Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Free Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Free Speech - Essay Example This has brought growth to countries such as Brazil, Caribbean and the Middle East. It has grown tremendously with a margin of over a billion users in the past ten years from 670 million to 1.9 billion users. In order to promote accessibility to the nation, the government has invested large amounts of dollars to breach the gap that is between people with access to the Internet and those without (Hayes 108). By providing access to the Internet, more people are able to take advantage of political, economic, social and carrier opportunities. Internet democracy should be promoted as every citizen has an equal right and say in decisions affecting their lives and development of law legislation. Oppressive regimes such as China have taken measures to squash political opposing of Internet accessibility to its citizens in order to protect their interest. The regimes arbitrary blocks and filters information make their own rules and block Internet access during political unrest. They justify th at cutting off users from accessing the Internet is a means of protecting individuals’ status, counter terrorism and national security, while it is a violation of human rights treaties. According to the U.N Internet access and human rights, all nations should ensure Internet accessibility should be maintained always including times of political unrest for individuals to be updated on the things that are unfolding in the country (Kant 105). They put emphasis on amending laws that authorizes users to have full access of the Internet, and cease the regime nations from disconnecting its citizen from the use of the Internet. Given that use of the Internet is an indispensable tool in the realization of human right, accelerating human progress and development, combating equality and ensuring Internet access should be a major priority for all nations globally. Each nation should build up a strong foundation and maintain effective policy while still consulting with citizens from all r egions of the country, including local citizens, private sectors and the government ministries, to make the Internet available all over and affordable to all sections of the population (Kant 162). A customer’s online activity is a part of the human right of accessing the Internet freely (Kant 168). One can post an article, video or any relevant material in a site of their choice. Posting of materials on the Internet needs caution depending on the material posted, and site one chooses to post it because they can either impact positively or negatively to another party leading to Internet crime or a court case. In order to avoid these conflicts, a customer identification program has been established for identification of the person who posts in the website. This helps facilitate prevention of cyber crimes, implicating other parties and financing of illegal activities. Customer identification programme helps curb crimes committed online, an example; a manufacturer with an order t o manufacture products for a recognized company may knowingly over-run the order volume and put on the market the excessive items at a throw away price in another market. The same commodity may be sold yet in another market at a different price in a parallel trading process. This encourages advertising and selling of fake products in the market through the Internet, and by creation of Customer identifi
Monday, October 28, 2019
Politics in the English Language Essay Example for Free
Politics in the English Language Essay Miscommunication is often the result of modern prose which is most commonly used despite its vagueness because of its simplicity. According to George Orwell’s â€Å"Politics in the English Language,†these habits must be eliminated in order to think clearly, if not, language will continue to be used in corrupt ways by politicians. With poor language skills come poor thinking skills, making it easier for people to be manipulated by warped language. Ted Hughes â€Å"Words and Experience†expresses that words are inadequate and that it is very difficult to capture experience properly. The way in which Hughes and Orwell appeal to the problem of miscommunication are different; Orwell is critical while Hughes is sympathetic. In the paper â€Å"Politics in the English Language,†George Orwell appeals to logos to prove that the misuse of language is corruptly used by politicians for selfish purposes. Thought corrupts language and politicians manipulate language for their own selfish purposes. Words such as fascism and democracy are among those words due to their lack of a concrete meaning. Democracy is often associated with a positive meaning whereas fascism is associated with a negative meaning. As a result dishonest politicians use their own interpretation to twist the meaning of what they are trying to communicate. They have defended events such as the Russian purges and deportations, the British rule in India and the atomic bombing in Japan by using language consisting of â€Å"euphemisms, questionable begging and sheer cloudy vagueness†(Orwell 699). This language covers up all the details of the events and is a prime example of how thought corrupts language. Language is warped because of the way it is used to lie and manipulate people. Politicians use vague language to hide questionable acts which leads to poor language skills. Orwell states that â€Å"the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts†(Orwell 691). He believes that poor language skills lead to poor thinking skills which are detrimental to society beca use people often accept the words of authority figures without thinking; they are not conscience of the meaning of the words being used. These bad language habits that Orwell indentifies are dying metaphors, pretentious diction and meaningless words; all of which are unnecessary and increase vagueness. This form of modern prose is easier therefore it is used commonly resulting in poor thinking skills. â€Å"The whole tendency of modern prose is away from concreteness†and â€Å"consists in gumming together long strips of words which have already been set in order by someone else†(Orwell 697). Orwell suggests that the problem is cyclical; vague language leads to the inability to think for oneself and the inability to think leads to miscommunication. Orwell uses logos to identify the problem and treats it with a critical tone however, believes that it can be fixed â€Å"if one is willing to take the necessary trouble†(Orwell 691). Ted Hughes and George Orwell share similar views on the misuse of language however Hughes uses different points to convey the message in his essay â€Å"Words and Ex perience.†Hughes states that words are tools and that it is difficult to choose the correct words to capture experiences. He uses the metaphor â€Å"A word is its own little solar system of meanings†(Hughes 120) because there is a vast amount of words to choose from and the process is often overcomplicated. Too much time spent thinking of the correct words to use causes people to miss the experience all together. Finding the right word requires a fine balance therefore words should not be used casually. Without this balance, words tend to inhibit the simplest descriptions such as â€Å"the infinite depth of crowiness in the crow’s flight†(Hughes 122). In this case, all words can be used for are indicators and general directives. Swiss psycho-analyst Jung believes that people know how to use words properly but have to quiet down to get what is inside their conscience. Although Hughes writes in a hopeful tone he believes that words are inadequate in describing experience. If and when a balance is found and words match experience, that is poetry. His view and solution are effectively communicated in using a sympathetic tone. George Orwell and Ted Hughes both attack the problem of the misuse of language effectively. With similar goals, both are equally able to convey the same points while appealing to different aspects and emotions. George Orwell’s â€Å"Politics in the English Language,†appeals to logos while criticizing the way unclear language is used corruptly by politicians. He adequately shows how people are easily manipulated by warped language because poor language skills lead poor thinking skills. Ted Hughes appeals to logos by using a sympathetic tone to convey the message that words are inadequate and it is very difficult to capture experience in his essay â€Å"Words and Experience.†The problem of miscommunication found in modern prose is the result of vagueness and must be fixed. This is difficult because of the bad habits formed and its simplicity, however it can be fixed if one takes the initiative.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Religion Essay -- essays research papers
Comparison of Judaism vs Buddhism      In this essay I will be comparing the rituals, and festivals chosen from two different religions. The two religions that I will be comparing are Judaism and Buddhism.      Judaism and Buddhism have many rituals and beliefs. There is a wide range of Jewish beliefs, Stan Fischler emphasizes on these major points. Reformed Jews believe that being Jewish gives them a common culture, while Orthodox Jews try to keep all the laws and customs commanded by the Torah. The basic Jewish religious beliefs is in the existence of one, eternal, invisible God. The Jews also believe they were chosen to receive God’s Torah. They believe that by looking at its many meaning, and by living according to its laws, they can spread justice throughout the world. At the right time, they believe that the Messiah will come to bring this perfect world. Reward for good deeds will largely be granted in the world to come. Jews believe that seven weeks after the Israelites left Egypt, God chose them to receive the Torah. Moses climbed Mount Sinai to hear the Torah and bring the Commandments back to the people, carved into stone tablets. They also believe that on the first day of the creation of the world, God made night and day. Earth and heaven were created on the second day, and seas and land were created on the third day. On the forth day, the Sun, Moon and stars were created, and on the fifth day, the fish and birds....
