on both reading achievement and pre-schooling. For example, parents who sent their children to preschool and encourage their children may have children who have higher reading achievement. Analysis of Studies Using Causal-comparative Research Design One of the major findings within the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research is the different rates of success with which children and adults achieve nativelike proficiency in a second language (L2).() It is also common in SLA studies that mostly L2 learners do not attain nativelike proficiency because of their first language maintenance. In a research report entitled Does first language maintenance hamper nativelikeness in a second language? by Bylund, Abrahamsson and Hyltensam of Stockholm University, they aim to address the role of L1 proficiency in L2 attainment. In this study, the researchers hypothesized that the second language learners do not attain nativelike proficiency because of their first language maintenance. It is recognized that the independent variable in this research is the first language maintenance, whereas, the dependent variable is the nativelikeness in a second language. It shows that there is clearly an association between the two variables since the independent variable (IV), which is the first language maintenance might probably affect the dependent variable, which is the second language. To examine the hypothesis, the researchers select a sample population consists of Spanish-speaking immigrant community in Sweden, where residents of Chilean origin are in the community. 30 L1 Spanish-and L2 Swedish residents participated in the study where they acquire their second language before the age of twelve. The bilinguals came from countries throughout Latin America with a specific concentration in Chile. The participants were either university students or degree-holder. A common denominator of the participants was that they exhibited a generally high level of L2 proficiency. For the second group, fifteen native speakers of Spanish and fifteen native speakers of Swedish were recruited as monolingual controls. The researchers choose small sample populations to represent the study populations. The control groups were matched to the bilingual participants by educational level. In the process of matching the variables and groups, it can be said that pure monolingualism was not a criterion for participation, and the majority of the participants had foreign language skills such as English language. In addition, none of the control participants had lived abroad for any significant length of time in a setting in which their foreign language skills could be practiced. These two groups will be referred to as Spanish-speaking control and Swedish-speaking controls participants. Bilingual participants were tested individually in each language on two different occasions. The bilinguals and the Swedish-speaking controls were tested in the same setting and instructors and the Spanish-speaking controls were tested in another setting with another instructor. The language proficiency of the participants were investigated by piloting a grammaticality judgment test (GJT) to find out about the samples grammatical intuition. Furthermore, in order to measure the participants semantic and grammatical inferencing skills, a cloze test was piloted to all participants.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Dropouts and CTE Essay -- Resarch Career Technical Education Essays

Dropouts and CTE In October 2000, the overall picture of high school dropouts had changed little since the late 1980s (Kaufman et al. 2001): For every 100 young adults enrolled in high school in October 1999, 5 had left school without completing a program; of 34.6 million U.S. young adults aged 16-24, 3.8 million—almost 11 percent—had not completed high school and were not enrolled. Some studies have shown that students in schools with a concentration of multiple risk factors (e.g., large schools, large classes, high poverty, inner city location) have less than one chance in two of graduating from high school; furthermore, the economic costs of dropping out have increased as time goes on (Castellano et al. 2001). Adjusting for 50 years of inflation, young male college graduates at the end of the 1990s earned about one and half times as much as their peers in 1949, but the young male high school dropout earned less than half as much as his counterpart. The conventional wisdom that CTE is one solution to the problem of dropouts is made clear in one statewide evaluation of STW (Schug and Western 1999). In telephone interviews, most randomly selected school district curriculum directors reported a belief that STW had beneficial effects on student outcomes like high school completion, but all 45 agreed that there was not reliable information on achievement, attendance, or completion rates. Another statewide study (Brown 2000) noted that state systems for collecting and reporting Tech Prep outcomes were poorly developed, perhaps because they were not required in the Tech Prep Education Act (Title III-E of Perkins II). So it would seem that the question remains: Is CTE one solution to the dropout problem or not? Early Statis... ... the Balance: An Analysis of High School Persistence, Academic Achievement, and Postsecondary Destinations. St. Paul: National Research Center for Career and Technical Education, University of Minnesota, 2001. (ED 461 721) http://www.nccte.org/publications/index.asp Publications and Materials: Case Studies. Atlanta, GA: High Schools That Work, Southern Regional Education Board, n.d. http://www.sreb.org/programs/hstw/publications/pubindex.asp Schug, M. C., and Western, R. D. School to Work in Wisconsin: Inflated Claims, Meager Results. Report 12, No. 1. Milwaukee: Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, 1999. (ED 427 246) Stern, D.; Dayton, C.; and Raby, M. Career Academies: Building Blocks for Reconstructing American High Schools. Berkeley: Career Academy Support Network, University of California, 2000. (ED 455 445) http://casn.berkeley.edu/buildingblocks.html

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Talibans Attack on the United States Essay -- Terrorism

The Taliban's Attack on the United States On September 11, 2001, the most disastrous terrorist attack in U.S. history left a countless number of innocent Americans both dead and missing. The Taliban’s assault on the Pentagon and annihilation of New York’s World Trade Center caused the entire country to wonder what was going on in the rest of the world to cause so much animosity toward our great nation. Little did many American citizens know that this shocking catastrophe was the result of years of unrest and chaos in the Middle East. The tragic events of September 11th occurred as a result of the recent, political history of Afghanistan, the development of the radical Islamic group, the Taliban, and the monetary and military support that the Taliban has received. The Middle Eastern country of Afghanistan has been the center of a long history of heartless violence and political strife for quite sometime now. Russia’s interest in taking over the country and converting it into another member of it’s Communist entity was one very trying obstacle that Afghanistan has had...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Literary Analysis 12 Angry Men Essay

