Thursday, February 28, 2019
Internet Marketing: A blessing or a curse Essay
lucre selling is a phenomenon that was introduced recently due to the choppy boom in the usage of internet. People have non further become used to the internet and its ease, in fact, they have become so reliant and dependant on it that it contribute qualify as an colony these days. Now, life without internet has become unimaginable for all age groups and backgrounds (Benkler, 2006). This is something that marketers capitalized on. Marketers beat back to reach their consumers and catch their attention in whatever way practicable through whatever medium that is the most effective and efficient.E rattling tail market/segment uses internet that is, the entire customer base is visible(prenominal) to the marketer online thus, using the internet as a platform to come on their growth is nothing but a wise idea. Marketers had flooded the television, thought that customers atomic number 18 now more easily available on the TV comp ard to newspapers and posters. As strange as it m ay sound, gradually, the amount of people of ages 18 26 watching TV has reduced (Ginster, 2005). Viewing of TV shows, movies and programs are easier online on either the home website or Youtube because of the ease of timing and frequent conveniences.Thus, at the end of the day, it is all about internet marketing if a marketer wants the yield to succeed (Malan, 2006). The reason for this is that there is a product purchase journey which has steps such as familiarization and cognisance as the first ones the internet is used as a medium to transfuse the familiarity and position the product in the appropriate manners in the heads of the electromotive force customers. (Mangold & Faulds) Internet marketings basic tools are emails, websites, advertisements on unhomogeneous websites, youtube, social media like Facebook and Twitter.However, it is not limited to these tools when an online record of all the customers is unbroken to provide them with better customized and personalis edized service, this is called an Electronic Customer Relationship perplexity Database. This has become more and more critical today because of the increasingly cardsharp customers each day who need to be provided with value and will not settle for something that does not meet the expectations and the promise made by the companies.BlessingsInternet marketing has servinged companies cut down on their advertising budgets and save up a lot of finances that were earlier utilized for heavy marketing all over the cities and countries. However, in the case of internet marketing, every customer, no matter which corner of the world they are physically present at can access the same advertisement and look at the brochures and so forth The geographical advantage helps the marketers a lot, but not serious them (Bove, 2000). The customers are also at an advantage because they can look at the product, inquiry on it and purchase it according to their convenience.This also increases the purcha sing frequency of the customers along with the speed of transaction, creating an advantage for the company (Story, 2008) Another advantage is that the marketers do not need to worry about keeping a track or record of all the transactions. in that location is an automatic electronic record generated as and when activity takes place. There are several methods of doing that per click, per purchase, per action etc. This way, the statistics can help the marketers figure out what is more popular amongst the customers.In a way, via internet marketing, the marketer can receive feedback about the campaign like a shot and make amendments and more appealing (Czepiel, 1990) Tools like Facebook, Twitters, Linkedin are used so much by almost everybody that even if the marketer gives one adept ad to be placed right next to a Facebook page, a huge difference can be made. Curse In a way, internet marketing creates a barrier between those users who have a fast internet connection and those who ow n a s execrableer one. These advertisements sometimes have pictures and videos which are heavy to download and cannot be accessed with a confused quality internet connection.In some areas, the internet is always low thus, this in a way limits the customer market and the number of people they can target. (Anonymous, 2008) The establishment and installation of internet marketing as a system in the organization needs a few initial costs which are pretty huge. These include higher technology equipments and programs that help design internet advertisements (Kotler & Armstrong, 1996). For customers, sometimes it is a turn off because purchase a product without holding it is a little more of a gamble than usual.The sense of touch, sight, smell and taste in some cases is very important for the customer to be able to judge how well the product fits into his/her requirements (Strativity Group, Inc. , 2009). Very importantly, sometimes, the internet becomes so messy and cluttered with ads a nd information and the advertisement put by the marketer does not remain visible, evident and unusual anymore. It becomes part of that clutter and eventually feels annoying and unappealing to the eyes. Keeping everything aside, the biggest crime of internet marketing is the security concern.Information provided by both the marketers and the customers is hush-hush for them and they do not want it to be disclosed it to anybody (Bitner, 1995) however, when it comes to the internet, nothing is telld hacking is super common. Also, online purchases that charge the money on the credit card before the voice communication of the item have no guarantee. There is also no guarantee of the security of the credit card number added to the website for payment (Gentle, 2009) Conclusion My personal opinion is that internet marketing has been a mercy and not a curse for all of us.The reason for this is that as customers, it has helped us mature because of beingness right there in front of us all the time. Our awareness levels have increased and our understanding of a product and its analysis is just a click away. Everything has become so convenient and quick. It has helped us pee more perspective because information is only a second away. There are issues as well but everything has issues if the usage is done mighty and if a structure which does not have all of the above mentioned issues is developed, therefore internet marketing can be a complete blessing for all.
Learning and Determination Essay
What keeps you motivated to go the bare cubic centimetre even when you want to give up? What helps you get through lowering times and accomplish anything you want? finale is why we get up in the morning. It is what drives us to do what we want to do. Everyone is driven by his or her own determination to be successful in life. The people that argon determined to achieve various goals in life are cognise to succeed in all areas of their life. Determination isnt a banter that you rump define with a sentence, it is a word that has plenty various meanings.People will always tell you that you deposet assimilate it, and that you arent good enough. They will try to bring you down, so you wont reach your highest potential. When I was in middle school, one of my teachers told me that I wouldnt pass eighth grade and that I didnt earn it in me to make it to college. I believed her at the time.Through forbidden middle school, I was in a program where they helped students with learning disabilities. I was in this program, called Discovery. I always thought that I was unintelligent and couldnt do anything on my own. Hence, I believed my teacher and had that mindset throughout middle school. As I got older, I learned that people learned differently from other people. It susceptibility cede taken me retentiveer to learn the subject, but I lastly learned it. Since then, I have been determined to prove that teacher incorrectly and to prove to myself that I can make it as I long as I personate the use in.Determination means to have a strong intention to achieve a certain take aim to have a strong will power to finish anything you put your mind. Determination is putting anything you have to make yourself better. Determination is putting the extra work in to further yourself. In my family, every person is musically gifted. My parents believe that each kid should know how to play one instrument, if non more. Therefore, when I was in fifth grade, I was obligated t o start performing an instrument.I chose to play the clarinet. Learning to play the clarinet was very hard. I was the castigate player out of the clarinet section I sucked. The other students in the luck were learning their instrument pretty fast. I started to feel left out because I couldnt keep up with them. At times I wanted to quit, but I didnt. I stuck with it. I started to practice every single day. I asked my mother if she could arrange for me to have private lessons. I was determined to get better, so I did everything a fifth grader could. solely the extra time I put in, started to pay off. I was on the job(p) my way to being the first chair in the clarinet section and equitable becoming a great musician.Determination is one of the greatest assets we can possess. It can bring the best out in us. Determination is the musical instrument we use to defeat discouragement. My teacher told me that I would never be anything. So, I am determined to put everything I have into s chool and every aspect of my life. Determination is the instrument we use to overcome brief failures to stay fresh failures from becoming permanent. Determination is what we have to set goals and achieve them. I wanted to be a great clarinet player, so I put the work in and reached my goal. I was determined to be the best, and thats what I achieved. Determination is the key to be successful. It drives us to be the best person we can possibly be.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Cheating and Lying Can Sometimes Be Helpful
Cheating is a combination of fictionalisation and stealing. When you cheat, you are misleading another(prenominal)s in one way or some other, and thats untruth. Often, chess in like manner involves taking information or ideas that re all(prenominal)y give out to someone else. A basic definition of deceit, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, is dissertation falsehood with the intention of deceiving. Theres also a minute of arc type of lying. When you hold back information that you know is necessary for another person to get a true picture of the situation, you are also intentionally deceiving.Cheating and lying sometimes can be accommodating hmm maybe Cheating and lying in the most of the cases are spoiled thing, it isnt good to lye someone, before that we should think how we would feel if someone falsehoods us. And with the cheating, the same. but when you have some need you dont think nigh the others. Cheating on test -one of the things that everyone d o it at least once. We all want good grades and we dont see as full-grown thing the cheating on test. Cheating in relationship- thats gravely, that is bad feeling and its not helpful.There are many kinds of cheating and for everyone there is at least one way of cheating that is helpful. Lying- lying to your parents, maybe sometimes helpful, but bad if they found out lying to your friends if they are really your best friends you dont have to lie them. Lying is always for some benefit, for own benefit, or for someone other and when that help us to get something or to avoid something we think that is helpful. nevertheless the lying and the cheating arent things we should proud with them and use very often.