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Financial aid Essay
REGISTRATION ?THERE IS A COMPULSORY FIRST YEAR SEMINAR THAT ALL FIRST YEAR STUDENTS MUST ATTEND PRIOR to the date of registration. The first year seminar dates will be communicated to you during November 2014. Failing to attend the first year seminar may lead to your space being allocated to another applicant. ?YOUR DATE OF REGISTRATION WILL BE COMMUNICATED TO YOU DURING NOVEMBER 2014. YOU need to register before or on the specified registration date. If you miss this specific registration date, your study space can no longer be guaranteed as we may then allocate the space to another applicant. Registration dates can also be found on the UJ website at www. uj. ac. za from December 2014 onwards. NATIONAL BENCHMARK TESTS You are required to complete the National Benchmark Test. For more information please go to http://nbt. ac. za or contact the NBT Call Centre at 021 650 3523. FEES Information on tuition and other fees due for 2015 will be available during November 2014. Please visit the UJ website at www. uj. ac. za for more information. BURSARIES Academic merit bursaries are awarded on the grounds of exceptional grade 12 results. Please visit the UJ website at www. uj. ac. za for more information. NSFAS (NATIONAL STUDENT FINANCIAL AID SCHEME) The closing date for the NSFAS loan applications is 1 October 2014 and all enquiries in this regard can be made to nsfas@uj. ac. za RESIDENCE Admission to the University does not guarantee admission to the residences. If you applied for admission to a residence, you will receive a separate letter in this regard. AGREEMENT AND INDEMNITY ?YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE, SIGN AND SUBMIT A FORMAL AGREEMENT (INCLUDING AN exemption and indemnity) with the University when you register. ?IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18, A PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST SIGN THE REQUIRED FORM. ?YOU WILL BE REGISTERED ON THE STRICT UNDERSTANDING THAT YOU AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE Student Charter rules and the Academic Regulations of the University of Johannesburg and of the faculty. ? YOU UNDERTAKE TO PAY THE PRESCRIBED FEES AND ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE BOUND BY THE provisions of the formal agreement. Sincerely, Student Enrolment Centre 011 559 4555.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Romeo and juliet:love
Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare is one of the most famous love stories. Most people think it is Just about romantic love, but indeed it has many different forms of love that exists which is portrayed throughout the Shakespearian novel. The novel uses the main theme of love to push the story along and keep it going. Presented are variations of love including forbidden love, unrequited Love and blind love. This essay aims to analyse these three types of love chosen. Romeo and Juliet is a brilliant play about a young boy and girl, whom fall deeply in love with each other.Romeo is from the house of Montague, while Juliet is from the house of Capulet. Both families have been feuding with each other for a long time; however, despite the families feuding, Romeo and Juliet marry each other in secrecy. This is an example of forbidden love. In Romeo and Juliet the two main characters rush into love and it didn't end up the way they planned it to. They see each other's seen beau ty and think they will live happily together, but things change throughout the tory that take a turn for the worst.Romeo gets banished from Verona making their love for each other hard making them sneak around to manage it. Juliet pretends to kill herself so Romeo would come back but Romeo goes back thinking Juliet actually killed herself, so he decides he must kill himself. Juliet wakes up and sees her love dead and decides if she cannot live with Romeo she will not live at all, and kills herself also. The first time Romeo sees Juliet he says, â€Å"Did my heart love till? / Forswear it sight!For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night†(1. 5). Romeo without hesitating decides that he is in love with Juliet now even though he has not spoken to her at all. Which brings us into unrequited love and the ‘one sided' love between Romeo and Rosaline. You are never positive if someone really loves you or not. All you know is that you truly love them. That is what makes unrequi ted love difficult for people. In Romeo and Juliet, unrequited love is present whether it was apparent or implied, we don't know.When we are introduced to the character Romeo, he is infatuated by Rosaline which he thought was love at first sight, but she happens to not be in love with him and plans to become a nun. Romeo is in love with Rosaline while Paris falls in love with Juliet which are the most obvious examples in Romeo and Juliet. Romeo's apparent â€Å"love†for Juliet is no different than his love for Rosaline because Romeo is in love with the idea of being in love. Although, I do believe there is an unrequited love between Juliet and her parents.In Romeo and Juliet, love and hate are Just two emotions on the same side. Both emotions are intense emotions that as Benvolio says, get the â€Å"mad blood stirring†(3. 1. 4). When the hatred is going on between the Montagues and Capulets, it finally pushes Romeo and Juliet to their tragic deaths but which their pa rents thought they were doing right for their children. But if they're Just two emotions on the same side, then can this kind of passionate love even exist without hate? romeo and juliet:love By victoriacoates
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Biblical Prophets of the Post-exilic essays
Biblical Prophets of the Post-exilic essays Before the Babylonian exile, Biblical prophesy reached its highest point. Prophets such as Jeremiah and Ezekiel changed and molded the scope of Hebrew religion. Their writings were intelligent, insightful, well developed, and contained a great spiritual meaning. Following the Babylonian exile, however, prophesy took a depressing downward turn. There are many post exilic prophets, yet their writings are usually short, mostly irrelevant, repetitive, and, for the most part, anonymous. Though this is the case for many of these prophets, some works cannot be overlooked. Haggai and Zechariah were leaders in the cultic reform of the Hebrew people. Malachai calmed their fears, and assured them of God's love. Still other prophets told of a new, Messianic time when the word of the Lord would be held in its former glory. These were the most important works, as post exilic Hebrews needed not only protection, but spiritual guidance to sustain their society. The prophet Haggai was an integral figure in uniting the Hebrew people. Upon return to their homeland, the Hebrews found most of the infrastructure in a state of disrepair, with the people uncaring for their moral and social responsibilities, to say nothing for their religious practices. Even the temple of the Lord had been destroyed. Haggai emphasized the return to a more cultic society. The coming of a latter glory that was foretold in Haggai's prophesy is emphasized in the book of Zechariah. Zechariah prophesied in the shadow of Haggai, but gave his words a slightly different spin. He emphasizes, like the pre-exilic prophets, the importance of a moral reform among the Hebrews. Zechariah's way of receiving the word of God is very unique among the prophets. The word comes to him in the form of eight visions. These "colorful and strange" visions make up most of his book. The visions are so bizarre that the Lord sends an angel as in interpreter, so that Zeccariah can derive meaning from t...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The American Industrial Worker essays
The American Industrial Worker essays The American Industrial worker has faced many challenges throughout history. During the time period of 1865-1914 there were many conflicts and changes that directly affected the average American working in Industry. Some effects were positive and uplifting, others negative and punishing to both the workers morals and bodies. Three things imparticular had an extremely large impact on the American industrial worker in that time period; technology, labor unions and immigration. Technology was advancing steadily and new inventions were being introduced to industry at a rapid pace. New materials and productive processes would lead to a new breed of machines used for manufacturing, to be operated by the American worker. Technological changes would be an issue that the workers and employers would have very different points of views on. The bosses and manufacturers claimed that the new machines were beneficial to the worker. They boasted that salaries had been raised and the machine was doing nearly everything which requires great strength; the workman instead of bringing his muscles into play, has become the inspector ( Kennedy 82 ). Since machines made the jobs so much easier, bosses could hire unskilled labor to perform them. Even the chief of the Labor Bureau of New York at the time said machines bring about a much larger employment and improvement, not only because they increase production, but because they multiply the chances of employment, and incidentally the consumption of products. ( Kennedy 83 ). Bosses also tried to rationalize the machines as making the workplace cleaner and more sanitary as the machines required more space and taller ceilings. If you only listened to what the manufacturers and bosses had to say, one might think that technology during this period was a blessing to the worker. The workers point of view on industrialization was quite clear, and much different from the bosses...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Rainbow Writing Lesson Plan for Kindergarten
Rainbow Writing Lesson Plan for Kindergarten Kindergartners have a lot of new skills to learn and practice.​​ Writing the alphabet and spelling words are two of the top tasks that require creativity and repetition in order for students to master. Thats where Rainbow Writing comes in. Its a fun, easy, and low-prep activity that can be done in class or assigned as homework. Heres how it works as well as how it can help your emergent writers. How Rainbow Writing Works First, you need to choose about 10-15 high-frequency sight words that are already familiar to your students.Next, make a handout on simple handwriting paper. Write each of your chosen words on the paper, one word per line. Write the letters as neatly and large as possible. Make copies of this handout.Alternatively, for older students who can already write and copy words: Write the list on your whiteboard and have the students write the words down (one per line) onto handwriting paper.To complete the Rainbow Words assignment, each student needs a piece of writing paper and 3-5 crayons (each of a different color). The student then writes over the original word in each of the crayon colors. Its similar to tracing but adds a colorful visual twist.For assessment, look for your students to mimic the original neat handwriting as closely as possible. Variations of Rainbow Writing There are a few variations of this activity. The one listed above is the most basic variation that is great for introducing words. A second variation (once students get used to tracing over a word with crayons), is for students to take a die and roll it to see how many colors they need to trace over the listed word. For example, if a child was to roll a five on the die, that would mean that they would have to choose five different colors to write over each word listed on their paper (ex. the word is and the child could use a blue, red, yellow, orange, and purple crayon to trace over the word). Another variation of the Rainbow Writing activity is for a student to choose three color crayons and write next to the listed word three times with three different colored crayons (there is no tracing in this method). This is a little bit more complex and is usually for students who have experience writing or are in an older grade. How Can it Help Emergent Writers? Rainbow Writing helps emergent writers because they are continually forming letters over and over again. Not only does it help them learn how to write but it also helps them learn how to spell the word correctly. If you have any students who are visual-spatial, kinesthetic or tactile learners then this activity is perfect for them.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Managing Personal and Organisational Changes Essay
