
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Change Pains

Why do people do what they do? How do they get down who they are? What is it that makes you, you? In they autobiography, Black Boy, by Richard Wright one sees that through different feel experiences how a poor, s show uphern, black boy forms his identity operator through Social Structure, Ideology and Interaction. Wright was born September 4th, 1908 to a poverty stricken and abusive family on a multiple sclerosis plantation. In 1944 he wrote a book telling is flavor story, not only the history he lived through besides the aspect of American life though the eyes of a black boy trying to find his place.

        In chapter 3 of Wrights novel he writes how in his twelfth year of life a growth spurt hit and he was propel into a world of older people and had to conform to their slipway of living (Wright, 1944, pp.91). Social organise is the social life in which one is placed into, including schedules, routines and various groups or institutions. Wrights social structure at twelve years of age consisted of hanging out in a pack of black boys who spoke and compete in childish ways, which expressed their strife for freedom and habituation as a man.

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The gang had specific rules that went unspoken, rather, were learned by making mistakes and breaking the rules only to get humiliated and no better the next time. This gang did not hang in the company of girls or whites. One never would show personalised dependence on anything even on its own members in the gang. Fowl language including the word nigger were used excessively in order to prove ones toughness (Wright, 1944, pp.91).

Although dependence was a taboo in the gang many of the boys in the gang were very dependent on their family and each other (Wright, 1944,

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