Agriculture of the Mayas and the Ancient Egyptians Essay
gardening is in the heart of any great civilization, which in turn, erects great empires. The origins of empires e precise(a) stem brush up to smaller pieces of civilizations. It is responsible for feeding and sustaining the vastness of great empires. Of course, angiotensin-converting enzyme has to find a suit suitable place to harvest or lam for food. Agri ending differs from one civilization to the next besides it is all essentially outstanding. Egyptians were unfeignedly a population consisting mainly of farmers. Mayans were no ejection they foc employ on agricultural pop offs and in that respectfore substantial advanced(a) technology in that area. agriculture is do up of many an(prenominal) factors give care wet, soil, or primer coatscape. A civilization needs to know how to cultiv take crops get-go off beca manipulation in that respect are many guidances in which one can take a appoint. Different tools can be used for several(predicate) crops and that highlights the start of a civilization. Then comes lookup, which is unique to each culture since the land gives real carnals for food and it is up to the population to decide which animal is almost preferred and should be die harded for the most. After work and hunting animals, the civilization decides what foods are to a greater extent preferable and next time they would go for those crops or animals. This brings the civilization to domesticate preferable animals and grow preferable crops. It is a mix of mother nature and the perceptiveness of the civilization.The Egypt civilization developed in one of the largest dry desert areas in the world larger than the all in all of Europe. It would have been a miracle if stack could settle there. People were able to inhabit it only when possible because of the Nile River which crosses an almost rain slight desert from south to brotherhood carrying the waters of Lake Victoria much than 3000 miles to the Mediterranean Sea. In ancient times, Egypt colonised in the last 700 miles of this waterway.The land of Egypt had a poor variety of plants there were very few trees. The wild fig and the acacia was the only common set trees and they grow in a isolated fashion. thither are withal fruit trees such as the date and dom palms and the fig tree. Less trees meant that woods was scarce as well. It was less convenient for Egypt. In the dry conditions of the desert, there was a barely any plants, herbs or vegetables. It is miraculous how the Egyptians formed a culture with this poor agriculture.On the other hand, Mayans lived in the land of Mesoamerica, which had bighearted trees and resources. In their land, the animals were considerable and the climate was favorable. However, the Mayans had a great population of people and this meant that they would need a pack of food. Sustaining this large population meant that advantageously farming rules would be necessary.Farming orders play an burning(prenomin al) bring out in agriculture. nigh civilizations are more complex than others. However, advanced technology does non invariably profit in agriculture. Sometimes, the good old common sense method will bring more to the table than intense and vicious coating. The way people cultivate crops will also reflect in their tools and becomes spot of their culture.Agricultural technology depends on the land. The civilization can favour to be hostile or gentle depending on how much resources is available. The Mayans had a tremendous mensuration of resources, therefore, Mayan farmers were aggressive on the land. They took on a method of swiden (shifting cultivation), which fashion they took what they demand and left the land to nature. However, this abandonment of corrupted land was not productive because they would run out of resources. The Mayans probably sensed this because they later evolved into a intensive multi-crop cultivation. They started to take care of the land. In this e ffort, much labor was needed to sustain the stackive cultivation of crops. This concludes that most Mayans were farmers and were in the workforce of mass cultivation.Egyptian farming methods were not very advanced. The Egyptians favored simplicity. The farmers would supply water to their crops by first making trenches on the Nile River, bringing it as fold up as possible to the fields and then establishing a draw-well. In the national of a perennial garden, water would be carried to the square growing-beds in pairs of clayware jars suspended on long wooden poles on the shoulders of men. Where there was fertile land, they grew cash-crops to be sold for profit abroad.Egyptian farmers also utilized animals in their farming. For example, farmers would use sheep to help them grow corn. Farmers would start by filling a small bag with seed and scattering it across the field. After it is scattered, sheep would be driven over the freshly sowed fields. This helps pack the seeds in the so il. Using this method, farmers were able to handle large fields. This method saved the farmers a lot of time.The Mayans and the Egyptians some(prenominal) had un equal farming method. Both methods were molded to provide goods to their civilizations. Neither method was more superior. Even though Mayans had more advanced methods, Egyptians had to use very primitive tools because of the land they lived in. This restriction probably caused Egyptians to go for more elemental methods. However, one thing is clear Mayans had a much more developed farming technology than the Egyptians.A civilization will show its avowedly colors when it comes to the hunting of animals. After an animal is captured, the people can choose to kill it or breed it. If a civilization is violent, they will hunt and kill animals to handle their hunger. However, a civilization which chooses to domesticate animals have a greater sense of respect and patience towards the animals. This will prove that the sermon of animals will reflect on the civilization.Farming was not the only important factor in Mayan agriculture. In fact, Mayan agriculture started with the hunting of wild animals and the cultivation of wild crops. Hunting animals is important to agriculture because different tools were made to hunt different animals. The Mayans love hunting. In a study, searchers set that over 8 months, peasant- hunters carried out a total of 175 hunting trips. Most hunting was done during the dry season (January-April). Mayans really depended on wild animals for food. Therefore, the force play was necessary for their survival.Egyptians domesticated more animals than they hunted. They held animals as sacred and saw them as companions. Upon all animals, the Egyptians respected the ox the most. The Egyptians dressed them up and talked to them like humans. They in time gave cattle as sacrifices to the gods. This meant that the Egyptians did not depend on the animals for food. This is a good example of ho w domestication of animals reflects the attitude of the civilization towards animals.In comparison, Mayans were much more violent towards animals than the Egyptians were. The Mayans saw the animals as food while the Egyptians saw them as something holy. However, animals were more coarse in the Mayan world when compared to Egypt. It could very well be that since Egyptians realized that there was a scarce amount of animals, they should be held sacred. In the Mayan culture, since they saw so much animals and they were more violent than the Egyptians, they probably indomitable that it was a better idea to eat these animals than to take time domesticating them. Therefore, the Mayans corporal more centerfield in their aliment than the Egyptians.The average sustenance of different civilizations will decide which foods were more popular in the culture and in turn what foods would be grown or hunted. This makes a difference in agriculture because not all foods are taken from the wild. If a certain(a) food is liked more, the civilization will work to preserve it through with(predicate) farming or domestication. This is only in the case when that food is less abundant in the land and the civilization truly cannot live without the foundericularized food.The food that was gathered from farming and hunting made up the aliment of the Mayans. The everyday diet of this civilization also resembled the type of agriculture they had. For Mayans, they were lovers of corn. Their diets consisted of in general corn. This reflected in their agriculture because they cultivated loosely corn. On the other hand, Mayans ate other crops too but their diet remained intensively to corn, beans and squash. When it came to meat, Mayans favored joker over everything else. Turkey was prized in the Mayan culture they hunted wild bomb calorimeter most of the time. Mayans also knew about spices because they used chili peppers to spice up their food. Chili peppers was prized almost as mu ch as corn since it was the main spice the Mayan used. Chili peppers were mass cultivated just like corn. The Mayan diet would seem very close to a vegetarian diet. However, they were also intensive hunters and that meant their diets contained meat as well. All in all, the Mayans had a healthy and simple diet consisting mostly of vegetables.The Egyptians held animals sacred and therefore, most Egyptians were vegetarians. In fact, the ox was seen as such a sacred animal that the Egyptians allowed the oxen to have meals with them. They fed the ox like how modern people would feed their dogs. They had a diet of mostly barley and wheat. The dependence on these foods meant that barley and wheat were extensively cultivated. There were also other foods such as corn and date fruits, but barley and wheat were favored among all else.Mayans and Egyptians were very different when it came down to diets. They did not have much in common. However, their diets showed how it could change agriculture . The more they loved a certain food and depend on it, the more it was seen in the fields of the farmers. For Mayans it was corn and for Egyptians, it was wheat and barley. Because they favored it, it was grown more.The farming of certain plants were questionable because it was not seen in the Mayan or Egyptian diet. However, further research shows that some plants were only cultivated for their medicinal purposes. Medicine plays an important part in agriculture because it comes from the land. As people learn to use the plant more for medical use, they are contributing to the growing agriculture.Civilizations usually made euphony from their surroundings. It is interesting to discover how the surrounding land was used to provide medicinal drug for the civilization. The useage of euphony has a large effect on what herbs or plants were grown because if it was essential to the civilization, there was a higher production of these plants. Mayan medicine contained food. Some were from o dd sources. For example, chili peppers was not only a condiment for their food. It was actually used as one of the medicine. As mentioned before, chili peppers were one of the most cultivated plants along with corn. This is a perfect example of how medicine compete a role in agriculture.The Egyptians did not have much friendship for medicine. They were naive enough to believe that the cure for all illnesses could be found on a particular plant they called Dgam, or the olive tree. The greater number of medicine were of vegetable origin. They depended very much on the land for medicine. However, in some cases, there were rare instances when animals were used for medicine for example, blur teeth, lizard blood and putrid meat were among the favorites of the Egyptians for medicine use.The Mayans and Egyptians needed medicine to take care of their inhabitants. However, the methods they used were twain very simple. The Mayans and Egyptians used different plants since they had differen t needs. The Mayans relied on food sources like the chili for cures. The Egyptians relied on plants like the olive tree, which did not do much for medicine. The olive tree was more spiritually healing rather than physically helpful. In the scope of medicine, Mayans win over the Egyptians because their medicine was more powerful and scientific. Egyptians only based their medicine on spiritual beliefs of another power living inside their medicine.Agriculture consists of many different factors but it has essentially the same idea the gather of people working unneurotic to keep each other alive. This collectiveness is the set outning of a civilization. The mass cultivation of crops needs storage places and tools for efficiency. People need to build homes to accommodate the storage of food. Settling down means relying on a certain area for food. Agriculture is always going to lead to the start of a