Managing Personal and Organisational Changes - Essay Example This means that management and change skills will determine the nature of actions taken by a manager in dynamic situations. From a theoretical perspective, change management needs substantial utilisation of appropriate planning and implementation tools. According to Dobson and Woodward (2012), failure to employ appropriate techniques in managing change results in underachievement, and shortcomings resulting from missed objectives. Therefore, leaders and individuals involved in change management should be thoroughly equipped with relevant knowledge or experience. Relevant knowledge is usually available in college and university course works involving change management. In this regard, change management theories find significant application even in practical situations. Change management takes into consideration numerous aspects of organisational structure and typical cultures. Organisations comprise employees, stakeholders and consumers of either products or services. These parties ar e usually sensitive to changes that may affect their part in the organisation. On the other hand, organisations need to adjust and adapt to changing business environments in order to cope with new developments. ... In such cases, a leader should possess relevant professional skills coupled with intuitive personal skills in order to manage change. Change processes are systematic and sensitive situations that require thorough analysis of underlying problems. Careful analysis ensures that managers can objectively identify the need for change, and the processes meant to achieve desired changes. In this context, any objective change should be rational, measurable and achievable. Analysis of Case Study After planning change steps, organisational managers will have to depend on employees to implement desired adjustments. In this regard, managers need to objectively analyse imminent situations and communicate findings to the subordinates and stakeholders. Cameron (2004) states that thorough analysis will enable people to understand the need for change; hence they can participate in creating new structures. At this juncture, this essay seeks to demonstrate the application of change management theories a nd models within practical situations. In September 2012, universities in England had plans to raise tuition fees to approximately ?9,000 annually. These plans raged amid tremendous budget slices by the government to institutions of higher learning. The UK government is encouraging universities across the nation including Scottish, Welch and Irish institutions to consider raising their tuition fees. This plan is in line with the government’s strategy of striving to reduce utilisation of taxpayer’s money in learning practices, and in turn leave the burden with the student population. In the past, government allowed English universities to charge approximately ?3,300 per year. In this context, it is evident that new charges of ?9,000 amount to a major change
Friday, October 18, 2019
Strategic management of Nokia India Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Strategic management of Nokia India - Assignment Example It is now facing the dilemma of introducing Nokia Life Tools services for the rural population; the main services that will be offered are Education, Entertainment and Agricultural services. In order to have complete roll out in India, the company will have to implement systems that will help it in offering consistent services to the customers along with up-to-date information so that the users can benefit from such valuable source of information. The company will have to develop the system that will ensure that every customer in India is given proper services; it has been successful in meeting the demands of urban population and it will definitely capture the rural market share. Introduction to Nokia and Nokia India Nokia Corporation is a multinational company of the telecommunication sector that has its headquarters in Keilaniemi, Espoo which is a city near Finland. Nokia has been present in the market for almost a decade and has been developing extraordinary, high quality and inno vative mobile devices. The company has even entered into Internet and communication sectors; it has its roots in four distinct segments i.e. Mobile Devices, Enterprise Solutions, Networks and Multimedia. In the case study, it is mentioned that as of 2009, Nokia Corporation is present in more than one hundred and fifty countries and is earning global revenue of EUR 4.1 billion. Nokia Corporation is considered to be the leading manufacturer of mobile devices as it has the latest technologies and its workforce comprises of well-qualified and highly trained employees. For every major segment and its ethical practices, the company is producing mobile devices that have additional features such as Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), W-CDMA and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). It is also offering various Internet services like music, maps, media, applications, games and text messages via its Ovi platform. Nokia Corporation has entered into various partnership agreements like Nokia Siemens Network that produces equipment, services and solutions for the telecommunication network. Hence, it is the best company in the telecommunication industry that has been serving customers by exceeding their expectations level (Aspara et al., 2011). In India, Nokia Corporation started its operations in 1995 and it played a revolutionary role in the cellular technology’s robust growth. Currently, Nokia has its operations in five major cities of India i.e. Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, New Delhi and Kolkata. The operations of the company comprise of the handsets and network infrastructure businesses like Nokia Siemens (both companies merged to share the telecom network operations and equipment division) so that it can take advantage of business opportunities in the market. This strategic alliance has helped the companies in becoming the main supplier to all top
DISCUSSION QUESTION RESPONSE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16
DISCUSSION QUESTION RESPONSE - Essay Example I also approve of your point that learning is one thing, and being able to apply the knowledge thus gained to practical work situations is another thing. This may be because the factors that influence an individual’s performance at work are unlearned in the formal school studies. In order for an individual, he/she not only needs to have a high level of emotional intelligence, but also some experience in the work. It is only through experience, dedication and determination that one gets to identify the fundamental drivers of professional competence at work, and thus control them in a way to improve his/her own professional competence. I appreciate that you discussed the example of the young boy who acquired a bachelor’s degree in biology and was yet able to be more professionally competent than the son of the owner who had acquired the degree in business. This is a very strong example. Really, it is all about one’s aptitude instead of one’s field. The highe r education may be a driver of professional competence, but it is not the ultimate prerequisite of the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Explain the 'open systems' approach to organisations, and how Essay
Explain the 'open systems' approach to organisations, and how environmental factors can affect the business organisation. Use the case to illustrate your answer - Essay Example In an open system, all aspects of an organisation starting from inputs all the way through the production process of outputs, and evaluation are all considered as being important. Boundaries and the external atmosphere are also very important to an open system. Strong open system analyses information that it receives from its surroundings makes the necessary changes in the organisation and then transmits the essential feedback to its environment (Thompson, 2011:12). Icy Foods Limited had no strong because when its external environment changed, it did not make the necessary changes in internal environment in order to boost their sales. Scott (2003) proposed several aspects that characterise open systems. These include self-maintenance, protection, boundaries and subsystems (Scott, 2003:89). In self-maintenance, organisations get the resources they need from the environment to survive. In terms of protection, organisations do not have to safeguard the environment, rather they use it as a source of information. In terms of boundaries, organisations have boundaries that are difficult to define. Lastly, when addressing subsystems, Scott (2003) notes that organisations have subsystems that are correlated in dynamic interaction (Scott, 2003:90-91). The organisation, being an open system relies on its external environment for the procurement and use of what it produces and the products that it offers. If the requirements of the organisation’s external environment change, they directly affect the organisation’s ability to sell what it produces. As seen in the case of Icy Foods Limited, the growth of the total sales of ready meals by large supermarket chains reduced the number of independent supermarkets that Icy Foods Limited used to supply to. Since several of Icy Food’s customers were forced out of business, the sales of the company reduced greatly. As a result of the
Future Of Furniture Companies With Blue Ocean Strategy Essay
