
Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, The Ambiguity of Human Emotion

A person is defined by more than his name, his occupation, or his family because he belongs to a greater universe where he is defined as a human, famous for imperfection and the conscience. However, the most obvious typical of humanity is governed by the dynamics of emotion. In Franz Kafkas novel The transfiguration Gregor Samsa finds himself falling out of society and losing touch with humanity, and his loss of personal identity is furthered by his inability to understand emotion. The narrators presentation of human emotion, specifically kindness and anger, creates opposing tones of equivocalness and lucidity, a conflict that answers to a greater theme of the novel.

        Situations where a sense of kindness is elicited indicate the narrators ambiguity. The first occurrence of this is when Grete brings Gregor food: [In] the goodness of her heart...she brought him a whole selection of food, all set out on an old newspaper. There were old, half-decayed vegetables, bones from last nights supper...[and] a routine of cheese that Gregor would have called uneatable two days past (91). Gregor perceives her actions as benevolence, but the details suggest a divers(prenominal) interpretation. The objects that Grete brings are garbage, which implies that self-aggrandizing food to Gregor is analogous to throwing it away.

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Thus, this course, as presented by the narrator, can be interpreted in two diametric ways; it can be perceived from Gregors point of view, in which the feeding is an act of kindness, or it can be seen from a more realistic point of view, in which the family is simply giving him food that would have been thrown out anyway. The fact that this passage can be read in two unlike ways, from personal perspective or an external perspective, indicates its ambiguous tone. This ambiguity is again portrayed when the sister...

We had to read this in our english crystalize last year and answer a ton of questions on it. Reading this definately would have helped with the questions. You do a good business looking at the work from a variety of angles.

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