civilization.Mayan built their civilization somewhere where the food is accessible. Th e tautologic of food happened to be corn that became their main diet. Hunting turkeys was a preference because the agriculture of the land called for turkeys. They developed complex systems to tend to their farms. The Mayans were famous for their rock pyramids. They used the most abundant source of material they could find in the land and that is part of agriculture. The food, the land and the lifestyle that the Mayans had depended largely in part to their agriculture.Egyptians built their civilization on the harshest of environments. However, they were able to use the Nile River to their advantage. The abundant amount of water in the Nile made it possible for Egyptians to build a truly exotic empire. The Egyptians were famous for their sandpaperstone pyramids. Their pyramids consisted of the desert sand and it was made possible only because the abundance of agriculture was there. The Egyptians used the land to their advantage by incorporating the Nile River in their farming sys tems. They favored wheat and barley because there was a lot of it. The land gave them what they needed and they built upon that foundation.The Mayans and the Egyptians were both very different in agriculture. The Mayans had the luxury of abundant food. Nature provided Mayans with trees, animals, crops and water. Nature was not so handsome with the Egyptians. Their land is probably the direct opposite of the Mayan land. They did not have abundant food and they did not have much animals either. The climate zones were also completely different. The Mayans had warm temperatures and moist environments. The Egyptians had to go through harsh, hot sun and sand storms.Although the Mayans and the Egyptians seemed like they had nothing in common, there was a few things that were homogeneous in both civilizations. First off, the Mayans and the Egyptians both had pyramids. They built it with the most abundant source they could find. Another thing they had in common was the workforce. They both had farmers who worked together to mass cultivate crops. The Egyptian workforce and the Mayan workforce was pretty telling due to the fact that it was all focused on farming. In both cases, they believed that agriculture was important to a civilization.Agriculture can be many things. It can be the way people hunt for resources, grow resources and use resources. Agriculture can be summed down to the abundance of resources. Once a civilization has settled down, the most abundant resource will begin to show in their culture. The heart of civilization is agriculture and it is as important because it will build up a civilization.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
My Proudest Day of My Life
The Proudest Day of My Life The grey school twenty-four hourss what I once hated most, are fin onlyy over. Do you remember the oodles of homework, different and challenging assignment, hard exams? So those are the past now. It was a beautiful summer day, the big day, the day of my graduation. An important event, that many of my friends and I prayed for that we will do well after our examination without worries. The feeling was so special that no words could describe it. But despite of this I really would like to share with you my special day The loud panegyric from the students rocked the hall when the school syndicate entered.Everyone was so excited about it. The medical specialty was uplifting as the symbols of the school then our t to each oneers and the dean had reached their seats. We rose and interpret the National Hymn. After the hymn, the dean opened the graduation ceremonially with his speech. then(prenominal) some of our teachers and some pupils said thank you and good bye to each other. Although the first speech was quite dry, the others were very interesting. After the speeches students from each course of action lined up in the auditorium. Many of us waited eagerly for our secrete to go the main lay out to receive our diplomas from the dean.We were more than two speed of light but I was postponement patiently. Of course I was very excited. currently after that, it was my turn. How can I describe that feeling you have been waiting for so long? As I heard my name, I stood up, walked to the stage and the dean handed my diploma after shaking each others hands. A second later I heard the applause and the unforgettable act of feeling proud, that yes, I did it It was an amazing feeling to stay there in front of everyone, especially in front of your family, your loved ones and see the jubilate in their eyes.In that seconds and on the way back to my seat I recalled a lot of memories from the last five geezerhood. All the positive and negative aspects of cosmos a student came to my mind like the hard exams or the maneuver time with my friends. After the ceremony, in the background, a white projector screen scrolled mound then flashed a video on it. It recalled many memories from our first day we had our orientation till the last days. I was astonished to see my prospect as some pictures of me popped up on the screen. Seeing myself five old age younger at the orientation week with a scared reflexion and with a what am I doing here feeling was really funny.I felt up a little bit embarrassed, but we laughed a lot with my friends. At the end of the ceremony we sang the school song then we went to the bounce in front of the university and took some pictures with friends and our last group photo. After that we had a short conversation with friends and somehow a sense of nostalgia aroused eventhough we were all euphoric that we finally graduated. I took a last glance well-nigh the main lobby the place I first entered t he university five years ago before I went back to my family.Along the way back home, in the car was the time when I had a weird feeling. It felt as if it was happiness and sadness with many other kinds of feelings. The feeling was stronger when I had reached home. I knew if I told myself I did not miss the school and my friends that would be lye. maybe that was the last time we gathered our friends together. However, I am extremely happy that I finished my school and got my master degree, but I in any case will miss it I am sure that we would not be able to feel what we once felt together in the classroom during the past five years.
Does Kenya Get the Full Benefit From its Tourist Industry?
My course twist task is to write a report closely Kenya to show that I check studied Kenya and its tourist manufacturing and tooshie comprise a estimatement close how much Kenya benefits from the tourists that ad go down the country.Kenya is an equatorial country located on the east side of the continent of Africa bordering Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania and the Indian Ocean. Kenya is in any case bordered by Lake Victoria in the west. Kenya lies between 5N and 5S and covers an body politic of 582,646Km. Kenya has an extremely diverse sculptural relief with a low coastal plain spanning 536km, in set down plateaux fields and multiple muckle ranges and isolated peaks.Tourism has become the most important part of Kenyas thrift accounting for 38% of effort in the developing country. Kenyas master(prenominal) tourist hookings ar the many an(prenominal) game parks across the country, including the popular Massai mara reserve and the to a greater extent excl usive Tsavo National Park. Kenya also offers Golden beaches and 5-star hotels along its 536km of coastline.The map below shows the localization of Kenya within Africa, Important tourist destinations, study Game reserves and relief.Map of Kenya and the Sur plumping CountriesKenya lies on the equator but the yearly rainf tout ensemble is unusu every(prenominal)y low and varies from year to year. This is due to the seasonal winds blowing the intertropical asperse and rain comparatively quickly across Kenya in April and October and the Monsoons taking a track parallel to the coast and passing over large aras of land before reaching Kenya.You would expect the temperature in Kenya to be constantly spunky as it is an equatorial and so the sunlight hits the earth vertically and with more concentration than at latitudes a bearing from the equator all year round, but the comely temperatures in Kenya atomic number 18 relatively low compargond to other equatorial African countries due t o the variation in altitude. Only the low lying coastal areas of Kenya experience constant proud temperature associated with equatorial locations.There are both wet seasons March May and November December and ii dry seasons in between. The countrys climate can be divided into four neck of the woodssCoastal regionThe temperature and humidity stay relatively high all year round but the offshore wind and the long days make the area bearable. It receives nigh rain all year round mostly in the small hours of the morning.The Northern Frontier and Lower Inland PlateauThis naval division of the country experiences a low annual rainfall considering its equatorial location (usually below 500mm). The temperatures are high throughout the year and the humidity low.The Kenya HighlandsThis region to the west of the country is the most agriculturally productive land in the country. As Kenya is a developing country with a huge slice of its industry macrocosm primary the region is also the most densely populated.Kenyas branched rainy season does feature in the region but rainfall is moderate and exceeds 1250mm precisely on the highest parts of the area. The region experiences its lowest temperatures from June to September, the nights being described as chilly.The Higher Mountain RegionsThese areas are higher up 2500m and are small. Temperatures fall low fair to middling for frost to cook and some snow to fall. Mt Kenya has a permanent snow cap.Kenya receives two rainy seasons because of the disceptation of the earth when orbiting the sun. The hobby diagram illustrates thisThe tropic of caprine animal is scalelike to the sun. It becomes warmed by the sun. During the day more water evaporates causing clouds to form livery rain.231/2South tropical of CapricornThe earth spins on its axis, the angle at which it faces the sun changes gradually tilting towards the equator this then warms the equator0 Equator KenyaThis tilt increases until it reaches 231/2 N where the tropic of cancer is warmed.231/2North Tropic of CancerThe whole process is reversed tilting stern to the tropic of Capricorn via the equator. The full tilt and reverse tilt of the earths axis takes a year. This is why Kenya has two rainy seasons due to the position of the overhead sun.* SunlightThe two Climate graphs above show the climate of Mombassa, Kenya and London, England for comparison. The Graph of Mombassa shows the two rainy seasons. The graphs also indicate a main reason why tourists realize Kenya. The lowest temperature Mombassa endures is 24C, higher than the highest temperature London endures. The Hottest times of the year in Mombassa coincide with the coldest time of the year in London. This is one of the major reasons tourists visit Kenya.Because the country has two rainy seasons it also has two grazing seasons. The savanna ecosystem kernel that more species can live in harmony together. Darwins survival of the fittest of the fittest theory states that when two species are in direct competition the best evolved impart survive, the reason the Savannah can support so many animals is that all the animals ask a niche and so are not all in direct competition. Some species are Grazers, some are browsers etc. This is called Grazing succession the grazing succession insures that every probability to use the supply of food is taken. It is a similar pattern for Carnivores Lions make a kill but leave plenty of food for spot Hyenas and again for the vultures. Each specie waits in turn to be fed.The following diagram is an instance of Grazing successionThe Savannah is famed for the vicissitude of species of large animals that live in that location. There are near forty divers(prenominal) types of herbivores, plus the carnivores, this is a simple food web of part of the savanna ecosystem The Savannah and the balance of the ecosystem is important to Kenyas Tourist Industry as it provides the main incentive for tourists to holiday there. It is important that the Industry does all it can to go on the delicate balance.The following gameboard is a selection of the slew who are involved with Kenyas tourist industry. It helps sum up their views and why they hold that view. It also helps me conclude which direction the people involved in Kenyas tourist industry wish it to go.PersonGroup(s) of people they representWhat view they hold about touristry In KenyaWhy they hold their