Future Of Furniture Companies With Blue Ocean Strategy - Essay Example The water is becoming redder as stores try to win customer dollars. To endure at all, it is not sufficient that the company is good; but it has to be something beyond being good. Blue Oceans has to be created and cultivated so that companies will succeed. Following Blue Ocean, strategies are not pipe dreams. Accurately carried out, they are practical, restricted risk strategies for methodically following and conquering unchallenged Blue Oceans. A very good example of furniture retailers who used Blue Ocean strategies to their benefits is the IKEA. It is an American retailer of furniture. Before IKEA entered the furniture market, the retailers like Thomasville, Rooms To Go etc., believed in high priced furniture and retaining their old customers by providing them with lots of services. But IKEA did not believe in such a strategy. IKEA extended reasonably priced furniture with a good assortment and above average quality followed with little customer service. This helped IKEA to create a blue ocean for them and they became the single retailer of low priced high selection furniture.The company eliminated the idea of retaining old customers by trying to reach customers who were new. In addition, to this IKEA also can create new customers by not focusing on customer differences; instead, they can develop on the powerful commonness’s in what buyer’s measure. 's in what buyer's measure. This will help the companies to develop beyond the existing demand and create more demand thus bringing in customers who were not there before (Kim W.C. et all, 2005.Pp 101-102). There is yet another area of Blue Ocean, which IKEA can venture in the future. Sometimes some companies are prepared to challenge the functional-emotional direction of their industry; they frequently find new market space. It can be observed that sometimes many companies offer many additional products with the main product, but if these additions are stripped off and the actual product is provided at a lesser cost, then such an act would surely bring in more customers. On the other hand, functional sloping industries can repeatedly instill commodity products with new life by contributing a dosage of sentiment and, in so doing, can rouse new demand (Kim W.C. et all, 2005.Pp.69-70). In the same way, IKEA instead of giving any additional product or service can just sell their main products for lesser cost thus bringing in more and more customers. Yet another success for IKEA is through creation and this is through its instruction booklets, which is released with every assembly-required item that a consumer buys from the store. In these instruction booklets, IKEA attempts to demonstrate the process instead of explaining it in words. In reality sometimes, the instructions are with out any words at all. This is done just to show or emphasize the ease with which to construct IKEA furniture and this way the furniture company can save on translation costs too. Furniture companies can also look across its alternative industries. For furniture, stores new retail outlets in places where there are no such shops will have to be developed. Innovations on the part of the furniture manufacturers will create Blue Oceans for them. They will have to look beyond their industry and seek alternatives (Kim W.C. et all, 2005.Pp 49-50). IKEA furniture can also secure its future by reducing its cost of production by a method called collaborating. This way the company can meet its target cost easily. Actually,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Explain the 'open systems' approach to organisations, and how Essay
Explain the 'open systems' approach to organisations, and how environmental factors can affect the business organisation. Use the case to illustrate your answer - Essay Example In an open system, all aspects of an organisation starting from inputs all the way through the production process of outputs, and evaluation are all considered as being important. Boundaries and the external atmosphere are also very important to an open system. Strong open system analyses information that it receives from its surroundings makes the necessary changes in the organisation and then transmits the essential feedback to its environment (Thompson, 2011:12). Icy Foods Limited had no strong because when its external environment changed, it did not make the necessary changes in internal environment in order to boost their sales. Scott (2003) proposed several aspects that characterise open systems. These include self-maintenance, protection, boundaries and subsystems (Scott, 2003:89). In self-maintenance, organisations get the resources they need from the environment to survive. In terms of protection, organisations do not have to safeguard the environment, rather they use it as a source of information. In terms of boundaries, organisations have boundaries that are difficult to define. Lastly, when addressing subsystems, Scott (2003) notes that organisations have subsystems that are correlated in dynamic interaction (Scott, 2003:90-91). The organisation, being an open system relies on its external environment for the procurement and use of what it produces and the products that it offers. If the requirements of the organisation’s external environment change, they directly affect the organisation’s ability to sell what it produces. As seen in the case of Icy Foods Limited, the growth of the total sales of ready meals by large supermarket chains reduced the number of independent supermarkets that Icy Foods Limited used to supply to. Since several of Icy Food’s customers were forced out of business, the sales of the company reduced greatly. As a result of the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Vulnerable Population Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Vulnerable Population - Research Proposal Example the highest teen birth rate in the country (63.4 per 1,000) in 2005, closely followed by states Texas and New Mexico at 61.6 each; New Hampshire had the lowest teen birth rate (17.9). The report states â€Å"in 2006, the overall birth rate for 15– to 19– year-old females was 41.9, but So, why are the statistics for adolescent pregnancy in the US more than most other countries like Canada, UK or Sweden where teens are considered to be more sexually active? In fact there are more reasons than one (Strasburger, 2006). The youth today are not educated about birth control in their sex education classes. Parents are uncomfortable to discuss it with their children at home; even the media does not help much in promoting the concept of safe sex. Those countries which are more vocal about the issue are rewarded with low cases of unwanted pregnancy and STDs (sexually transmitted disease). Research has shown that main causes of teenage pregnancy comprise the lack of a sense of personal responsibility, immaturity, and most importantly being oblivious about the outcome of sexual intercourse. An interesting fact is that the decision to indulge in sexual activity is a complicated one, influenced by family, peers, religion, and individual behavior. In most cases, teenage pregnancy has close links with poverty, limited education and employment opportunities. Being underage, teenagers often face significantly higher complications both during pregnancy and delivery. This may include biological immaturity or complications associated with poor preconception health and antenatal care. â€Å"So, when teens become pregnant or contract an STD, they, their children, and society at large often pay a significant price, both in human and in monetary terms,†according to Douglas Kirby (2007). Here are some statistics from his article that reiterate this fact: â€Å"Roughly half (47 percent ) of all high school students in the U.S. report having sex at least once, and close to two-thirds (63
Monday, October 14, 2019
Alice Walker Essay Example for Free
Alice Walker Essay This story is distinctive, however, in that Walker stresses not only the importance of language but also the destructive effects of its misuse. Clearly, Dee privileges language over silence, as she demonstrates in her determination to be educated and in the importance she places on her name. Rather than providing a medium for newfound awareness and for community, however, verbal skill equips Dee to oppress and manipulate others and to isolate herself; when she lived at home, she read to her sister and mother without pity; forcing words, lies, other folks habits, whole lives upon us, sitting trapped and ignorant underneath her voice. Mama recalls that Dee washed us in a river of make-believe, burned us with a lot of knowledge we didnt necessarily need to know. Pressed us to her with the serious way she read, to shove us away at just the moment, like dimwits, we seemed about to understand (50). Dee uses words to wash, burn, press, and shove. We are told that the nervous girls and furtive boys whom she regarded as her friends worshiped the well-turned phrase and her scalding humor that erupted like bubbles in lye (51). It is not surprising, then, that Mama, mistrustful of language, expresses herself in the climactic scene of the story not through words but through deeds: she hugs Maggie to her, drags her in the room where Dee sits holding the quilts, snatches the quilts from Dee, and dumps them into Maggies lap. Only as an afterthought does she speak at all, telling Dee to take one or two of the others. Mamas actions, not her words, silence the daughter who has, up to this point, used language to control others and separate herself from the community: Mama tells us that Dee turns and leaves the room without a word (59). In much of Walkers work, a characters dawning sense of self is represented not only by the acquisition of an individual voice but also through integration into a community. Mamas new appreciation of Maggie is significant because it represents the establishment of a sisterhood between mother and daughter. Just before taking the quilts out of Dees hands, Mama tells us, I did something I never had done before (58). The something to which she refers is essentially two actions: Mama embraces Maggie and says no to Dee for the first time. Since we are told that she held Maggie when she was burned in the fire, and since Mamas personality suggests that she would most likely hug her daughter often, she is of course referring not merely to the literal hug but to the first spiritual embrace, representing her decision no longer to judge her younger daughter by the shallow standards Dee embodiescriteria that Mama has been using to measure both Maggie and herself up until the climax of the story. When Mama acts on Maggies behalf, she is responding to the largely nonverbal message that her younger daughter has been sending for some time, but which Mama herself has been unable fully to accept. Now Maggie and Mama are allied in their rejection of Dees attempts to devalue their lifestyle, and their new sense of community enables Maggie to smile a real smile, not scared. Significantly, the story ends with the two of them sitting in silence, just enjoying, until it was time to go in the house and go to bed (59). Ultimately, however. Mama has the last word: it is she, after all, who tells the story. Yet her control over the text is won gradually. Walker employs an unusual narrative structure to parallel Mamas development as she strengthens her voice and moves toward community with Maggie. Rather than reporting the entire event in retrospect, Mama relates the first half of the story as it occurs, using present and future tenses up until the moment Dee announces her new name. The commentary that Mama makes about herself and Maggie in the first portion of the story is therefore made before the awakening that she undergoes during the quilt episodebefore she is able to reject completely Dees desire that she and Maggie be something that they are not. Prior to the encounter with Dee over the quilts, although Mama at times speaks sarcastically about Dees selfish attitude, she nonetheless dreams repeatedly of appearing on a television program the way my daughter would want me to be: a hundred pounds lighter, my skin like an uncooked barley pancake, wielding a quick and witty tongue (48). Mamas distaste for Dees egotism is tempered by her desire to be respected by her daughter. In part, then, Mama has come to define herself in terms of her failure to meet the standards of what Lindsey Tucker calls a basically white middle-class identity (88)the white-male-dominated system portrayed in the television show. When Mama holds up her own strengths next to those valued by Dee and the white Johnny Carson society, she sees herself as one poised always in a position of fear, with one foot raised in flight (49).