Juror #7- The Christ Figure In the 1957 classic film, ’12 Angry Men’, the writer, Reginald Rose, portrays the antagonist, Juror #7, as a Christ figure. The writer’s use of a few conspicuous similarities made making the initial connection simple. However, the writer’s brilliant use of inconspicuous similarities made researching this paper very enjoyable. It amazes me that a writer takes the time to tuck little morsels of meaning just under the surface of his work. Let’s take a deeper look at ’12 Angry Men’. The film tells the story of a jury of twelve men deliberating over the fate of a teenaged boy accused of stabbing his father to death. When the jury retires to its chamber, the jury foreman assigns each juror a number according to where they were seated around the table. The antagonist was sitting in the seventh chair; therefore, he became Juror # 7. This is the first Christ figure connection I made. The number seven is the most often referred to number in the Bible with the exception of the number one. The number seven is used over 700 times in the Bible. In the Book of Revelations, it is used 54 times. In Hebrew it is considered the perfect number and represents completion. It is used so many times in the Bible to represent completion or perfection, that to reference them all for this paper would take up its entirety. In ’12 Angry Men’, the antagonist is the only juror to place a not guilty vote when the jury took its first vote. The antagonist systematically breaks down the reasoning behind every other juror’s guilty vote. One by one, he exposes the underlying fears and prejudices of each jury member. In doing so, he creates reasonable doubt. In essence, he became the boy’s savior. In the Book of John, Chapter 8, the st ory is told of an adulteress who is caught in the very act of adultery. In accordance with the law, the woman was to be stoned to death. When asked his opinion of what the woman’s fate should be, Christ says, â€Å"He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.† Then those who heard it, being driven by their consciences, left without casting a stone at the woman. In the same way, the antagonist brings to light in each juror their own sinful nature and human weaknesses. The antagonist’s outward appearance and demeanor also mirrors the way that Christ has been depicted throughout the history of Christianity. In contrast to the other jurors, the antagonist wears white. He is outwardly  calm. He is patient and never loses his temper. The setting of the film is a stuffy jury room with no air conditioning, yet the antagonist maintains an air of lightness and serenity. In contrast, the other jurors sweat, complain of the heat and display flaring tempers. One of the more subtle connections I made was that the antagonist was an architect by trade. I knew from Bible study that Jesus was a carpenter. It was not until I was advised to check the etymology of the word architect that this connection became concrete. The Online Etymology Dictionary says the following: architect (n.) 1550’s from Middle French architecte, from Latin architectus, from Greek arkhitekton â€Å"master builder, director of works†, from arkhi- â€Å"chief† + tekton â€Å"builder, carpenter† It was in the end of the very last scene that our antagonist was given a name. He introduces himself by the name of â€Å"Davis† to another juror as they are leaving the courthouse. Ironically, my maiden name is â€Å"Davis†. I suspected that the writer has a reason for doing this so I looked for the meaning of the surname Davis. â€Å"Davis† is Welsh in origin. It is a patronymic name that means, â€Å"Son of David†. In Hebrew, the name David means â€Å"beloved†. Jesus is referred to as the son of David several times in the Bible. The following are a few scriptures from the Bible where Jesus is referred to as the son of David. â€Å"As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, crying out, â€Å"Have mercy on us, Son of David!† (Matthew 9:27) â€Å"And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, â€Å"Have mercy on me Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed.† (Matthew 15:2 2) â€Å"The crowds going ahead of him, and those who followed, were shouting, â€Å"Hosanna to the Son of David; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest!† (Matthew 21:9) The writer’s depiction of Juror #7 as a Christ figure is clear if you look at the many subtleties of the script. If I were to delve deeper, I am sure there are many more to be discovered. Doing this assignment has been an enlightening experience for me. I have developed the inability to take a written work of art at its face value alone. I will forever be turning over the stones of every story, looking for the hidden jewels of meaning.