viewA European TouristTouristsTourism is good for Kenya but only when it is controlledIt is their mannerslong imagine to go on sa outlying(prenominal)i and think that its excellent to agree all the animals in their infixed habitat. except they have reservations about how much the tourists are damaging the animals rude(a) habitat.A Kenyan MaasaiMaasai tribeAgainst mass tourismThe Maasai people have been ejected from their homeland to make way for the tourists. They are no long-lasting allowed to live in the game park. The tribe is no longer al lowed to migrate around the country.Muslim from MombassaThe Muslim club of MombassaAgainst tourismInduces changes to there culture and insults their religious followings. I.e. western women show their bodies. Tourists bring with them alcohol, drugs and sex tourism. Mombassa has and so found a rise in crime and social mental unsoundness as young black men marry older gabardine women and immigrate to Europe.Muslim from LamuThe Muslim community of LamuFor sustainable tourismLamu has restrictions on the way tourists dress and behave. There are no bars in Lamu and there are restrictions on the size and design of hotels. E.g. they have to be white and made of local materials. The Muslim community also work closely with travel agents and a certain amount of the price tourists net profit towards there holiday goes back into the community and maintenance of the townsfolk.A shipboard soldier BiologistConservationistsAgainst tourism as it is nowTour guides dont do enough to pr howevert th e destruction of the coral. They let tourists stand on the coral and even drop their anchors (which is illegal but the law is not enforced) because of the bigger tips on offer. This means the coral reef becomes unbalanced and slowly dies and therefore no more tourists will want to go and see the reef. Laws should be enforced to save the reef and any future tourism.Owner of Glass arse BoatTour guidesFor and againstGets a major income from taking tourists out in their boat. The marine park is swamped by boats at low tide which means there are lots of pollutants are going into the reef. The boats also clash into the reef and their customers also stand on the reef.Game WardenConservationistsAgainst tourism as it isTour bus drivers in the Maasai Mara reserve go far too close to the animals. There is a rule that they cant go proximate than 25m to animal but they disobey this rule for better tips. There are too many tourist busses for him to police. The animals suffer and reproduction rates have dropped rapidly. just about of the above groups are for tourism in one way or another. It seems that they all would like to have a sustainable tourist industry where the of necessity of the tourists arent put above that of the local population and the natural habitat. Sustainable tourism would also prolong the life of the tourist destinations then providing an income for many generations of Kenyans.So, Does Kenya get the full benefit from its tourist industry?Kenya is a developing country. I can see that it is a developing country by using development powers. These include gross national product (Gross National Product), jobs, Trade, population, health and education. Most Kenyans are employed in the primary sector relatively few are involved in secondary or 3rd industry apart from tourism. This is shown in the pie chat belowThis is one indicator that Kenya is developing. Another indicator is that most of Kenyas exports are raw materials (Shown in the graph below), this shows that the country is developing compared to a develop country like the fall in dry land whose exports are primarily manufactured goods and services.Kenya also has a high birth rate, infant mortality rate and a low literacy rate, all of which are indicators of a developing country. Possibly the Best way to judge whether a country is developing is by looking at its gross national product (Gross National Product). The table below shows that Kenya is still developing as a county because it shows 83% of the countries in the world to have a higher gross national product than that of Kenya. Compared with a Developed country such as the United Kingdom (GNP- 18700) and even with man African counties Kenya has a long way to go before it can call itself a developed country.Table 8. Kenya GNP (Gross National Product)Countries in the world with higher GNP than Kenya83%Countries in the world with same(p) GNP as Kenya2.5%Countries in the world with cut GNP than Kenya14.5%Countries in Afr ica with higher GNP than Kenya52%Countries in Africa with same GNP as Kenya10.5%Countries in Africa with lower GNP than Kenya37.5%Kenyas GNP per somebody (1995) = US $280Kenya needs to continue to develop tourism as it will bring more specie into the country so it can commencement exercise providing better health services and education services for its population. Tourism is seen as a good way to continue developing a country.The table printed below shows employment in the hotel industry. General Managers in hotels are mainly Non-African. This means that a lot of money is not going to Kenyan employees and therefore doesnt go back into the community. This also true with some Hotel lolly going to multinational companies based in developed countries. This means the bread of the tourist trade done by these multinational giants arent going back into Kenya. barely I feel that if Kenya continues to develop it will start to micturate graduates capable of filling higher positions in the tourist industry, therefore bringing more money back into Kenyas economy.At the present time Kenya has developed tourism in the inland game and safari parks and along the shores of the Indian Ocean. The development along the coast is mainly luxury hotels, new-made developments that have sprung up especially for the tourists. Most of the Game parks have gone this way too with 5-star lodges etc. there are only a few exceptions, Tsavo Safari park is one of them with the emphasis on preserving the land and protecting it from the potential devastation tourism can bring.Most Kenyans benefit from tourism in Kenya, mainly the people who work right away with the tourists or derive their incomes from the industry, for example hotel owners, tour guides and safari park operators, But also the whole of Kenya can potentially benefit from tourism if the money spent by tourists in Kenya is put back into the community in the form of hospitals and schools.The groups of people who are affected in a negative way by tourism are mainly those whose ways of life are changed or oppressed by the tourists. For example the Muslim community of Mombassa. They feel that the tourists dont respect their way of life and their religious followings.Personally I feel that Kenya is feeling the full benefit from tourism as they see a huge amount of people now holidaying in Kenya. However I do feel that the Kenyan tourist board needs to do more to work towards maintaining a sustainable tourist industry if it wishes to continue to feel the full benefit.The Kenyan authorities should take account of example like Tsavo National Park and Lamu where sustainable tourism is already operating. In these areas special care is taken not to damage the environment. For example in Tsavo the accommodation is Temporary and so can be travel about so the land receives equal wear. The tour guides also conk under strict rules when approaching animals and taking paths along the park. In Lamu a levee is placed on all tourist payments to go back into the town to maintain the local way of life and therefore the tourist attraction itself. The tourists also are encouraged to abide by the Muslim dress rules when going out and there is no alcohol available in accordance with their religion.If the Whole of the Kenyan Industry adopted policies similar to this it would keep back the tourist attractions for generations of Kenyans and would most probably attract more tourists, as the people who go to Kenya like to experience local culture and animals in their natural habitat, rather than it feel manufactured to their needs.Kenya will also further its sparing development by operating this scheme as it will ensure a higher percentage of income from the tourist trade staying in the country.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Ilm M4.01 Essay
film directors provoke subordinates quite a little who crop at trains below the passenger cars. 10 In summary10 Leadership and Adaptability10 4. communion and inter soulfulnessalised relationships11 4. 1 Explanation11 4. 2 Barriers11 5. evolution opportunities12 5. 1 Personal style14 5. 2 Personal organic evolution16 M4. 01 beneathstanding the watchfulness role (Work based assignment) 1. Introduction 1. 1 My Role Principle background Engineer Med c recruiting Council. The council employs just near 7,000 pile in a wide garland of general and specialist roles.Staff atomic number 18 based in the devil of import offices Gun Wharf Chatham Maritime and Civic Centre in Strood. As salutary as in schools, social helping centres and leisure, countryside, inheritance and arts centres. My role within the placement is Principle Desktop Engineer. I on-goingly buzz off a police squad of 8 engineers and an apprentice. The main mapping of the avocation is to manage th e backcloth engineer aggroup, providing an good and efficient desktop service to Med panache Council. A full Job description (JDQ) is listed at appurtenance 1. 2. Med vogue Council1Medway Council is a unitary council responsible for providing operate, including education and social services, in Rochester, Strood, Chatham, Gillingham, Rainham, the close rural areas and the Hoo Peninsula. The council a standardised ensures that good deal comply with regulations, supports business and tourism in Medway and kit and caboodle to include everyone and regenerate the area. Services pile who quest services bum find in pulpation on our website or at the councils main offices, the t avow centre contact points as puff up as in local papers and radio and in the free magazine for residents, Medway Matters.You bear similarly pay online for many services, including council tax, rent and parking fines and also complain if services are non up to your expectations. Decisions Decision s intimately our services are made after asking sight for their figures ab pop out, for example, what core determine should underpin decisions and much more. Councillors serve decisions about everything from ref phthisis collection to variety of the area. It is their job to ensure that services are im positiond cost effectively, where they are inevitable and without discrimination. Council meetings are publicised in advance and members of the public are gratifying to attend.Partnership Working in compact with others to tackle problems effectively and execute is co-ordinated through the Local Strategic Partnership and set out in the community plan. Other examples of partnership stimulateing are the Children and Young Peoples Partnership and Community Safety Partnership (CSP). Employer As an employer of around 7,000 people, Medway Council offers full and part-time career opportunities. 2. 1 The councils vision The Councils vision for Medway is that Medway will be thriving , confident and healthy, a place where people are proud to live, release and learn.There will be opportunities for everyone to contact and succeed, and to get the virtually out of life. We will celebrate the diversity of our communities, tackling disfavor in all its forms. The local economy will grow an increase number and range of jobs created by the expansion of existing businesses and the attraction of new-fashioned ones. With a University for Medway offering opportunities for all local people, we will have a superiorly educated and skilled workforce, able to meet the needs of employers. stinting prosperity and progress will not however, be achieved at the disbursal of the purlieu.People living in Medway will enjoy a high smell of life, with decent, affordable housing. There will be a antiphonal transport system, helping to reduce traffic congestion. We will repair the milieu and maintain it for future generations. This can only be achieved through the review of a ll the community, the Council, businesses and others sharing ambition and responsibility. We will listen to local people and jointly take vainglory in improving the place where we live. Networks of instinctive groups working with local people will be encouraged. Medway Council will yield high quality services, always working to improve value for money. all over and above this the Council will consult and involve local people so that decisions are taken on spending limited resources together. The Council will co-coordinate partnerships across boundaries to achieve common objectives. Medway Council will seek to set an example as a good and fair employer. Medway matters in that location is no limit to what we can achieve. Working together we will shape the future of Medway and create an purlieu of flourishing communities with people who fulfil their potence. . 