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Effect Of Technology On Architecture Construction Essay
Effect Of Technology On Architecture Construction Essay Technology has played a big role in shaping the current society and its surroundings. It has affected every aspects of human life and one of them is space in the field of architecture and interior design. As technology changes, so does the practice of architecture and interior design. Previously, without the technology, the value of architecture lies in the process of crafting experience in a space. But, nowadays, with the technology, the value has changed into privileging the visual aesthetics of the space or described as visual architecture. Therefore, this essay aims to investigate the current effect of technology in architecture and interior design. As well as to argue that the current visual architecture has decreased the value of architecture. INTRODUCTION Technology opens the door to the future. It is one of the main essences that shape and change the way society behaves, as well as transcends the surrounding to suit the way society lives. Nowadays, the effect of technology has reached almost every level of the society, and one of them is modern building technology. It has great implication in the creation of space in both architecture and interior design. Since the early days, architecture is one of the most important needs of man. It provides space to live and works, an environment for interaction and provoking emotions, as well as a realm where experiences and memories are created. Feelings and emotions are evoked by the form and shape, the arrangement of forms and by relationships that space draws with the surroundings. It affects every part of human senses. As technology developed, the meaning of architecture started to adapt accordingly. Formerly, with conventional building construction technology such as wood-framed, stone-stacking and mud bricks structures, the shape and form of architecture that could be achieved was only a simple and pure form. It led to a trend of homogeneous building, which made architecture looks similar with its surroundings. Because of this limitation, architects and designers became more sensitive and focused on crafting experiences in a space. These experiences then become memories that will be remembered by the visitor and elements that differentiate one building from another. As this continues, because of the limitation on the materials, buildings visual aesthetic is slowly decreasing. Currently, with the creation and development of new building materials and technologies, the inventions of cutting-edge and futuristic looking forms and shapes are possible. New materials and structures are evolved and manufactured everywhere. These advancements have made architects trying to work out and explore the possibility of how these new materials can be used to elaborate and create new structures for buildings. Unintentionally, these advancements has also made them became so attached to visual appearance. Meaning that majority of them concentrate on using technology in order to discover new forms and shapes for architecture in order to reflect the idea for which it was designed. The design of the building that focused on visual aesthetics has led to a trend of creating a form that looks good rather than a space that feels good. With this trend continuing, it seems that the role of visual sense has being privileged when compared to other human senses. The impact of this trend causes the design of the current architecture being reduced and restricted into visual senses. With the absence of other senses, the strength of interaction between our bodies and a space is being diminished. This is because human experience space and environment through all of their senses, not only through the visual. The trend also indicates that the tendency in architecture of image rather than architecture of experience is increasing. The products of architecture of image will only offer visual consumption which wont create lasting impressions that all the architects strive for. It will only become a nice looking postcard of visually striking building. Hence, the essay aims to prove that the current use of technology in architecture is only being used to achieve visual aesthetics and has decreased the value of architecture. The essay will also argue that technology to achieve powerful or aesthetically pleasing form to the sight has to be able to grow hand in hand with other human senses, in order to create valuable experience and memory in a space. Only then, the value of architecture can be pushed to a full potential. Architecture of Experience rather than Visual Instead of experiencing our being in the world, we behold it from outside as spectators of images projected on the surface of the retina. Pallasmaa, J, 2005, p.47 Before we can move forward to the main issue, to question the effect of technology towards current architecture, it is important to look and understand briefly what is the nature and value of architecture since the early days it was created. Throughout the history, despite of a large number of definitions which have been proposed by numerous architects, the answer to the nature and value of architecture has never come to a conclusion. Maybe it is because there are diverse ways to formulate an answer to this. Davies (2008) noted that one of the numerous definitions of architecture that can be found in dictionaries, refer to the meaning of, a method or style of building. It seems that this definition leads to a diminishing understanding that building is just an object of visual aesthetic. Some even make comparison of architecture with other form of arts which is sculpture. For instance, Santiago Calatrava, a world-renowned Santiago Calatrava: Sculpture into Architecture, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Spanish architects that combined sculpture and painting with architecture. He is claimed as a building sculptor and had a world-wide exhibition of his works. James Gardner (2005, The Art Behind the Architect, The NY Sun newspaper) mentioned that there is no clear line whether Calatrava is a sculptor that design buildings or an architect that makes sculptures. And whether his works are sculptures that are in a form of architecture or a combination of both art and architecture. So is architecture is just a method of applying aesthetics consideration to the form of buildings? Or it is just an art of making buildings beautiful? This idea of definition seems to have missed a central core of the nature and value of architecture. Previously, in the prehistoric time where architecture was not even born yet, human lived in a nomadic way. They moved from one place to another. When night came, they stopped and lighted a fire to warm themselves up. By doing so, they started to define a place. And if they intend to stay there longer, they started to define a place to sleep, a place to shelter them from the rain, a place to collect and store food, a place where they could defend themselves from danger, etc. From their chosen site, experience of their surrounding, until the organization of their place, this leads to an evolution from a place to architecture. Based on that, one can say that the nature and value of architecture is in the sense of a place that is created by the organization between buildings with the surrounding and context itself. Thus, architecture relates to the way people live, it changes and evolves based on the environments, experiences and needs. As time goes on, places that people used have became more diverse, sophisticated and complex which made architecture consistently changing as well. Starting from the prehistoric era where human dwells in occasional caves to stone-stacking shelters. Then evolves to temporal tents make by frame-wood structures and into round houses that made of mud bricks. And as human becomes more civilized, the needs of place for different functions emerged too. From a place to worship gods, a place to trade things, a place for entertainment and so much more. These places will keep on expanding to meet the different needs of human. Moreover, tools to build and transport materials, such as wheels or pulleys, have advanced and are still growing in order to make construction process becomes more efficient. So, not only materials have evolved, functions and tools to build each building have advanced as well. From the early civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Roman Empire and the East, the develo pment in architecture to create buildings for different purposes have greatly varied. Egypts Pyramids, Greeks Temples, and Romans Amphitheatres are just few illustrations of various functions that could be found globally. The forms, materials, tools and functions of the architecture evolve because of the resources that are available in the environment. The needs for stronger materials to create shelter and suitable types of materials to craft the atmosphere for different functions have pushed the tool and building technology to an advanced level too. With the application of the advanced materials and technologies, humans are able to generate unique experiences which would enrich the physical and psychological experience in architecture. In the time where modern building technology was not developed yet, there was a limitation in the creation of architectural form. Architects and engineers were only able to create certain kinds of form because of the limitation of the materials and tools at that time. Considering this constraints, the focus of architecture at this time is in the creation of experience, which is the nature and value of architecture since the early days. People lived through experiencing the world with body senses. One sense interacts with other senses to be able to let human integrate with the surrounding and the world. As a result, architecture is the product of this constant interaction between people with their surrounding and the world. Architecture provides spaces where people could do their daily activities, experience the environment, feel comfortable with it and generate impactful memories through these interactions. The interaction that happens can be either simple or complex. It means that t he space within the architecture should be able to interact with at least one or all of the body senses. This is due to, as human we have needs and desires, beliefs and aspirations, as well as aesthetic sensibility that are affected by warmth, touch, odour, sound and visual stimuli. Every interaction that happens will be experienced by the body. And if the experience through the space is strong enough, it will formulate an impactful memory to the users mind. And if this is successful, the lasting impression that every architects strive for will be achieved. That is why architecture should be designed with a thought of multi-sensory experience inside the space. Some examples of ideal architecture that illustrates significant historical buildings with good space design are The Colleseum in Rome, The Louvre in France, and Masjid Al-Haram in Mecca. For the first one which is The Flavian Amphitheatre or widely known as The Colosseum at Rome. The reason that it is one of significant historical buildings with good space design lies within the successful achievement of the monumental and grandeur size, practicality, efficiency for controlling the crowd and the most important is its ability to radiate the crowds and spectators excitement and experience throughout the whole space experience at that time. The hugely impressive vast ellipse form that is filled with tiers of seating was created to strike awe into anyone who saw this great monumental building. It was a symbol of the glorious power and cruelty of Rome and its emperors. Its classical design features, reminiscent of classical Greek architecture is the quintessential symbols of Roman cultur es and was meant to convey that Rome was a great, mighty wealthy, and civilised nation. The Colleseums design was heavily influenced by concrete and vault arches which are two of their greatest inventions. And the construction technique that the Romans used is the standardised parts system so that the components are interchangeable which similar to the current modular system. This standardised system allowed some components of the building such as stairs and seats to be built off-site and then brought to the amphitheatre to be fitted in to their specific location. Along with the standardised parts system, there were also a huge number of entrances and exits being built throughout the amphitheatre. These entrances and exits were imperative to the amphitheatre in order to ensure the crowd to be seated quickly and efficiently. All of the design and system of The Colleseum has been used as the basic for the architects and designers to design and construct the current stadiums globally. The design and form of The Colosseums breath-taking architecture was as a result of the needs of major requirements as a theatre or arena for staging various forms of entertainment to the Romans. As well as, it is a result of the consideration towards the excitement that the designers wanted the spectators to feel. And even today, The Colosseum is still one of the hugely impressive skyscrapers and the memories of how Romans culture, social and life was like before can still be felt through exploring and experiencing the interior of it. Another significant historical architecture with good spatial qualities is The Louvre in France. Currently, it is one of biggest art museums in the world. Built in the 12th century, it was constructed with a cut stone bearing masonry system and previously it was function as some kind of royal or defensive fortress against invasion until the late 18th century where it was first open to the public to display the royals collection