Disgusting at the same time Essay

The author wants the reader to imagine the most horrible things and as everyone has different ideas about our own horror it will make it even more repulsive. By using the word â€Å"hollowed† he burns an image in your mind and makes you visualize the hollow bodies that had been devoured by the vultures. The word â€Å"Strange† by itself in one line sums up your feelings among the following section of the poem, and by being alone in one line it emphasises the word, it gives the word â€Å"Strange† a lot of importance. Achebe shows affection as a pessimistic aspect of life, in the poem it says that love coils up like a snake in a corner, it also says that â€Å"love† is upset, angry or punished. Together with the phrase â€Å"turned to the wall†, the author personifies love. Reaching to a certain point of the poem, the author uses an ellipsis by dividing it into two supposed different stories, however, that’s what it seems from the outside, but if you , both stories is related one to another. To link these parts, the author changes line, and uses punctuation (†¦ ), he uses three dots at the end of the first part to show the poem continues, and then starts talking about the commandant † Thus the Commandant at Belsen†, which appears to be a total different theme. When the poet uses the phrase â€Å"fumes of human roast† it intends to create a disgusting scene, with the word â€Å"roast† he creates a linking image which relates the phrase to the animals, food and cooking (burning). The word i roast` is associated to the word ihuman` which makes you think of people being cooked and burned, and it seems even more revolting as the reader probably visualises itself in the same situation. With this extremely inhuman scene the author originates a cruel image referred to Commandant, he is also shown as a very horrendous man when Achebe talks about the commandant’s appearance; i hairy nostrils`, the poet wants to incite the reader to hate this character. The Commandant’s children are represented as his `tender offspringi , this produces a comparison between the commandant and the vulture because normally when referring to society the `offspringi of someone usually are their sons or daughters, the word `offspringi is applied when we talk about animals, so this word in a way shows that the commandant wasn’t very loving towards his children. The word ‘tender’ is used to describe is normally used to describe soft meat. This creates two impressions of the same concept; his offspring is related to good meat, yet it’s also related to the vultures, which creates a memorable paradoxical image. The author wants the audience to see both facets of this terrible man, by saying the word ‘ Daddy’s’, this makes the commandant seem sweet and caring, and uses an enjambment ‘ Daddy’s // return’, to make the word i returni stand-out. He also wants to create two different images with the word ‘return’, to make the reader think that the children miss their father, and to prove that there’s also a bit of grace in such a cruel man. To conclude, in the last paragraph Achebe summarises the poem. He thanks God that even an ‘ogre’ (which in society is seen as a stereotype of a malicious creature) has ‘a tiny glow-worm of tenderness encapsulated in icy caverns of a cruel heart’. This means that all human kind beings with a dark inside will unfailingly have a spark of mercy in him. Achebe finally expresses that human beings aren’t good or bad, they’re a combination of both, and this is what the whole poem represents. The poem is made out of one stanza, which is divided into four subsections. This an unusual poem because the poet uses free verse, which makes the poem colloquial. It has no rhyme because rhymes make things amusing and musical and wouldn’t help the poet describe pessimistic aspects as he does in the majority of the poem. The four fragments link together evil, goodness, vultures and the commandant. Achebe uses commas and enjambment to make it a slow paced poem to read which makes it sorrowed. The whole poem is written in English by a Nigerian author, it is written for European readers. He wants to show that it doesn’t matter from where you belong, every war is the same as abominable and everyone has a bit of light and darkness in their hearts.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Pros and Cons of being Malleable

Clay might be more related to the word malleable instead of metal. The word malleability is defined mostly as the property of metal to be shaped into the craftsman’s design.The same word can be attributed to humans but has different meanings. Malleable (in human terms) can either mean being able to adapt to changes or the trait of being influenced easily. This paper discusses about the implications of being malleable as it relates to personality.Pros of being MalleableCharles Darwin should change his theory on evolution. Survival is not about who the strongest specie is, rather, survival is about who can adapt easily to changes in the environment. The positive side of being malleable means that a person can get through with any obstacle that he or she faces.A malleable person can simply ‘contort’ his or her personality to suit the changes that happen in his or her life. Whatever these obstacles are, being malleable allows us to come up with different strategies on how we can cope with the changes. A malleable personality means that we are capable of dealing with difficult people or circumstances.We may need to adjust to avoid conflict with other people. It does not necessarily mean that we have to change, remember, the definition of malleability is not to change entirely but to bend. Sometimes, people with culture alien from us become part of our lives, in work, school, or even in the family, anywhere in the society that has some sort of connection with us.As a sign of respect, we may have to restrain ourselves from speaking out loud about certain practices that we might find weird or even wrong. This does not mean that we are changing for them. It just means that we are willing to tolerate (at a certain extent) unfamiliar customs. Being malleable would come in handy on travels abroad.Another instance when being malleable might come in handy is during tough times, it may be financially or emotionally. During times of ‘financial drought ’ learning how to adjust is vital. Cutting unnecessary expenses is one way of adjusting.Old habits that use money need to be cut. In an emotional sense, adjusting to a new environment is also vital. An outsider has to learn the norms of the new environment if he or she is to move to that new environment. The outsider may have to overcome language barriers, and other aspects of culture.Cons of MalleabilityVirtually everything has cons, in this case, a negative definition. One definition of malleability is the trait of being controlled or influenced easily. This definition of malleability means that we let others control our decisions, and therefore our lives.Some people are too malleable that they hardly make decisions on their own. They allow themselves to be the puppet of others, doing whatever the strings of the puppeteer tells them too. This negative definition of malleability makes a person loose his or her identity because what defines us are the decisions we make in our livesConclusionLike most things, being malleable has its pros and cons. Being malleable can either mean we can adjust easily to life’s challenges or we let others decide for us. Adaptability is key in survival, those who can adapt the easiest survive. While being malleable means we can adjust to changes, it could also mean that we can easily be manipulated.Referenceâ€Å"malleable.† Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper, Historian. 10 Nov. 2008..