2 Organisational structure The council is made up of two ingestorates Children and Adults Regeneration, Community and Culture An additional partnership with NHS Medway includes The Public health Directorate An disposalal chart can be found at adjunct 2 with a vigilance role table at vermiform process 3. 2. 2. 1 Functional areas and managerial roles in relation to its purpose Under the Medway Council Personal Development Review (PDR) there are several personal qualities and attri exactlyes (PQAs) which pith managers are assessed against Commitment to diversity and integrity promoting and managing diversity and demonstrating a fair and ethical approach in all situations Openness to diverge proactively support change, pursuance opportunities to promote improved organisational effectiveness federal agency and resilience consistently projecting and promoting a confident, controlled and foc apply attitude in highly challenging situations Working with others steer, involving and motivating others both within Medway and in the community Effective intercourse communicating effecti vely oth orally and in writing Commitment to development committed and able to develop ego, individuals and teams to improve organic lawal effectiveness Problem solving understanding and applying relevant information to make appropriate decisions which reflect key priorities and requirements Situational awareness maintaining an active awareness of the environment to promote safe and effective working Commitment to excellence tending groups to achieve excellence by the establishment, maintaining and managing performance requirements Planning and implementing creating and implementing effective plans to represent a range of organizational objectives Political/organizational awareness recognizing the potential political impact and implications of actions from a strategic perspective These are in the main for operational staff entirely there is an expectation that all middle managers fulfil these roles. 2. 3 Stakeholders and their objectives A stakeholder is any indi vidual or establishment that is affected by the activities of a business.They may have a direct or indirect interest in the business, and may be in contact with the business on a daily basis, or may just occasionally. Our main stake holders are Members they are elected, accountable and driving force values and activities. Staff they will be interested in job security and pay. Agencies Shools, NHS, Housing, Police, Highways, Waste and Building Control. Other authorities SE7, a partnership of seven councils that have committed to working together to improve quality of services and to achieve savings. Stakeholders have an interest in the phoner but do not own it. I would suggest that most people would say the public would be the main stakeholder as the end-user.However there is a stakeholder matrix which is used to assess how much power and yield they have to an organisation. Using this then influences how much attention/priority the organisation should allocate to each. pic 3. The role of management in achieving goals To achieve its goals and ensure that the stakeholders interests are continually analysed and met, the council employs middle managers. The council goals can only be achieved if everyone works as a team and supports the council vision and values. halfway managers are an eventful component of this team. nerve managers have a responsibility within the organisation to implement at an operational level, the policy and programs set out by the of age(p) managers and directors.They have a strong impact on the sequel of customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and the efficiency and development of the organisation. Middle managers within the company also act as role models who interpret and represent the company they croak and track the different goals and policies ensuring information flows up as well as down. 3. 1 Responsibilities of middle managers Middle managers relay strategic objections from older managers to their subordina tes. They set local targets, review and evaluate, and report back to senior managers. intercourse is therefore crucial in the organisation to ensure everyone full understands their roles and responsibilities.Middle managers play an important role in promulgating information to their staff from senior managers in an appropriate manner and understandable language to ensure duties are carried out efficiently and effectively, as we have a duty as public servants to provide value for money. In essence they make it strong. Various systems are in place to enable middle managers to provide evaluation on targets to senior managers, and provide data for Best treasure Performance Indicators (BVPIs). Adairs Action Centred Leadership model can be used to show how middle managers can show achievement towards the organisations goals By Achieving the Task By Developing the Team By Developing Individuals Importantly as well, Adair set out these core functions of leading and says they are vital t o the Action Centred Leadership model Planning seeking information, defining tasks, setting aims Initiating briefing, task allocation, setting standards Controlling maintaining standards, ensuring progress, on-going decision-making Supporting individuals contributions, encouraging, team spirit, reconciling, morale Informing clarifying tasks and plans, updating, receiving feedback and interpreting Evaluating feasibility of ideas, performance, enabling self assessment Following training, Medway Council middle managers are involved in recruiting staff, exact appraisals and performance management and absence management, in accordance with service procedures. Middle managers are specialists within their department or team. . 3. 2 Leadership/ focusing styles How you talk to your staff, how you be active, how you delegate, how you solve problems and how you make decisions will depend on you view your role as a manager or as a leader.The table at appendix 4 lists the different styles. 3. 3 To lead or to manage You need both. The old proverb says that lead is doing the skillful thing management is doing things right. The end between the two is not as sharp as the saying would suggest, and both are required for effective corporate growth leadership risk creates opportunities while management tightness turns them into tangible results. If your organization is not on a journey beginnert bother about leadership just settle for management advises John Adair. There is a direct correlation between the way people view their managers and the way they perform 2 Leadership vs. ManagementWhat is the difference between management and leadership? The biggest difference between managers and leaders is the way they stir up the people who work or follow them, and this sets the tone for most other aspects of what they do. Many people are both. They have management jobs, but they realize that you cannot buy hearts, especially to follow them down a elusive path, and s o act as leaders too. Managers have subordinates people who operate at levels below the managers. Leaders have followers, leaders do not have subordinates at least not when they are leading. Many organizational leaders do have subordinates, but only because they are also managers.But when they want to lead, they have to give up formal authoritarian control, because to lead is to have followers, and following is always a voluntary activity. In summary The table at appendix 5 summarizes the differences between organism a leader and being a manager. This is, of course, an illustrative characterisation, and there is a whole spectrum between either end of these scales along which each person can range. Leadership and Adaptability We k instantly that what will inspire or motivate one staff member, will not inspire or motivate another managers therefore need to be adaptable in their responses to staff. 4. Communication and interpersonal relationships 4. 1 Explanation3Interpersonal conve rse is a crucial part of your everyday life, yet you probably rarely think about the way in which you interact with other individuals. DeVito defines interpersonal talks as communication that takes place between two persons who have an established relationship the people are in roughly way connected Thus, as interpersonal communication can occur between romantic partners, business associates, doctors and patients, and so on , it permeates our lives. Often, you devote your interpersonal interactions to attempts at influencing the other individual in some way. 4. 2 Barriers One thing Ive seen as an inhibitor is people equal to communicate in different ways. So as a manager, we need to really seek to understand for each person, what they prefer.Some may like short 1-1 sessions that focus on quick communication of facts. Some may like longer communication sessions and be comfortable talking about personal life. Some may want weekly 1-1s, some bi-weekly. toilsome to tailor the commu nication style in personal interactions is important. Another inhibitor Ive seen is globally dispersed teams where communication can often take the form of instant message conversations and emails. I find that at least on occasion, suggesting a quick 5 minute call to cover something can really be of value allows a more personal level of communication and can also allow for off topic communication which can help people connect.Management is based on communication but being able to transfer that into drivers, performance, motivation and sustainability needs leadership and empowerment skills. It is the basis of intrust building. You can give someone a reprimand or praise and even both over a coffee and with genuine commitment you have a strong trammel to build on. It converts into motivation when focused right. Its not just about communicating its about several crucial interplays of trust, motivation, inspiration, support and leadership. The main barriers we come across are solved on a trust re deepd basis. Even a simple barrier like arriving late for work is a mountain without trust.Bottom line is each team player is different respect will give you the ability to enter and discuss. Trust will aid the action plan then follow up and reward progress mechanisms facilitate team building and mentoring. 5. Development opportunities Every council employee has a PDR covering Performance over the last 6/12 months, achieved objectives/targets, areas of good performance. Areas of performance to be developed further or any other problems or constraints. Agreed priority objectives/targets for next 12 months (including any Corporate Plan objectives/targets). Review of development and training over last 12 months. Agreed future development. section/department/authority. Managers comments. Employees commentsAll managers will manage differently as no two people are the same. However if a manager is able to critically appraise their own performance they will be able t o identify areas to be developed, or at least to be aware of. The Johari Window (Loft and Hingham) is a widely used model for understanding and training self-awareness, personal development, improving communications, interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, team development and inter-group relationships. 4 pic 1. The public area contains things that are openly known and talked about and which may be seen as strengths or weaknesses. This is the self that we choose to share with others 2.The apart(p) area contains things that others observe that we dont know about. Again, they could be ordained or negative behaviours, and will affect the way that others act towards us. 3. The undiagnosed area contains things that nobody knows about us including ourselves. This may be because weve neer exposed those areas of our personality, or because theyre buried deep in the subconscious. 4. The hush-hush area contains aspects of our self that we know about and keep hidden from others. 5. 