such as paintings and sculptures. The reason that The Louvre is considered as significant historical building that has good spatial design lies in the strong sense of the countrys cultural knowledge that the building exhibits and can be identified through its architectural quality. Although The Louvre has a history of the ever-changing function of the architecture, started from a fortress to a palace and eventually becomes one of the worlds largest museums, no matter what it always bear and have its original identity, history and culture of that time it was bu ilt. It is because of the consideration towards the identity, history and culture aspects in mind that the designer had the idea of the form of the architecture and was able to craft the experience inside the space in order to display and showcase those aspects through the test of time. And the third architecture that illustrates significant historical architecture with good spatial design is Masjid Al-Haram which is located at Mecca. It is the largest and considered as the holiest mosque in the world. The current architecture of the mosque is not what it was like since it was first built in the 7th century. There have been major rebuilt, modifications and expansions on its architecture and because of these expansions it has became the largest mosque in the world. The expansion happened in order to accommodate the increasing number of the pilgrims. Since the past, mosque has been considered as a medium for communication; either it is a communication between God and pilgrims or between fellow pilgrims. This idea of the mosque that it is built as a centre for social interaction rather than a building only for ritual or worshipping is being clearly shown and felt in the architecture of Masjid Al-Haram. For examples the presence of the courtyard surrounds the Kaaba or t he grey square house which is designed or placed there with the intention of providing the best meditative and interactive atmosphere for the performance of prayer and community interacting experience to happen inside. And the placement of the minarets or the tall free standing towers is based on the topography of the site in order to create harmonious balance with the Kaaba. These considerations towards the pilgrims experience and the meaning for every placement or form that is created has made Masjid Al-Haram or The Holy Mosque a significant historical building with good spatial design. These 3 architectures above show that designing through paying considerations towards the experience and behaviour of the visitors or occupants would create lasting impression that could stands the test of time. Nevertheless, through this time, because of the limitation on the materials and tools that they could be worked or used, architects and engineers were only able to build certain kinds of forms which made them unsatisfied with the visual aesthetic of the building. With this feeling of unsatisfactory as the main force that drives architects and designers to overcome this issue, which then becomes one of the main factors of the emerging trend of visual architecture or an architecture that the visual aesthetic considerations is being privileged or have dominated the designers thoughts rather than the experiential value. It is until the late 18th century, in the industrial revolution era, when cast iron can be produced in a large numbers and cheaply enough and has opportunities in creating new forms. This is when architects and designers started to become aware of the glorious potential of cast iron used in architecture. One of the first architectural projects that are entirely made from cast iron is The Iron Bridge in Shropshire (Potter, D, 2006). And this marks the dawn of Modern building technology. As technology has advanced towards a new stage, which is the modern building technology, the nature and value of architecture started to shift and adapt as well. The birth of modern technology is as the result of architects using experimental science and engineering theory and tools to inform the form and construction of their buildings. Which previously form and structures of buildings were relied strongly on the knowledge of the craftsman or builder. This development has begun to revolutionize architecture into an entirely new direction. Through this modern building technology, architects and designers are provided with a new range of materials and tools to achieve and satisfy their hunger for more advanced forms. Previously, the architectural form of each location has their own unique characteristics. This is because of their environment would only be able to produce certain kinds of materials. Due to this constraint, architects and designers had lesser choices of resources that w ere available. This led to vernacular architecture of that area which meant that the material and building tool that they used to construct buildings in a location would have a more deeply grounded meaning with the context of the building and in a way was more purely defined with the unique representative form of that certain location. For instance, the Pyramid in Egypt that is made from stone is entirely different from the Temple in China which is made from wood. But since the developed worlds industrialisation trend has expanded globally throughout the world. This has influenced the local architects and designers wanting to follow the international architectural fashions style and has become another factor that contributed in the emerging trend of visual architecture. With modern building technology , transportation of materials from one location to another location has became possible, the ability of mass production has lowered the cost of construction, and computer software has accelerated the time to finish the drawing or design of a building. These developments have made the process of realizing architecture become more efficient and effective in every layer, either it is the time span to complete, the construction, the planning of the project, the creation of the buildings form or even the innovation of new and better materials is continually increasing. The development of materials has played a big role in the creation of advanced architectural form. It is one of the aspects that started the trend of architecture of image. Beginning by looking into the traditional materials that have been used since the prehistoric times, which is wood. This material could be considered as the forefather of all current materials. In the early days, prehistor ic people used these to build tents as their shelters from the sun and rain. By constructing tree trunks or branches together creating the shape of an inverted V-shape, putting some support to hold it firm on the ground and covered with leaves. This creates the simplest foundation of architecture form. As human evolved so did materials for shelter. Moving from wood to stone, as a stronger material, the form of the shelter started to develop into tent-like house by stacking different stones together. As human moves on to the times of early civilizations, the needs, desires, and beliefs have been greatly varied too. This leads to the creation of places of worships, sacrifices, monuments, and governments. Based on this, the form of the architecture started to goes vertically higher and bigger. At this time, pillar, column, beam, arch and dome has started to be built to fulfil the functions of the architecture. Moving on from the prehistoric times into the middle age, at this time, castles are becoming common forms of architecture in every part of Europe. And as it moves through The Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Gothic revival, from 15th century to 18th century, architects and designers feel that every architectures in their own location has looked similar because of the limitation of technology and materials provided at that time and that location. Until early 19th century, when modern building technology was discovered. This technology allowed iron to be used in architecture because it has became relatively cheaper while previously it was considered as a very expensive material. Iron is architecturally unique because of being relatively lightweight and malleable as well as strong. Moreover, because of its properties, it can be used for free-form designs. In this period, glass has also been widely used and available. Glass is widely used for its optimal balance between aesthetics, functions and its ability to create effects that could change experience. The reason is because glass has the property that allows light to transmits in and by using it, the architects or designers has the power to controls light which creates an illusion that the building are able to change, move and create certain atmosphere. And for architect light is one of the powerful tools in crafting experience in architecture. One of the architecture that ref lects a building of high technology in this period is the Joseph Paxtons Crystal Palace of the Great Exhibition. Built in 1851 in London, this building was made of modular cast iron and glass which symbolized the industrial, technological and economic superiority of the modern building technology. Progressing to the late 19th century, which reinforced concrete is invented. At this time, concrete is being reinforced with iron or steel in order to increase the strength of tension in concrete to minimize cracking problem. By doing so, this reinforced concrete have special properties which are more durable to thermal expansion, provides strength to optimize building structures and it has the ability to bend allowing it to be made into any shape or size for architectural purpose. Because of these special properties, reinforced concrete is still one of the most popular materials that are being used for construction purposes until now. And in 20th century, plastics became widely known and popular as well. It is because plastics are lightweight, resilient, generally resistant to corrosion and moisture, and can be moulded and formed into complex shapes. And because it is the only man-made material, this allowed it to be developed even more in the future. This development in modern building technology has opened the door for architects and designers to realize all the unrealized ideas that they had in mind. And with this the notion of architecture of image is slowly becoming a trend. With advancement in modern building technology, materials and tools to construct a building have greatly expanded. Back then, buildings are limited with height. Mainly it is because of the limitation of materials and tools that caused architects and designers to think and design horizontally. But with modern building technology, current buildings are able to go higher becoming a skyscraper or go deeper underground, maybe becoming an earth scraper, and not only going vertically, it also allows the buildings to be built diagonally. From geometric to organic form or from masses to pixels, current technology makes everything possible. Moreover, modern building technology is being used for visualizing and selling the ideas that the designers have to the clients too. For example 3 dimensional simulation software that are able to produce photo realistic images of the building even though it has not being constructed yet. Architecture has entered into a realm of visual form which is nothing more or less than the creation of buildings tangible and visible shapes. Beekman Tower, Frank Gehry New York One example of a purely visual architecture is the Beekman Tower in New York by Frank Gehry. It is a curious fusion of public and private zones. The main design feature is the organic form of the buildings facade which is made of aluminium foil. The organic folds evoke the sense of water ripples. And the effects of ripples are being enhanced more on the daytime because of the natural light. This building is surely a successful design and appealing to one of human senses which is the visual. But for the interior, everything inside the space is dully conventional. The consideration towards other senses inside the space in order to experience the space has been neglected. Another one is the Orchard Central in Singapore by DP Architects. The key design element of this shopping mall is on the facade of the mall which is a faceted membrane which will function as massive media wall and is set to be an iconic feature at the junction of Orchard and Killiney roads. The idea of this is to add aural and visual vibrancy to the central stretch of Orchard Road. By doing so, the architectural facade of the building will be able to generate visual connection with the public. But the problem is the elimination of other senses and the dependency towards the vision has made the design of the space unattractive and unable to create a connection with the visitors. In addition to another architecture that illustrates purely visual architecture is The Central Plaza Shopping Mall by Manuelle Gautrand which is located in Bangkok, Thailand. The design of the architecture relies heavily on the faà §ade of the building while the interior is not greatly different from most other shopping mall in the city. The idea of the glowing red lines that simply clad or covered the facade of the building which is the key design element of the architecture is being conceived by the designer as tools that are able to send messages of flow movement and fluidity to the visitors. This perception shows that the design of the building is influenced by technology and only focus on the visual aesthetics to resolve the issue of the space. And by doing so it weakens the architectural value of it and diminished the experiential value inside. Orchard Central, DP Architects Singapore Based on both of the case studies above, it is fairly obvious that the privileged of visual senses over other human senses will create a sense of detachment between the architecture and the visitors. This is merely because humans experience the world and their surroundings through their senses. For instance, the sounds of steps, the light that penetrates through the space, the coldness of the concrete walls, scale and proportion are just few ways of how architecture interacts with the visitors senses. Such interaction is then strengthened and articulated through the complex interaction of human senses and will be perceived by the visitors as an experience. With this two-way interaction between visitors and architecture, it will lead to the creation of meaningful memory towards the space. It is true that vision is the first connection between human and the world. Most of us, when we are walking through a space or street, are affected in one way or another by the looks of the buildings that we pass through, the positions of the objects and the arrangements inside the space. But in architecture, the reliance in the sphere of vision will only made the building existed merely on a surface level which is as an object of visual expression such as a postcard. Architecture should be able to interact with every human sense because it is a representation or expression of human minds. And the only way to communicate with the mind is by experiencing the world and surrounding through the senses. That is when architecture has moved on to another level. So, by using the modern technology, not only to grasped the visual aesthetics that has became a trends nowadays, but also to craft the experience that has been the nature and value of architecture since the early days. This will affe ct the human physically and psychologically and will push the architecture to the full potential. Word Count Word count 4885 (excluding Abstract, Table of Contents, Captions, and Works Cited)