1 Personal style The main two styles used by myself now are Negotiating and Facilitating I carried out a self-assessment and had three of staff lam out the assessment for comparison.All four assessments are jolly well balanced showing my main two styles are Negotiating and Facilitating. Appendix 6 is my self-assessment. Appendix 7 is an assessment by one of my senior engineers. This shows a lower result for order and a higher result for capitalist when compared to the other two staff assessments. This person is experienced, knowledgeable and trustworthy and has pride in his work. Appendix 8 is an assessment by one of my next-to-last engineers. This shows an increase in Directing and a small decrease in Laissez-faire. This person is competent but still requires a little coach at times. Appendix 9 is an assessment by a sensibly new member of staff.This shows a significant increase in Directing and a small decrease in Laissez-faire. This person being fairly new to the team still requires Directing while he gets used to the policies and working practices of the organisation. From the assessment results, it is clear that my main two leadership styles are Negotiating and Facilitating, this fits in well with the organisation and is both encouraged and supported by the business. I believe I use the following styles Style 1 the directing or telling leader. This style I use on new members of staff and for projects that are high priority and need to be completed by the book. Style 2 the coaching or selling leader.I use this style when dealing with the every day workloads, I have two senior engineers who manage the internal and external work queues seperately. I leave them to orghanise there own schedule but monitor lizard both queues and expect feed back from them. Style 3 the supporting or participating leader. I use this style during when I have smaller projects that I can delegate to my engineers knowing that they are fully capable of achieving the goals laid down. Style 4 the delegating leader. I use this when I delegate more complex projects to my senior engineers knowing that they are fully capable of achieving the goals set out and will seek my advice/ favorable reception if any changes are required during the project. 5. 2 Personal development My areas for self improvement would be 1.Communication, change leadership is enhanced when leaders communicate a little at a time, as often as possible, in as many different ways as possible, and providing as many different perspectives as possible. Once team members have reinforced their own personal model of the future and have checked it out against the reality of what is happening on the ground, so that they can once again begin to make their own decisions, the communication process will have served its purpose. This could be achieved by allowing time for more team meetings to pass on any changes that may be in the pipeline, get an update on how the team feel in general. What has w orked can we improve on current working practices to give an improved and more efficient service to the organisation.What hasnt worked and why, analyse where the task went wrong and see if it can be avoided in the future, lessons learnt. Finally to give praise/rewards where/if appropriate. 2. Self awareness, more patience with both team members and customers, being an autocratic leader for 20 years leaves its mark. My own personal development plan can be found at appendix 10 Possible organisational improvements 1. Review working practices on a regular basis and try to improve on them making work more productive, efficient leading to a more effective service to the organisation picpic 1 Medway Council website 2 Adair, 1997 3 DeVito, J. A. (2004). The interpersonal communication book, 10th ed. Boston Pearson-Allyn & Bacon. 4 Google Images
Admission Essay for Counseling Psychology Program
My hoidenish, Serbia, underwent a period of terror and wars, curiously during the NATO Bombing in 1999. This marking event in our history taught me more than(prenominal) than what my formal education could. Before this disaster struck, I was a regular educatee and the University of Pristina majoring in English Language and Literature. During the high of political upheavals, the smirch in Kosovo was already tense.Minorities had constant provocations, and hatred had a firm organize on the people. My vivification was heavily influenced, as well as my education. I had see first hand what it means to be persona non fray in the your childhood community.I wished everyone could realize what this meant for all in all of us, regardless of who we were and where we came from. being prosecuted and non having the right to enjoy our college days was a sour memory, but fewthing I plump by as a source of my strength. I experienced biases and prejudice, yet I stand firm.I was treated badly, but my dreams never woolly-headed from my sight. I was emotionally affected, but I was more inspired to enlist these dreams, and become a counselling. Freedom in this country was taken for granted, and our college life overlooked.The war made it necessary for me to leave Pristina and Kosovo. Shocked and scared, I came fend for to a home where fires, bombings and NATO planes assailed my daily itinerary. The screeching sirens did not help our situation. It seemed that we save if waited for the bomb to drop on our heads and defy us from mere existence.During all the madness, I try to suppress my stress by being bullish for my family and friends. As a child, I chip in been my familys corrupter of words, as Ive unendingly seen myself as one of Shakespeares fools. My mom evermore pointed out my king to rearrange words and its meanings to create a personal philosophical statement.I would very much add humor when the our lives would seem bland, other times when we tactu al sensation the misgiving crawling through our bones, and fear completely etching our nerves. The bombings taught us this.As you picture the planes every day, youd get to realize that there are things you back do as not to be so stressed. Since we could not prevent the legion(predicate) disasters in our lives, we can re-frame the fear and pain to something more positively charged. The idea was to live your life as normally as possible, by teaching method yourself to be blind of some of the negative events in our lives.It wasnt all that bad during those terrorize days. There were positive outcomes as well, like in friendly gatherings where the alone(predicate) humor and spirit in my culture gave me a heartfelt opinion and optimism to survive next days. If I couldnt eliminate stress by changing or ignoring the situation, the least I could do was offer social support.My pro build delight in teaching English to people of distinguishable languages didnt falter due to the w ar. It allowed me to complete my education on time, and fall out my career as an English teacher. In the classroom, it is particularly important for me to understand the point of view of the student, and use humor and real-life situations to get my points across.I developed my please in seeking just about language through my undergraduate studies. My greater interest is on how sociocultural factors invite an impact on the awareness, design, implementation, and assessment of a min language in a multicultural community, in coincidence to those in culturally homogeneous communities.ESL classes in Serbia were more British oriented, some(prenominal) in linguistics and culture. As a young teacher, I have always been open to impudent teaching methods. I also tried to add novelties into the curriculum. My decision to spend a grade in the unify States was supported by my desire to learn more about the American culture.I conceive this volition broaden my perspectives on cultural diversity and unalike systems of education. Furthermore, this will heighten my personal and professional development. I can affirm that life can be very unpredictable because my one category visit become a life of adventure and possibilities by canvas psychology.You would know if you are experiencing life if the wind pushes you in all directions. My senses were environ with uncertainty as I involved myself in a antithetic culture. I knew how it felt to be a little fish in a big pond. Being an world(prenominal) student from Eastern atomic number 63 did not prepare me for the many another(prenominal) interesting things a new country can offer me.The initial knowledge gained from textbooks, and the places Ive traveled to see, were sic to have as I stepped onto unknown territory. I felt helpless, and wanted urgently to go home. I could have been with my family, a cup of cappuccino and the newspaper inwardly my grasps. However, even though I experienced culture shock, I inten d hands-on education is still the best teacher.Soon after arriving in a new country, I was caught between my old values from my native culture, and the new values of the host culture. I was pressured to adapt in order to survive. Adjusting to a new culture, new system, and new life, was not an easy task. But my cogency to adapt allowed me to face any obstacle. My goals were always set whenever I face any challenge. I never let my self-esteem falter.I love to feel challenged because it makes me work twice as hard. I proved this by obtaining my second undergraduate degree (BA in Liberal Arts/Psychology) and graduating with the highest honors. I always tried to reach for the stars. But the opposite side of the coin is nostalgia. Something that is boon when I am working, reflecting, eating, and even when sleeping.Being an international student among fellow foreigners in the US made me realize how much social support and ground was necessary to challenge and achieve academicianally in other countries. By considering the problems students have in the US, and by developing different approaches and solutions, I believe I can be a great counselor in a multicultural world. Just by the thought of it made me yearning to learn more, and increase the repertoire of counseling styles and skills alongside others.During my senior year of college, I conducted an extensive writings review on psychosocial adjustment issues of international students and the need for social support. I refined my research skills in data analysis using SPSS, as well as my office to present my findings in the manner of an accepted professional research paper.I enjoyed conducting the literature review the most, approaching it as a scavenger hunt and considering the beat and quality of information found as my reward. This project, along with my other undergraduate studies, prepared me for the rigors of graduate study and the parameters of successful research. Professional experiences, research, and undergraduate courses at Menlo College have further stimulated my interest in psychology and reinforced my conviction that I am well suited to the field.Although these varied research experiences have provided me with fundamental skills, I still feel the need for more training. In retrospect, college was one of the most stimulating periods in my life, and I found tremendous determination to achieve my goal of helping others through the study of psychology.Looking from the prospective of a student gave me more retrospection on my teaching profession, which I love so much. However, life is an intriguing railroad with many stations. Some of those stations I got off at were good experiences and some bad. But over all, it has been a journey that continues on.Helping others reach their goals, having a positive attitude, and dedicating both personal and professional growth were the traits I held when I entered Menlo College. They carry on as an integral part of my work ethic today.My international student experience, and many research projects, have helped me achieve a theoretical launching for the important work of helping students succeed in college. We must have an understanding and compassion for diverse student populations. I learned this from the eld of teaching experience. Furthermore, I am able to demonstrate my strengths and abilities to relate efficaciously with individuals from all levels and cultural backgrounds.These experiences have not only taught me valuable lessons about student life, but have also reinforced my interest in pursuing my career in counseling psychology. Graduate school will enable me to develop vital research and counseling skills, and the solid academic background that I need to be a successful counselor and researcher.A masters program in counseling psychology will not only cultivate and refine my involvement in research, but also render me to deal with the challenges of an MS program. The combination of MFT and my counselin g degree will enable me to fulfill my career aspirations and passion for helping students in need. Furthermore, I can prepare myself in facing the complexity of psychotherapy and unpredictability when dealing with emotional issues of individuals and their families.I have all the traits needed to be a good counselor. Undoubtedly, my devotion to my education will be the greatest asset of all. Being able to successfully help individuals in the future will be my greatest reward for the effort and investment I will put myself into
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Bureaucracy and self-government Essay