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Attitudes Towards Love in Poetry Essay -- Love and Loss Poetry Poems E
Attitudes Towards Love in Poetry Love is an emotion that has been felt by people throughout time. It is extremely difficult to put any strong emotion into words, but through the pre-twentieth century ‘Love and Loss’ poetry we are able to see various different attitudes shown towards love and the way that love is conveyed through relationships. The poems referred to in this essay are â€Å"First Love†by John Clare, â€Å"How Do I Love Thee†by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, â€Å"A Birthday†by Christina Rossetti, â€Å"A Woman to Her Lover†by Cristina Walsh and â€Å"My Last Duchess†by Robert Browning. By studying the love and loss poetry, the poets lives and the cultures they lived in, it is easy to see why people have different perceptions of love. The poem â€Å"First Love†by John Clare reflects his attitudes towards love. It is a complex poem describing the physical and emotional affects of falling in love for the first time. In this poem, the narrator has experienced love at first sight and has feeling for nobody else. He says that â€Å"†¦ my blood rushed to my face And took my sight away.†This quotation describes one of the physical effects love brings; it shows that the poet is so fixated in one woman that he is blinded by everything else. It mirrors the clichà © ‘blinded by love’. This shows that Clare feels that love can be for only one person at a time, as he is concentrating on nobody else. The way Clare uses language shows that he finds first love an uncomfortable feeling. This is shown in the rhetorical questions he uses. â€Å"Are flowers the winter’s choice?†These are two images that have been unusually linked, flowers and winter. This is not a comfortable image. Flowers usually die in winter and this creates dea... ...ill be stronger after death, this shows an open attitude: that love is never ending and there is no loss of love from death. The final poem is â€Å"A Birthday†, which I believe is describing the love that Christina Rossetti has for God. She uses language to portray beautiful imagery to try and express how she is feeling. This is a celebration of her love and her attitude is that love brings a person only joy. All the pre-twentieth poets lived different lives in different cultures and so there attitudes would have formed in different ways. However like most others they have all felt love in some way or experienced the jealousy and pain it can bring. Their love and loss poetry shows love in different forms, neither more true than the other but all just showing the different attitudes that people of different cultures have learnt or felt is true about love.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Communication Studies Introduction
Introduction Theme: The Generation Gap Research Question: How has the generation gap affected the current generation and caused a negative change in society’s values? According to http://www. investopedia. com, the generation gap refers to the differences found between members of different generations. More specifically, it is used to describe the differences in actions, beliefs and tastes between the younger generations in comparison to the older generations. Within Trinidad and Tobago, factors of the generation gap are quite evident in society.Several norms, mores and values established by the previous generations have been undermined and obviated by the current generation, the generation gap is also prevalent in today’s music, fashion and the way we speak. As such, it has been observed that the delicate structure and order of society which has enforced proper ethics and morals amongst its citizens has begun to deteriorate, given way to a more chaotic and immoral gene ration. It is a fact of life that the generation gap â€Å"is something that has existed and will continue to exist as long as man resides on this earth.It is not restricted to certain parts of the world, to certain times of human history or to certain cultures. That is why this â€Å"clash†is a fact of a life accepted by all generations, all over the world and through all time. This topic will help me investigate the reasons why the differences of generation gap have widened greatly in the 20th and 21st centuries and how it has contributed to the negative change in society. I am going to use an argumentative essay in my reflective piece as I think it best suits the theme of my project.In the essay, I’ll look at the points which support my topic while still touching on the benefits of the generation gap. These points will then be explained in greater detail in my oral exposition so that persons would have a better understanding of the chosen topic. The theme synchron izes with my interests in pursuing my sociological career path and information acquired from this project would also help with improving my student- teacher relationship and my relationship with my parents and come to better compromises as I will now better understand the older generation’s differences and point of views on current trends.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Prison Environment Essay
 The prison environment could be define as a place to help persons convicted of crimes change their way of lifestyle, if it is a problem and serve out their sentence. The prison discussed in my readings is an environment where anyone from the cook to the janitor could influence someone to make a change in their thinking and their actions. What was once ran like a country under dictatorship, has now become a place where inmates are treated with respect and dignity. The environment of a prison is leaning more to a nurturing way of dealing with the inmates versus a clad iron system. Institutional management and custody are influenced by the constant growing population and the rise of gangs in the system. If there was less turnovers of correction officers in the prison the culture could possibly be change. Secure custody methods play an important role in the prison environment. Secure custody methods are how personnel keep a count of the inmates, keep them safe from one another as wel l as keeping order in the prison. A few of the methods used are; the count which is when personnel count the inmates to make sure that all are accounted for. During this process there is minimum to no activity until the task is complete. Another method is the sally port. This is basically two gates that can’t be opened at the same time. It operates by a person passing through the first gate in order for the next gate to open. Lastly, prison rules and contraband control are the other secure methods. Prison rules are likely broken on a consistent basis so that method of securing is probably not that efficient. The high count of gang members, more than likely play a large role in prison rules being broken as well as contra band being smuggled into the prison. The prison environment has improved over the years, but there is still room for improvement. The methods used to secure the facility should be revised. By revising these methods chances are the prisons will began to make a change towards the better.
“Red Robin†by Clark Richard
â€Å"Red Robin†by Clark Richard â€Å"Red Robin,†by Clark Richard is one song, which without fail always makes me cry. My little sister Ann and our father danced to this song at her quince for the father daughter dance. It was originally planned for me to sing the song but I got too emotional in order to sing it thus there was a change of plans. This song was written by Clark Richard for a future daughter that he wishes to have. Red Robin,†helped me personally celebrate a very joyous occasion by making me realize my little sister was growing up, letting me know how my parents feel, and by allowing me to show her that our family will always be there for her; especially myself. It has been harder for me to see my sister growing up than some. Unlike other older sisters, where they just had to be an older sister, I helped raise my younger sister. When we were very young both of my parents were in the military and we moved around all the time.When my mom was deploy ed to Germany and my dad become â€Å"mom,†it was horrid. He had never been on that side of the relationship before, where he wasn’t the provider. He would stress out and leave to go work out all the time and we wouldn’t see him for hours. When my older brother was at school, I took care of my little sister. Now don’t get me wrong, my dad was a great dad. It just took him time and patience that he didn’t have just yet to get better and before he would leave he would always make sure everything harmful was out of reach.He became a great mom after a while; it just took time. Until then though, I helped clean, put up my sister’s toys, get us something to eat, help take baths, get her pajamas on, etc. I love my little sister almost like a daughter and in this song, it explains a little girl growing up to be a women and it is a struggle for me because I will always see my little sister as this little girl who I had to help take care of when my m om wasn’t home. In my opinion, this is what also helped me into the mindset of my parents and helped me understand how they must feel.I believe that all parents have different feelings about the love that they have for their children and they all show it very differently as well. The way that Richard describes how he feels for his daughter is moving and passionate. He sings to her saying, in not so many words, that he will always be there for her and watching over her, he can’t rest without knowing that she is safe, and that even after death he will be waiting for her return home. If one was to meet my mom or dad, I would believe that this would be similar to how they feel.I use this song to express the emotion in which me and my parents towards my little sister becoming a women and it makes me want to cry. There is one main lyrical line that even shows the worries and thoughts in which a parent would be thinking through a child life. In â€Å"Red Robin,†Richar d states, â€Å"she knows I’ll toss and turn no chance I’ll sleep tonight till I know she’s made it home all right. †In this line Richard describes how when his daughter is out and about, he won’t be able to sleep at all until she is home and safe.When he states, or sings this line, he shows the compassion and forethought in which a parent would have. He describes how his daughter’s safety matters above all and without the knowledge of her safety he will never be at rest. This is how all parents should feel or worry about their children. The part that frustrates me is that there are a lot of parents who could care less and they just expect their children to be home and don’t even check on them. I have cousins who sneek out all the time and never get caught because their mother doesn’t check on them and they never tell anyone where they are going.They could get seriously injured or even raped and no one would know where they we re. I worry about my sister and when I am home, and I get back from being out, whether my mom as already or not, I always check on her. I see her as a daughter and when she is out with her friends or with a particular cousin I will always worry about her until I know she is home safe. Plus, in my personal opinion, when you have a 17 year old daughter (or sister), you should always worry about them until they get home because they don’t always get into the safest situations; especially when or if they are feeling neglected.Teenagers when they go through their hormonal phases to become adults always have times when they feel neglected, unwanted, that no one listens to them and that everyone’s against him or her and so on. When my sister and I were younger, when my mom was actually home, I was the kind of child that demanded more attention and she was not. Although, now that she’s older, she demands a lot of attention and she gets it since she is still â€Å"the b aby†and she is the only child my mom and dad have left that is not already going to college. When we had her Quince, one big point was to include my sister in every decision that was made.That usually is not true for most Hispanic girls. Usually it is planned for them and they learn the dances and attend, it’s very rare that a soon to be 15 year old girl gets any decision making power in this type of situation, but; my mom is a very open Hispanic. My mom and I did everything in our power to make this whole party all about her and by the end of it, everyone cried, including my sister. If she ever felt unwanted or inconvenienced, it wasn’t while we were planning or Quince and it wasn’t during the night we had the party either. And, even if she did, she didn’t after she looked at the bill.We still have fights today, mainly her and my mom since I’m at college, because she believes that no one is listening to her and that my mom is completely aga inst her. Whenever I come home, if I don’t side with her completely on everything, she still throws tantrums and I have to get on to her and scold her so that she will go apologize to our mom since she wasn’t right and she knows it. She just doesn’t want to admit it or she didn’t â€Å"see it that way†. I love my little sister and no matter how many times we get in fights, I will always be there for her no matter what. Red Robin,†by Clark Richard is a very moving, emotional song. Just singing it in my head still makes me want to tear up. The emotional stress that this song caused me during my sister’s Quince was very annoying but it made me realize and learn many things. This song was written by Clark Richard for a future daughter that he wishes to have. â€Å"Red Robin,†helped me personally celebrate a very joyous occasion by making me realize my little sister was growing up, letting me know how my parents feel, and by allowi ng me to show her that our family will always be there for her; especially myself.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Marketing concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Marketing concept - Essay Example Distributional and promotional aspects should also be accounted for in pricing such that the end result of the process is consistent with all the variables in the company’s interests. The primary purpose of pricing strategies is to specify the role of price in the implementation of marketing strategies (Drummond & Ensor 180). The aim of any given company in business is to market its products in order to gather a sufficient market share, thereby enhancing its profitability and a diversified portfolio. In this regard, the applicability of pricing strategies at an individual level cannot be refuted. Pricing strategies in the marketing context have constituted my personal experiences in two ways. These ways relate to the actions engaged by companies and firms in a bid to satisfy their customers and remain profitable at the same time. One of such personal experiences in the context of pricing strategies relates to penetration pricing. A company undertakes such a move in order to stimulate demand for its products. This is done by offering the consumer or the buyer a low price, such that the buyer feels favored and therefore compelled to make purchases. Rational buyers seek to maximize their welfare, and do I, given the interests of the company. When a product whose quality is not compromised is provided at a cheaper price, its demand rises. I have made several purchases under this notion, thus the applicability of penetration pricing in several transactions that I engage in. Another pricing strategy that relates to my personal experience is that of premium pricing. This factor is based on the competitive nature of firms. Firm compete for the market share in order to reap the highest benefits at the minimum cost possible. Competition may necessitate that a firm set its price higher than the competitive price. However, this is only possible when the
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Faith, Reason and the University Memories and Reflections Essay
Faith, Reason and the University Memories and Reflections - Essay Example Christians are called upon to embrace the need of celebrating the achievements which have been brought through modernity by securing such achievements in grounding them to become more coherent and comprehensive through the understanding of human rationality. The lecture is not only brilliant and breathtaking but also very intelligible to some of the ordinary minds. This all not only addresses the heart of modernism but also to the Islamic societies and communities. Not acting in accordance with reason is deemed contrary to the nature of God and this is central to the Christianity as emphasized by Benedict XVI. God’s transcendence is not precluded by the openness of some of the divine concepts to examination by form of reason as illustrated by the early Christian rapprochement between the Greek inquiry and biblical faith. The expedition for reason over against myth is in existence as a dynamic in the two traditions as well as being accompanied by the various forms of enlightenment in each. During the late middle ages, the church brought about and reaffirmed the real analogy which existed between man and God. This was contrary to some of the arguments that it is only reason which can be taken as a reliable way of knowing God’s will, albeit that the Unlikeness of God is infinitely greater than his likeness. The de-hellenization of Christianity is continually highlighted by Benedict all through the modern age by the use of a long process using three stages. The first stage occurs in the reformation with the emphasis on sola scriptura which is followed by the liberal theology which occurs in the 19th century having its basis on the modern self-limitation of reason as Kant expresses and radicalized by the influence and impact of natural sciences. Benedict delves into the irony that even though the sciences explain the rational structure of matter, this total dependence on the prestige brought about by the scientific
Monday, October 7, 2019
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 39
Leadership - Essay Example Nobody was ready to settle for the status quo. In addition, everyone was looking for newer and better ways of accomplishing our goals through very practical ideas and highly original thoughts. Most of the members of the group were able to quickly discard impartibly ideas and adapt practical useful ones and every person took their responsibilities very seriously. It was so easy to work with our group because people were ready to work and ready to put in hard work both physically and mentally. We were amazed by each other and this led to peer respect among ourselves. It also made communication within the group very easy. We did not assign a leader for the group but we found out that Hether was the leader initially for the practical reason that we needed at least for one person to chair the discussions so we could go ahead with our work. This was also agreed upon without much ceremony among the group. There was really no reason for too much emphasis on the leader’s role since it was agreed that we would all participate on an equal basis within the group and that decisions would be arrived at democratically or because of what made the best sense. There was no power struggle as we all worked well together and no particular leader was assign to hold power. The only problem that was presented by this arrangement was that we had no leader to make the final decision. We solved this by deciding to take votes in order to adapt or sanction decisions through majority. The other challenge that we faced was the issue of time management because everybody had different schedules and finding the right time for us all to do our group activity was a bit of a challenge but we finally managed to pull through. The best description that fits my group’s situation is the democratic style, which is participative. This is because it values all the input of all group members. Our group’s morale was very high and everyone was
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Social Networking Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Social Networking Marketing - Essay Example Marketing on social networking or social media platforms has its own advantages because of the uniqueness offered by the internet (Keller and Berry, 2003). It is much easier to judge the effectiveness of a marketing campaign as well as ensure its reach to a very high population. Hence, marketing through the social media and social networks has become very important. However, as this method of marketing is becoming increasingly popular, various scholars and researchers have had concerns around ethical implications. Many marketers also feel very sceptical about the way in which it is difficult to preserve ethics followed in conventional form of marketing, when it comes to social networking marketing (Li, 2008). In this research, the attempt is to find out what are the ethical implications of social networking marketing and how it impacts the ‘4Ps’ – product price, promotion and place of marketing. The study would explore how this new age marketing has ethical implications on the traditional methods of marketing. Marketing and its Changing Dimensions Many scholars have tried to understand and define marketing as well as its changing connotations in the light of technology driven approach. American Marketing Association has defined marketing as a key set of process that is necessary for creating, delivering and communicating value to customers as well as maintaining and growing relationships with the aim of growing the organization, its user base as well as its stockholders. (American Marketing Association, n.d). Here, the tenets of marketing centre on the concept of ‘value’. This definition provides a good overview because it also talks about customer and organizational growth. With social networking marketing, there are high chances that the meaning of ‘value’ may undergo a change because of the high scope of strategies like bulk marketing and privacy violation. According to Kotler, marketing can be defined as a social process through which individuals and groups can get what they want and need by creat ing as well as exchanging the products and value with the others (Kotler, 1997). The important aspect to note here is how marketing is considered to be a ‘social’ process. However, in recent times, marketing has a more business related approach, rather than exchanging. In fact, the activities of a marketer are centred on how to improve brand image as well as profitability with the help of value creation. This definition becomes very narrow in today’s sense because marketing is no longer about exchanging products or services, but in fact it has a higher focus on customers as well as profitability. However, this high focus on brand image and profitability has often resulted in compromises in terms of ethics in social media. According to the definition provided by the Chartered Institute of Marketing, marketing is the management process that is crucial in identifying, anticipating as well as satisfying the requirements of the customers in a manner that is profitable for the organization (The Chartered Institute of Marketing, n.d). In this definition, this focus is given on customers and the agenda of marketing revolves around the needs and the satisfaction of the customers. In addition, while this is a good approach to adopt, presently, focus is much higher on the profitability of the company, which can be illustrated by the increasing violation of ethics in social networking marketing. Hence, it is clear that the definition of marketing, its operations and the way in which it is perceived has undergone a considerable amount of change over the years. The
Friday, October 4, 2019
Why incentive plans cannot work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Why incentive plans cannot work - Essay Example We will be summarizing the main points of the article below. The article by Kohn (1993) questions the assumption that rewards or incentives can do no good for the performance of employees. The article is not accepting the basic psychological assumption that underlines any incentive plan, and an explanation is given as to why incentive plans cannot work. The system of giving rewards to employees is criticized because of the ill founded assumptions. Implementation of incentive plans have been criticized previously but the philosophy behind rewards and incentives was not questioned. The empirical evidence against reward is seen as a problem with implementation rather than that of philosophy of incentive plans. The argument given forward by the article is that rewards and incentive plans only yield temporary compliance of employees. Incentives, according to the article, do not increase the productivity or working potential of a person for a longer period of time. Rather rewards only force employees to comply with the organizational needs on a temporary basis. This effect is not at all a long term thing, and the world seems to be oblivious of the fact because of the limited research work on incentives. Studies on incentives and rewards are many but they seem to put forward the basic psychological relationship between reward and work. For many decades now this assumption has not been challenged in studies. This is why people have failed to realize that reward and incentive plans only breed temporary compliance. Rewards and inventive plans are known for changing the attitudes of people towards something but the author contends that the effect of reward is not different than that of punishment. The effect of reward only temporary changes behavior and as soon as the effect of reward fades away, the behavior reverts back. This means that there is not intrinsic change in a person’s belief or attitude due
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