When a disposal creates policies, regulations, rightfulnesss and guidelines, it rigorously and astutely applies them through what is called an accomplishment and service of habitual brass instrument. populace administration is then implemented within an organizational structure. The bureaucratism that this structure operates illustrate the various operatives and/or personnel and/or leaders that makes the decision and leads the methodologies, tactics and strategies to implement the said policies, regulations, laws and guidelines.The bureaucracy is likewise prudent in ensuring the efficient and effective ways and means for such act and service. In executing its mandate, existence administration moldiness be combat-ready. It must produce a natural course of evolution and appropriate miscellany and improvements that responds to the multifarious and complex demands of national service constituent needs and demands and expectations. bureaucracy and Self-Government is a throw that gives enlightenment and on how opinions of public administration evidences its appropriate service to the the Statesn people.The Books Insights bureaucracy in its formula is the rational and academic structure of the organizational process in rendition service and implementing policies and procedures of any institution like the government. The positive principle of bureaucracy has however evolved into a negative context in the new-fangled time wherein red tape and other forms of inadequacies. It is because the bureaucracy in rendering public administration operates within two types of concepts.It is therefore very serious and interesting that Dr. touch on laid out in his sacred scripture that public administration in American politics is operated two within the submissive concept and in the constitutive concept. The instrumental concept believes that the job of bureaucracy in public administration is to execute the instructions of public officials. inwardly the si mplicity of this concept there lies the insufficiency of carry out rendering of public service. That is the reason why Dr.Cook has outlined that the past two centuries of America is a struggle to create life and meaning and expectations of the instrumental concept of public administration and service. The constitutive concept believes that the job of bureaucracy in public administration is to shape and characterize public policy and policy-making community. This concept allows formative methods that bring shape and structure to laws and policies of government. Creativity and dynamic perspicacitys and foresights of government officials and public administrators are exercised in using this concept.The concluding insight of Dr. Cook in bureaucratism and Self-Government outlines principles of responsible public administration. Firstly, with worthy responsibility in governing and administering comes along an unlimited ability. A complete and consummate commitment to adherence to the law must be characterized in the proponents of public administration. Government leaders and officials must take the rule of law as their way of life. Secondly, within the rule of law an adequate heavens of constitutionally legitimate independence must be carved.(Cook, 1996, scalawag 177). This principle is coherent with what government administrators have sworn to in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. It is pregnant that discretion of the law is carried out with integrity. The Books Presentation The book is presented in a very scholarly format. He extensive mystify of Dr. Brian J. Cook in the study of politics and public administration render authority on the subject matter. The book is seemingly passionate in pursuing ways and means for public administration to still lay down its ideals.The book traced well established historical background that served the impetus on how American government administration and management has evolved thus providing the foundation of the maneuver and manner of public administration of modern day. Whatever the course of register and evolution American politics and public administration may have tracked and traced, the book offers confidence and hope that the better of valor shall get on in public administration in America. The Books writer Dr.Brian J. Cook is presently a Professor in the Center for Public Administration and Policy in the School of Public and International personal business of Virginia Tech. He earned his BA degree in Political cognizance in 1977 from Cleveland State University with magna cum laude honors. His further education in government and politics earned him is masters in 1982 and doctorate in 1984 both from the University of Maryland. He has taught lectured and done research on politics and government since 1979.Dr. Cook has been endowed with numerous foundation and university grants and government sponsored research. He has written and produce three books Bureaucratic governing a nd Regulatory Reform The EPA and Emissions Trading (1988) Bureaucracy and Self-Government Reconsidering the Role of Public Administration in American political relation (1996) and Democracy and Administration Woodrow Wilsons Ideas and the Challenges of Public Management (2007).In rise to power he has written and published numerous book chapters peer reviewed and non-reviewed articles book reviews conference papers and reports covering a very wide soldiery of thoughts, principles and theories in American politics, government, administration policies. (Brian J. Cook Curriculum Vitae, 2008, pages 1-2) Works Cited Cook, Brian J. Bureaucracy and Self-Government Reconsidering the Role of Public Administration in American Politics John Hopkins University Press, 1996 Brian J. Cook Curriculum Vitae, September 2008 http//www. cpap. vt. edu/doc/BJC_Curriculum_Vitae_09-08. pdf accessed 2 June 2009
Loneliness in ‘Of Mice and men’ by John Steinbeck Essay
Of Mice and Men, is a invention scripted by John Steinbeck in the 1930s. It is set in Salinas California and shows us what emotional state was like for migrant workers at this clipping. The book was set in the time of the Ameri mickle depression caused by the Wall Street Crash. In 1929 Steinbeck himself had taken on unskilled jobs to support himself for 7 years from 1919. southward Clara in Northern California was where Steinbeck worked as a farm laborer. It is from there that the scenery, setting and experiences of Steinbeck in Northern California ca-ca been etched into the unexampled Of Mice and Men.The book describes how l acely lifetime can be. There ar three variant kinds of desolation these include isolation, solitude and abandon workforcet. George and Lennie argon different from the early(a) characters in the novel as they nourish each other to explore after them aint many cuckoos travel close together. They have been consorts from childhood and George has giv en and oath to Aunt Clara that he impart look after Lennie. George and Lennie both sh be the same intake to own a piece of land that no-one will take outside(a) from them. They each dedicate a pith of their wages towards the dream.The characters in this novel are all envious to some extent of the special fellowship shared by George and Lennie because they do non have that in their life. tout ensemble the characters are extremely lonely and unhappy with their lives (except Slim, who is the only(prenominal) character that come uponms to be confident and happy with his life), and none of them can escape this unhappiness. Economic and accessible forces control them, and free will seems non-existent.Guys like us, that live on spreadheades, are the loneliest guys in the world. George means that if not for each other, then he and Lennie would be all alone, with no fri stops, like all the men like them, who are migrant workers moving from ranch to ranch without making any friend s, and aliveness a lonely life. George and his simple-minded friend Lennie dream, of a place to squall their own. The Dream represents a sense of freedom to George and Lennie as they will be their own bosses and can do as they pl lighten.Also the achieving of the dream will mean they will not have to travel and have a house which they can really call home. They will not have to wear their uniforms and will have to a greater extent possessions than a migrant worker. George and Lennie are very(prenominal) different, George is a smart and composed man, who seems to need mental foreplay from a associate degree, which he cannot have in his blood with Lennie. Even though they have each other, they are still both lonely at a certain level, level(p) if one does not clearly commiserate the other. The important thing is humane contact and organism there together. someone who loses his best companion is glaze. edulcorate is the out of dateest person on the ranch. We can give tongue to this when he mentions they are going to fire him Theyll can me purty soon overly by the boring jobs which he undertakes like sweeping the bunk house, as he only has one hand, he is a liability. He is a very friendly person and k nowadayss the rules of the ranch, we see this when he says a guy on a ranch dont never learn nor he dont ast no questions. His life long companion presumably a sheep cut across which he had since it was a pup, was shot by Carlson, who was very persistent to take the dogs life as he did not like the way it smelled I dont know nothing that stinks so bad as an old dog. Although pleading with Carlson I had him so long. Had him since he was a pup, I herded sheep with him the only choice Candy was offered was if he would want to shoot the dog himself which he replied No I couldnt. I had im to a fault long.Finally Candy had to permit his companion go. The dog which was Candys comfort and enjoyment was now dead. As the gunshot went off in the distance every interrogative in the bunk house turned towards Candy to see the old mans reaction. For a moment he continued to scan at the ceiling possibly remembering the happy memories he and his companion shared. Then he rolled slowly over and faced the protect and lay silent the same action a dog would do when going to sleep.All was not lost, overhearing George and Lennies dream he cherished to share it. He told George and Lennie about what they did to his dog that night maybe to demonstrate and win some compassion. You seen what they done to my dog tonight? They says he wasnt no good to himself or nobody else. When they can me here I wisht soulfulnessd shoot me. This shows Candy is nearing the end of his life at the farm. Being part of George and Lennies dream console Candy and would be an ideal way to spend the rest of his life free from worries. George and Lennie accepted him into their dream partly receivable to the large sum of money which he had to contribute towards the dream. The dream was now becoming a reality.Crooks like Candy is an outcast because the society in which he resides is anti-Semite(a) towards black people. With a back injury that gives Crooks his nickname he is more permanent than the other men, we can see this with the possessions he has which include some(prenominal) pairs of shoes, a pair of rubber boots, a big alarm time and a single barrelled shot-gun. Being alone has made Crooks very unsure about himself and bitterA guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody. Dont matter no diversity who the guy is, longs he with you. I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an he gets sick this was Crooks way of establishing a personal connection to Lennie. Like Lennie, Crooks has a relationship with loneliness. Crooks is rejected from every group of people and cannot socially interact with others, just like Lennie who cant socially interact properly because of his mental-disability.Cause Im black. They play cards in there, but I cant play because Im Black. T hey say I stink. Well I tell you, you all stink to me Crooks loneliness results from rejection others treat him unjust because he is different from them given that he is black. Crooks isnt allowed to participate in passing(a) events with white people such as card games. He is case-hardened unfairly and therefore acts the same way toward the white people who have offended him. In an effort to communicate with the outside world in my opinion Crooks reads books there were battered magazines and a few dirty books on a special shelf over his bunk this shows they were intumesce read, maybe even more than once.Crooks is fascinated by the strength of the friendship of Lennie and George, peculiarly how close they are. Crooks said, Well, spose, jus spose he dont come back. Whatll you do then? Crooks asks these questions because he was curious and envious, about the friendship of Lennie and George, noticing that Lennie is retarded, he takes advantage of this situation to make him feel bet ter and ease the pain of having others reject him. He wants the people to feel the way that he did when he was lonely, having no one.He is striving to achieve sympathy and apprehensiveness from others. Crooks would work for nothing if it meant communicating with others. He even offers his services to Candy to work on their dream ranch to join in on the friendship and dream shared by Lennie and George, in order to surrender behind him his lonely life.Curleys Wifes loneliness is due to her husband. Even though Curleys wife is mentioned frequently, nobody asks what her name is. nil wants to express her because people are afraid of Curley he is jealous and would starting line a fight with anyone who tried approaching her also due to the accompaniment that Curley is the bosss son and anyone who tried to do something could loose their job. She does not like Curley, and purely married him to spite her mother we can see this when she says I dont like Curley. He aint a nice fella. Fur thermore he doesnt talk to her at all, and theres no one in her life with whom she can share her feelings, and longs for guild. Candy influences views about Curleys wife in George by telltale(a) him Curleys married a tart. She pretends to look for her husband when she really wants to have a conversation with the men in the ranch as she is lonely.Curley treats his wife like a trophy insistency that she should spend all her time in the house. Curleys wife asks the rhetorical question, think I like to stick in that house alla time? showing her unhappiness. Curley does not care about his wife as he get arounds her behind whenever he goes out and visits cat houses although he is married.Curleys wife talks to Lennie in chapter five as she knows she can share her secrets and worries without Lennie telling anyone else, due to his mental age. She also indicates she is going to run past as she talks in a hurry. Curleys wife is very on the watch in the way she knows how Curleys hand was broken also in the way she finds the dead pup in the barn. Curleys wife tells Lennie about the chances she had of being an actress and blames her misfortune on her mother. She shows that marrying Curley was her stand chance to get away from home. Maybe she was making up stories about her past as she looked near to see if she was impressing Lennie. Curleys wife is a threat to Crooks as she threatens him with decease by hanging if he stands up to her. In those days if a coloured man was accused of something there would be no trial.Curleys wife is the one who ruins the dream as she let Lennie touch her vibrissa and then resisted. She ended up getting killed which meant that Lennie would have to be killed as he committed murder. Her death could be thought of as a misfortune, but as a positive thing as good because it ended her suffering being the only woman in the ranch and having married a man like Curley she was inevitably bound(p) for loneliness. nevertheless now that she is de ad, she will not have to worry about being lonely ever again. Curleys wifes case of loneliness was the most severe throughout the novel. She struggled in her society to find somebody that she could befriend in vain.We can draw a analogousity in the midst of Candy and Crooks both of these characters have a physical disability (Candy has a one hand, and Crooks has a crooked back) both caused by an accident, as well as another factor Crooks color and Candys old age, those factors make both of them outcasts. Because of their situation, they are both destined to loneliness, each of them deals with it in their own way Candy has his dog for companionship and makes conversation with the other men that work on the ranch, but Crooks turns towards booksanother(prenominal) interesting similarity we can draw is the one between the relationship between George and Lennie, and Candy and his old dog. Both George and Candy are lonely, even though they have companionship Candy cannot talk to his dog , and George cant have a really serious conversation with Lennie either. Even though they have companionship, they need something deeper and more meaningful. It is also interesting to notice the similar fate of Candys dog and Lennie who will both be shot in the back of the head unsuspicious of what is going to happen.The last similarity drawn is between two of the loneliest characters in the novel Curleys Wife and Lennie. As weve seen previously, Curleys wife is the only woman in the novel, and her husband forbids her to talk to other men, and because of his jealousy, doesnt let other men approach her or else he picks a fight with them. George also gives orders to Lennie and strictly forbids him several times Dont even take a look at that bitch. I dont care what she says and what she doesyou leave her be well, you keep away from her, they arent allowed to talk to each other, thats what makes the fatal scene in the barn so tragic Curleys wife wanted to talk to someone so bad, that i t drove her to her death. angiotensin-converting enzyme of the most important lessons we learn in Of Mice and Men is that friendship and human interaction are two very valuable things in life, and that having them is as much as a right as it is a privilege. We mustiness treasure these two things as it keeps us away from loneliness which is one of the worst things a person can suffer from highlighted by the characters in the book.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
That Newfangled Technology
Set Phasers on Stun solecism Case 14 That Newfangled Technology Summary On the morning of folk 8, 1923, Lieutenant Commander Donald T. huntsman was assigned to responsible for leading fourteen destroyers of Destroyer Squadron 11 to depart from San Francisco to San Diego. They were returning home after an escorting betrothal Division 4 from Puget Sound to San Francisco. At that time, the Destroyer Squadron comprised with leading flagship that commanded by victor Hunter, USS Delphy (DD-261) and followed by the four ships of Destroyer Division 33, USS S. P. downwind (DD-310), USS teenaged (DD-312), USS Woodbury (DD-309), and USS Nicholas (DD-311) the cinque ships from Destroyer Division 31, USS Farragut (DD-300), USS Fuller (DD-297), USS Percival (DD-298), USS Somers (DD-301), and USS Chauncey (DD-296) and four ships from Destroyer Division 32, USS Kennedy (DD-306), USS capital of Minnesota Hamilton (DD-307), USS Stoddert (DD-302), and USS Thomson (DD-305). The warships conducted tactical gears and weaponry exercises en route, including a competitive speed elude of 20 knots. Later in the day, as weather worsened, the ships formed up a column on the squadron leader Delphy. That evening, around 2000 hours (800 p. . ), the leading flagship mobilize an erroneous report, based on an improperly interpreted radio range bearing, showing the squadrons position about nine miles off Point Arguello. goal an hour later, the destroyers sullen east to enter what was thought to be the Santa Barbara Channel, though it could not be seen owing to the thick fog. Unfortunately, due to a combine of abnormally strong currents and seafaringal complacency, it led the squadron onto the rocks offshore point and disordered area of San Miguel Island, near Honda Point. Just after turning, Delphy struck the rocks at 2105 (905 p. m. ), till ashore at 20 knots.More than worse, Delphy was followed by S. P. Lee, which hit and swung broadside against the bluffs. Young piled up adjace nt to Delphy and capsized, trapping many of her fire and engine board crew below. While Woodbury, Nicholas, and Fuller struck reefs and ran aground offshore, Chauncey ran in close aboard Young. However, the alarm sirens slowed Somers and Farragut enough, so they just touched ground onward backing off to deeper water while the five other destroyers steered whole clear. Although heavy pounding surf broke over the seven desolate destroyers, eventually breaking the Delphy into two parts.Hundreds of thousands gallons of fuel oil from seven ships spilled into the crashing waves, carbide bombs were change integrity when they came in contact with the water, and numerous fires began on the ships and on the surface of the sea. Finally, 23 men died in the ensuring attempts to abandon the ships and make it to shore in the lousiness and heavy surf. About 450 survivors from the seven warships made their way slowly to the narrow down and rocky beach below the cliff during the hour that fol lowed. S. P. Lee S. P. Lee Fuller Fuller Woodbury Woodbury Chauncey Chauncey Delphy Delphy Young Young Nicholas Nicholas What Went WrongIt later turned out to the light that the Squadron was actually several miles north and further east, notwithstanding Captain Hunter had disbelieved the accuracy of a Point Arguello radio signal. quest the turn, Point Arguello was dead ahead, and distant only about two ocean miles. The Point Arguello light may realize been hidden by the fog. However, did Captain Hunter issue an order to change-of course of 95 left turn, or did he order his ships to turn to a bearing of 95 magnetic? Additional Factors Communication between Captain Hunter and Radioman Falls The communion between Captain Hunter and the radioman was misunderstood.The radioman would report the wrong bearings, when the reciprocal bearing should have been reported rather. Had the correct bearings been reported from the beginning, the ship wouldnt have crashed. Newfangled Technology Feedback The mistaken error proved that Captain Hunter cannot always rely on his strong self-reliance and that even a skilled mathematician makes mistakes and that its acceptable to rely on applied science. There was no feedback given back to Captain Hunter to state its reasoning basis the bearing that was being reported to him. Also, there was no feedback given to contest Captain Hunters navigations.If more feedback was given, it could have been sensed that navigation was off route. Continued use of That Newfangled Technology After the hap of being reported the wrong bearings, Captain Hunter tranquil go on to use the navigation by radio bearing. It was assumed as an simple mistake. It wasnt until after the crash that Captain Hunter realized that the radioman was giving him the correct bearings from the beginning. This could have been prevented if the system would have been checked after the low wrong bearing, to see what the reasoning behind such an error was instead of co ntinuing on the journey.More Information According to an article by Noah Andre Trudeau, atomic number 20 Naval History Point Honda A Naval Tragedys Chain of Errors, a lean cipher and distrust of new technology contributed to a naval tragedy at Honda Point, atomic number 20 (Trudeau, 2012). Speed was the meaty creed of the early to mid-20th century destroyer driver. Determination and self-confidence was a style of command in which those qualities could achieve the impossible while in peacetime the same attributes contributed to one of the U. S. Navys most significant disasters (Trudeau, 2012).The 18 ships were meant to travel along the California coast to San Diego, with their two high supply and low powered turbines, four tall thin funnels and a mass speed topped at 32 knots. Due to the postwar budget cutbacks, they were operating at 20-30% below full complement. Although a lot of survive were lost during this tragedy, all the blame wasnt on Captain Hunter. Everyone compete a part, from, Watsons fixation on making a tape 20-knot passage along with his failure to supervise the navigation, Blodgetts inability to bring his concerns, and the silence of the other squadron officers.Uncertainties surround the new technology, unusual weather conditions and pocketable equipment problems also played a part (Trudeau, 2012). Lesson Learned This case illustrated the splendour of human error and testing all new technology in front use. Although all faults in the technology may not be pronto discovered testing all aspects is critical. It is learned that although you may be honorable in a skill and have applicable experience, mistakes still happen. The pack with great skill and power, like Lieutenant Commander Donald T.Hunter, are still fallible as human beings. Despite having a fully run technology system to navigate, it shouldnt completely be dependent on. Instead, the two should assist each other, human intelligence and newfound technology. Additional be ginning Trudeau, N. A. (2012, March 2). California Naval History-Point Honda A Naval Tragedys Chain of Errors. Retrieved October 29, 2012, from The California State armament Museum A United States Army Museum Activity Preserving Californias Military Heritage http//www. militarymuseum. org/PtHonda. html
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